10+ players instances?
No thank you^^
We are perfectly fine with the current dungeon systems and fractals+the world bosses.
I’d rather have more slots in the party system, especially for WvW
I say why not? 10+ players. unless you can not muster so many friends than i would say indeed dont do it!
I would have no problem with raising the limit on players in a dungeon group while keeping the rewards the same.
That being said, I might just schedule time to raid if it came to this game.
2 very fun dungeons in gw1 had a player base of 12, was great fun. But in the end of gw1 a harder time to find people to do it with you.
But those dungeons were great fun.
As the topic.
" Question for the all players. Do you want to see in the game 10 + player’s instances? "
Let developers to think
Dungeons that requires a 10+ players?!?!?
The need to band together with a large number of players, form guilds, work as a team, strengthen bonds, large challenging bosses, time consuming content that would actually give players who put time into games something to do!?!?!?
What do you think this is? A massively multiplayer online game? This is guildwars 2! designed for casuals who play for an hour a day and complain if something takes too long.
Seriously, what kind of crazy idea is that?
Strange as it sounds, I think that’s where Guild Missions will go.
I haven’t participated in any, but that seems like the perfect place for ArenaNet to make such a thing possible.
Few Dungeons that require 10+ players would be awesome!
Before they add 10 man dungeons or guild events I think they need to spend more time on making the current dungeons bosses more dynamic. I think that the Molten Facility was a step in the right direction for a dungeon boss.
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Before they add 10 man dungeons or guild events I think they need to spend more time on making the current dungeons bosses more dynamic. I think that the Molten Facility was a step in the right direction for a dungeon boss.
I agree
I don’t think there should be 10+ man dungeon that are only 10+
However I wouldn’t mind if existing dungeons gained an additional 10 man path. Brand new not just scaled up existing. Could be potentially fun to have to use 2 groups that have to coordinate along 2 paths. Possibly even boss fights that have the groups seperated working to expose a vulnerable spot for the other group to exploit.
But again would likely be a ways off. Possibly even something to stick in an expansion as away to keep people popping back to the older content and help keep the players spread out as the new content hhits
Would be great
Yes, I would love 10+. I can’t speak for the community and say “we need it” or “we don’t need it” but I would love it.
Strange as it sounds, I think that’s where Guild Missions will go.
I haven’t participated in any, but that seems like the perfect place for ArenaNet to make such a thing possible.
Guild missions can get too crowded too fast…. I’ve been in a large guild doing puzzle and challenges… and the lag makes it unpleasant and not at all challenging or dynamic when you have too many people.
A 10-man-limit dungeon call solve this “overcrowding” problem and offers challenging fight. That said, I’d rather Anet makes more improvements on their current 5man dungeon. The improved AC was definitely a positive progress so was the molten facility dungeon.
I would want it, I miss the hard mode 8 man dungeons from guild wars 1. I want a fissure of woe or underworld!