Aesthetic changes to gear

Aesthetic changes to gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: kaotiktheory.8942


There are some things that bug me about the aesthetics of some gear in this otherwise beautiful and very imaginative game.

1. Medium armour on female characters is usually a major let down. Because they are mainly trench coat, they make the female form look a little too bulky and unflattering. It looks like this armour was optimised for male models. Which leads me to point 2…

2. Too many trench coats across the board. We need more sexy medium armour.

3. Light armour on male characters is also a major let down. Again I think this is because a lot of light armour is optimised for female models. They usually just look like ill-fitting man-skirts (instead of actual robes), with some very obvious exceptions. For instance the Pheonix armour looks great on a female, and pretty boring on a male.

4. Hopefully we’ve seen the end of flame-inspired weapon designs. We’ve had far too many of these, and although they look cool – I would love to see something a little different. Dragon Jade, Aetherised and Zenith weapons look amazing! Would love to see some more ice, electric, or technologicaly advanced looking weapons across the board.

5. I would love to have more hairstyle options from the self-style hair kits.

6. I would love to see a wardrobe system implemented in this game. I’ve brought this up before and seemed to get some positive feedback. It works similar to City of Heroes. When you acquire armour or weapons, its them permanently unlocked in your wardrobe. You can then go into the wardrobe and take the ‘skin’ of the weapon or armour and apply it to whatever your stat-gear your wearing and you can do this as many times as you like. You could have an NPC that does this for you, and after you’ve made all the changes the NPC then charges you an amount of transmute stones according to how many things you changed.

Aesthetic changes to gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I have two female medium armor-wearing characters. Neither in trench coats, but there does seem to be a plethora of items in that style. No idea about male armor, as I have none. The suggestions are nice, probably should place them in the Suggestion sub-forum.

Aesthetic changes to gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Point 2 should have been point 1. Female or not there needs to be a better variety for medium .

As for point 4 i somewhat agree . I think whatever the inspiration is should be worked into the weapon instead of being so in your face though .

on 5 more customization is always good .

Aesthetic changes to gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: kaotiktheory.8942


Doh! Moved to the suggestions forum again! LOL! Not having much luck with my posts getting heard!

Aesthetic changes to gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: emikochan.8504


well your number 6 was heard, anet are looking to add a system where the skins you’ve acquired will be switchable more easily.

I think more options are always good and anet are working on more armours, in time I’m sure there will be a great many options, since the level cap is never going to get any higher

Welcome to my world –

Aesthetic changes to gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


I’ve always thought over sexualized gear really took the immersion out of it for me. No one would be wearing stuff like that in combat, but that is totally subjective.

More variety in the medium armor department would be great. As a charr, having more options then just trench coats could go a long way in making the tail clipping not such a major issue.

I’d also like to see more pants options that cover the boots. See the Commando’s leg armor.

Aesthetic changes to gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sonia.7910


I’m in for changes both in female medium and light wear (I can’t talk about heavy since I have no characters of those classes yet). I would love some medium gear which are not trench coats, and there’s no need to make them hypersexualized either (some are ok, but I’m still trying to overcome the T3 human female medium armor and the way it shows half an… apple). There are awesome low level medium armor sets like the Duelist or the Padded ones, and I would like more like that one.

Light armor on the other side goes all the way to the opposite extreme and I’d love to see some sets which don’t seem out of Rio’s Carnival. It’s not only that they show an unbelievable amount of skin (they make me shiver at the Shiverpeaks… maybe a mage gave them their name), but also they must be really uncomfortable with those huge half-skirts and those Venetian masks. Again some variety (specially trousers – I want to see my Ele’s legs when she’s jumping puzzles!) would be welcome.

But my main complain in light armor is how some pieces seem just cut… I mean. In medium armor a coat is a coat. It is a torso piece, but if it is a long coat it covers the legs and sometimes you don’t even see the trousers under it. With light armor it is as if someone took a scissor and cut the bodice in half. There are some sets in which half of the bodice is part of the torso and half part of the legs and that makes them almost impossible to combine with other sets (and makes dyeing them an unfair task if you want them to look properly). Can that, at least, be fixed?

Little lost clumsy thief in Tarnished Coast

Aesthetic changes to gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: kaotiktheory.8942


well your number 6 was heard, anet are looking to add a system where the skins you’ve acquired will be switchable more easily.

Oh they are? That’s great! I had no idea. Do you have a link for when they said that?

Aesthetic changes to gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: kaotiktheory.8942


But my main complain in light armor is how some pieces seem just cut… I mean. In medium armor a coat is a coat. It is a torso piece, but if it is a long coat it covers the legs and sometimes you don’t even see the trousers under it. With light armor it is as if someone took a scissor and cut the bodice in half. There are some sets in which half of the bodice is part of the torso and half part of the legs and that makes them almost impossible to combine with other sets (and makes dyeing them an unfair task if you want them to look properly). Can that, at least, be fixed?

That’s actually a REALLY good point. I’ve never thought about it that way. But you’re right. None of the light armor cuts well. The medium armor has trench coats for the chest pieces that seem to flow down around the feet. But for light armor the flowing robe part is part of the leg piece, so there is always an awkward cut in the middle. You’ve nailed it on the head!

So we just need the lower part around the legs of the flowing robes to be part of the same chest piece so it’s not cut in the middle like that.