All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: RLD.7439


That would be a patch note of great awesomeness.

Why do Thieves get to be special snowflakes that get a 25% speed boost signet?

If any class should get one it would be Ranger.

But to be honest, every single class should have the option of using a 25% movement speed signet.

When I play my Thief for a while and switch characters I feel as if I’m running through mud =\

“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” -CS

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: vonBoomslang.8296


Because theirs comes at the third tier of skills.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Musta.9803


Let’s take a useful ability and make it totally not unique by giving it to every class.

You know what? I’m tired of my guardian only being able to summon Spirit Weapons. Let me summon a Flesh Golem!

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


because other classes have signets which make them unique.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Johnny Whoa.8126

Johnny Whoa.8126

I understand the arguments against giving it to all classes, but this isn’t necessarily a unique sort of thing. It just lets thieves get around faster than everyone else.

I wouldn’t mind having only them get it if it weren’t for the fact that speed drops like a rock when you enter combat. I can’t describe how many times I’ve gotten killed because twenty NPCs were chasing me at their regular speed while I was stuck with the speed debuff.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phy.2913


Passive speed buffs should be uniform across classes. There’s more than enough abilities for each class to be “unique”.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


Eh you can keep your 25% runspeed. My guard cruises around at 33% all the time.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


Because thieves need the speed to get in and out quickly, we squishy.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


I hate being an engineer that doesn’t use swords or magic! Let me use them! And while you’re at it, I’d like to have Mesmer portals too!

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

One of the things Unique to Thieves though is speed, it’s something you can spec them for versus other classes.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: MegaBUD.2097


Main reason why i cant play another class… after playing 1-25 with my alt (mesmer) i started to understand why people wanted mount…

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604


My engineer runs at 33% speed all the time, I need no signets

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


You know sometimes I’d like it if my Ranger could wear heavy armor like Warriors. In fact, let’s just let all the classes wear any armor type they want to. That way we can collect more of them. Also, I want banners to carry around, and my pets want to carry banners around in their mouths (or beaks or mandibles) too. The idea of having a mesmer teleport thing is awesome. Oh and I almost forgot, I want those healing/protection spells that guardians get.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yoda.9428


You can’t start changing the specs of classes, to do so can lead to serious balancing issues.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: MLieBennett.9031


Mesmers: No stable long-term out-of-combat speed increase, yet we have Moa Morph.

I can live with that. Even if it means I’m Wiley Coyote trying to chase down Road Runner every time, with the same success rate against runners.

- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

Mesmer gets a power with the Focus (I believe, could be a different off-hand weap) to improve run speed

Elementalist can get a passive 35% boost to speed when attuned to Air. And you can fire off Ride the Lightning w/o a target to zip forward in a straight line about 100 yds. Or use the Staff Air ability #4 to add to your speed on top of the passive speed boost.

Engineer gets an Elixir to improve their speed

Guardian has a Shout to get speed

This is just off the top of my head. I’m sure other professions get similar boosts.

IOW I don’t see the problem here.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: tzko.2370


Guardian’s Staff also has an ability to boost speed, nr 3 aim in front of you and off you go!

Dont forget: running to packs of mobs is not very advisable in this game. Use waypoints to get around instead. If you do have to go through a crowd of fiends then I advice you not to use a running faster ability but all the other ones to defeat them instead.

…still…no mounts needed imo

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Ok, I actually laid this out in the mount debate, to discuss walking time.

Guardian, Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, Mesmer, and Necromancer all have a weapon skill that grants swiftness.

Guardian, Warrior, Engineer, Mesmer, Thief, and Ranger all have leap skills.

Guardian, and Engineer have utility skills that can grant swiftness out of combat.

If you actually wiki it, you’ll find that thieves have the *least* swiftness granting skills, and only one leap skill to close a gap. So yeah, they can get a constant 25% speed buff, but that’s really not special compared to *everyone* else having multiple ways of putting 33% on themselves and party members, and jumping great distances to close the gap way faster than a thief could.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Keep your signets, i’m fine with my elixirs and kits.

But I do agree, if your gonna give a class a speed boost make it equal to the rest. The Ranger gets a measly 10% boost while most others get above 25%.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

No, rangers get a leap that covers a range of 1100. They don’t need to be able to keep up with anything when they can instantly close an almost longbow range with one button.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Ok, I actually laid this out in the mount debate, to discuss walking time.

Guardian, Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, Mesmer, and Necromancer all have a weapon skill that grants swiftness.

Guardian, Warrior, Engineer, Mesmer, Thief, and Ranger all have leap skills.

Guardian, and Engineer have utility skills that can grant swiftness out of combat.

If you actually wiki it, you’ll find that thieves have the least swiftness granting skills, and only one leap skill to close a gap. So yeah, they can get a constant 25% speed buff, but that’s really not special compared to everyone else having multiple ways of putting 33% on themselves and party members, and jumping great distances to close the gap way faster than a thief could.

Remember that Thief has Heartseeker, the spammiest leap in the game, and Infiltrator’s Arrow, by a wide margin the spammiest targeted teleport.
Though I do agree that the main reason Thief gets the 25% is because they don’t actually have a swiftness-granting skill, just some traits that can do it, though among those is 2s swiftness on dodge.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


No! If you start spamming prof specific skills to all profs eventually there will be no point in having different profs.

Doesn’t even make sense that a warrior in heavy armor could suddenly run 25% faster? No.

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tribune.3782


Yeah. Let’s make all classes exactly the same. They should just look different with different names for the respective skills. Wait, let’s just remove all classes from the game. Let there be only be one class (e.g. warriors) and and one armor type. Of course!

Specific classes having special features is essential to a class based game.

Also, I don’t know thy elementalist (with one of the highest mobilities before the 14th patch) and necromancers (why?) got the speed buff, too. It’s not as if they were designed to be fast scouts etc.

(edited by Tribune.3782)

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Next thing I know, you’ll be saying everyone deserves a signet that reduces all damage by 10%.

My guardian is not amused, and he is very content without a movement signet.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Ok, I actually laid this out in the mount debate, to discuss walking time.

Guardian, Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, Mesmer, and Necromancer all have a weapon skill that grants swiftness.

Guardian, Warrior, Engineer, Mesmer, Thief, and Ranger all have leap skills.

Guardian, and Engineer have utility skills that can grant swiftness out of combat.

If you actually wiki it, you’ll find that thieves have the least swiftness granting skills, and only one leap skill to close a gap. So yeah, they can get a constant 25% speed buff, but that’s really not special compared to everyone else having multiple ways of putting 33% on themselves and party members, and jumping great distances to close the gap way faster than a thief could.

you forgot banners for warriors .

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


GIVE ME MOUNTS! 35% move speed for everyone with mounts = more collectables! EVERYONE HAPPI! :>

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Groovy.6749


Why did you necro that thread bro ?

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sepreh.5924


I might be in the complete minority by saying this, but shouldnt base movement speed have something to do with the type of armor you wear? Heavy armor makes you move more slowly, medium armor medium speed and light armor the fastest?

I’d imagine there is some flaw in my logic so let me know :-p

Legendary Sepreh, Necromancer
[SYN] Synyster Legion | Dragonbrand Server
Youtube Necromancer

All classes now get a 25% movement signet...

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


It seems valid to me. That is how it works iRL. Obviously your base body model should have an effect too. Gonad the Barbarian in heavy armor should be able to move faster than Tinkerbell in heavy armor.

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