Add a WvW monthly section
good idea, nothing more to say.
I like this idea, and I can think of only one major counter-argument to it.
There are a few servers out there for which WvW is effectively not an option – the tier that Henge of Denravi is in, for example, has been a complete lockout by one of the servers for over a week, and possibly as long as two weeks. While, yes, server swapping is an option, it shouldn’t really be a necessity for the sake of completing a monthly.
Currently the only WvW participation required for monthlies is a simple kill count. This is achievable regardless of anyone’s server’s status in WvW (or lack thereof). It is even achievable for individuals not working in a seriously organized fashion. Capturing major objectives such as the castle would cut against this.
On the one hand, this is still actually a good thing, because with no WvW in the “normal” monthly, even casual PvE players stand a chance of completion. On the other hand, it could make the proposed WvW monthly effectively unattainable in a (very limited) number of brackets.
I like this idea, and I can think of only one major counter-argument to it.
There are a few servers out there for which WvW is effectively not an option – the tier that Henge of Denravi is in, for example, has been a complete lockout by one of the servers for over a week, and possibly as long as two weeks. While, yes, server swapping is an option, it shouldn’t really be a necessity for the sake of completing a monthly.
Currently the only WvW participation required for monthlies is a simple kill count. This is achievable regardless of anyone’s server’s status in WvW (or lack thereof). It is even achievable for individuals not working in a seriously organized fashion. Capturing major objectives such as the castle would cut against this.
On the one hand, this is still actually a good thing, because with no WvW in the “normal” monthly, even casual PvE players stand a chance of completion. On the other hand, it could make the proposed WvW monthly effectively unattainable in a (very limited) number of brackets.
I thought of that when I was thinking of examples, that’s why each one is possible both playing as attacker or defender (eg, escort/destroy caravans)
as for making it impossible on some servers, that could possibly be a good thing (not the impossible part, but what it will do for those servers), it will get people who want to complete the daily to rethink strategies and try harder, and the incentive added could also bring more people into WvW to do more than just join a zerg, kill 50 enemies, then leave.
who knows, it may get entire guilds into WvW and they find they enjoy it enough to keep playing :P
edit: just as a clarification, I don’t mean that one of them should be “capture and defend stonemist castle x times” I mean, “capture or defend any supply camp, a tower, a keep, or the castle, x times”
(edited by Calcifire.1864)
edit: just as a clarification, I don’t mean that one of them should be “capture and defend stonemist castle x times” I mean, “capture or defend any supply camp, a tower, a keep, or the castle, x times”
Ah, I thought you were proposing specific objectives at each “tier” of capture point. The way you’ve proposed it would still at least be possible on low-WvW turnout servers.
I think that it would be a good idea both for pvp players and WvW players. I have some guildmates that are PvE players and feel hard times needing to kill 100 guys in WvW for PvE monthly. Also, I find some WvW guys feeling hard times needing to make dungeons in order to complete pve monthly. Rewards abour badges and prints. Why not?
Maybe the only disadvantage would be a bigger separation between PvE players and WvW players, since actually everybody need to do both for attaining the monthly. Nevertheless, as you said, maybe some PvE guys wanting to make the achievment would see that WvW is very entertaining and would like to play more WvW in the future. But stil, Anet did the same for sPvP, so it can be done for WvW. Maybe WvW could become a more important part of the game this way.
This thread was up an hour or so before this one, but keep both active! More publicity can only be a good thing!
Pure White [pW]