@ Anet, ways to make your game better

@ Anet, ways to make your game better

in Suggestions

Posted by: Touche Amore.2083

Touche Amore.2083

Things I feel would improve the game:

Traits – be able to unlock additional trait loadouts at certain levels/for certain amounts of gold so you can have up to 3 (no less than 2)
trait loadouts instead of having to pay/respec several times a day….ie one for casual pve/dungeon/pvp play. Make them costly to keep the
obvious anet goldsink well oiled.

Traveling/armor repair expenses – its an obvious goldsink, but its just overkill…please adjust it.
WVW armor repair – please waive these fees to prevent discouraging people from wvw…..‘LOLolol you got rolled by 50 ppls,
that will be 15 silverz plz’

Legitimate trade window for player to player…i dont see how the game was released without a feature like this.

Dungeon group finder tool…let players be able to pick which classes they are looking for, etc.

Dragon Bosses/map champions – make loot factor by time spent at event/dmg done. More time invested = better rewards.

Loot upgrade in general

Be able to search for certain armor values/stats in Trading post (light/medium/heavy armors…certain stats, etc)

Dyeable weapons

Server lottery system

joke/burp/fart/flirt/other emotes/sounds

Make magic find numbers not so misleading.

Exclusive achievement point rewards….more/better titles

Gem Store: (aka ways to make anet monies….no pay to win stuff pls, pure cosmetics):

exclusive dyes (neon/glowing, sparkling, multi hue, pretty stuff)

Skin Dyes

Hair/etc redo tokens

Sex change tokens

name change tokens

Ranger Class:
-quivers for backpiece
-when you stow pet, make pet STAY stowed until you CHOOSE to unstow…..the auto pop out when you take damage is very annoying
-Pets age/grow in size over time
-Pet skin dyes/look customization
-isntant skill activate on f2 press…..delay is ridiculous for some
-If pet is set to passive, DO NOT have them run and auto attack if you activate the passive pets skills/buffs (red moa, fern wolf, etc)
-Fix bear/fern wolf footsteps….its STILL bugged

I have only leveled a ranger to 80, so I cannot speak much for other classes….sorry.

Some may be less realistic than others, but its all stuff I feel would fit and benefit GW2. Thanks for your time…

(edited by Touche Amore.2083)

@ Anet, ways to make your game better

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Drop rates for champs and dragons are kinda supposed to be crap… They are constantly spawning and you want what, 3 rares or an exotic for participating the whole time? That would just throw the tp prices outa wack. Agree with the ranger changes, hate that pets are bound to ranger in the first place (weren’t in Gw1) but regardless, it needs fixing.

As for trade between players, its good this isn’t there. No game have I ever found where people arn’t trying to scam you through the trade window; game communities just suck. IF you get scammed through mail trade or tp trade (if even possible) tell areanet and they will resolve the issue, but player to player trade would just give Anet another 24/7 maintenance job to handle.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

@ Anet, ways to make your game better

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeivu.3615


In terms of traits, I thought that they said at one point they could be earned from doing special, secret interactions with the world. What became of that?

@ Anet, ways to make your game better

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


It got reworked before BWE1, I believe, so that people would be able to get traits in a steady flow. They also changed out the old system that let you spend skill points on any of the skills you wanted to the current tiered one.

@ Anet, ways to make your game better

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Traits – be able to unlock additional trait loadouts at certain levels/for certain amounts of gold so you can have up to 3 (no less than 2)
trait loadouts instead of having to pay/respec several times a day….ie one for casual pve/dungeon/pvp play.

Agreed, some traits are very situational and having to respec takes time. Having the ability to predefine specs and swap would be a nice addition.

Traveling/armor repair expenses – its an obvious goldsink, but its just overkill…please adjust it.

I guess I’m just awesome because I don’t have and problems with either.

Legitimate trade window for player to player…i dont see how the game was released without a feature like this.

This has been discusses before (although discusses might actually imply civility and intelligence). Basically there is nothing you can do with a trade windows that you cannot already do in game, except scam and cheap people.

Dungeon group finder tool…let players be able to pick which classes they are looking for, etc.

I kinda would like this as well but I can see why ANet isn’t including it, you’ll end up with WoW style dungeon pugs and then the next thing the suggestion forum would be filled with people complaining about dungeon difficulty (more so than present).

Dragon Bosses/map champions – make loot factor by time spent at event/dmg done. More time invested = better rewards.

A bit of a nightmare there. Ok so you have 40 people spamming the big dragon, how do you distribute loot? Ok so if you do x-damage you get y-class items. But what if there is a hundred? Clearly you’re overall damage will be lower because there’s more people pew pew-ing. Do you then get worse quality items? What about the guy you did large amounts of damage but kept dying because dogging is for little girls and had to constantly be revived and in effect got a bunch of kind hearted players killed who tried to revive him? Does he get the nice items?

Be able to search for certain armor values/stats in Trading post (light/medium/heavy armors…certain stats, etc)

Agreed. I can be tricking to find good items on the AH and thus it gets a bit discouraging for potential seller to but their items on the AH because who knows if someone will buy it.

Dyeable weapons

Agree completely. My weapons too often class with the rest of my outfit.

Make magic find numbers not so misleading.

I think the word you meant to use was obscure or cryptic. But yes I agree.

exclusive dyes (neon/glowing, sparkling, multi hue, pretty stuff)

It would be nice.

Skin Dyes

Hair/etc redo tokens

Sex change tokens

name change tokens

Funny how we currently don’t have this. I see this as being a potential money maker.