Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liquid.2059


I feel like I would much rather follow someone who has spent 1000 badges on a commander title than someone who more than likely purchased 100g to buy commander title and has little to no idea what they’re doing. You can’t buy the WvW karma armor with gold, why can you buy the most important title related to it? Anyone feel the same?

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: DeFrOn.8607


Definitely support this one. 100g gonna be easy in the future.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liquid.2059


Yeah, kinda seems like a little oversight on their part. Great game, little things like this could use a quick, easy fix.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coriac.3274


Commander title should be a guild upgrade feature.
This feature should be available to leaders with people behind them.
There is no point to give it to lonely farmers.

Coriac – Morniëntur of Fëar Morniëo – Grand Cross Alliance – Vizunah square

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: TevinC.1472


I disagree. Only because it is useful in PvE as well.

Split PvE commander and WvW commander. Make PvE a little less gold and WvW badges.

Liana Lawson
Guardians of Valinor [Elf]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Thagyr.4136


I think the Commander Icon in itself is just a luxury, and luxuries cost gold. We have had commanders before we even had the first person with that icon, and they are all part of our in server alliance. If some random buys it expecting to be the special snowflake leader then they will be surprised.

It’s not like the Icon gives them a buff or anything. Players are players, and if someone buys the book and doesn’t prove himself to those who follow him, then players will wise up. It’ll be the buyers loss at that point.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893



100g does not reflect prowess on the battlefield, or any knowledge of it.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenant.2691


I’m behind this 100%. Now, I’ve worked with great commanders who knew what they were doing and were absolutely hero-status when it came to organizing people and getting the job done. But for every one of them, there’s a bunch more who don’t know what they’re doing and just shout random orders at people because they have a blue chevron on the map. This makes it very hard for the good commanders, as everyone who sees someone with a commander tag just dismisses them as a windbag who spent a lot of gold to feel important.

If you made it based on badges, then the players in question would at least have to participate in WvW for a long enough time to both become a known face and get enough experience with how WvW works to know what needs to be done. As it is… anyone with a lot of gold can just buy a book to look important, even if they’ve never even been in WvW. Saw one a while back who didn’t know how supply worked, no joke… /facepalm

EDIT As far as the commander title being a luxury is concerned, it’s not. The ability to make and manage multiple-party squads and place map markers is an extremely valuable tool for managing large-scale WvW operations.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: DeFrOn.8607


Please change it Anet !


Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


1000 badges? Omg, hell no.
Anyway as someone mentioned, Commander is usefull and will be even more usefull in the future during PvE big events. Forcing them to do WvW for 1 month straight to gain 1000 badges would be pretty bad idea.

It have to be separated or left as it is right now. Bad commanders are a nuisance – i agree, but you just can’t do nothing about this.. If people are dumb enough to follow them – nothing to do about it, except buying commander for 1 competent guy that will use it in WvW and lead our server.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liquid.2059


Having it as a guild upgrade is a really, really good idea. Have it be a guild upgrade, Art of War rank V or whatever is highest, and have it cost 500+ Badges with/without IP is whatever, and that guild leader gets the Commander signet on the map.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coriac.3274


Badges or gold is the same to me… it’s just a farming question.

This should definively be a guild upgrade with high influence cost in the “art of war” section.

Coriac – Morniëntur of Fëar Morniëo – Grand Cross Alliance – Vizunah square

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Massacrul.2016


The problem is – what to do with Commanders that are in game right now if you want to change the way Commander rank is obtained.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Badges or gold is the same to me… it’s just a farming question.

This should definively be a guild upgrade with high influence cost in the “art of war” section.

Anyone can farm gold.

Only people that actually WvW can farm Badges, that is the point.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


They should probably revoke all current commanders and refund their gold.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Liquid.2059


Badges or gold is the same to me… it’s just a farming question.

This should definively be a guild upgrade with high influence cost in the “art of war” section.

Anyone can farm gold.

Only people that actually WvW can farm Badges, that is the point.

Exactly! There’s no way someone’s gonna nab 1000 badges without learning a thing or 2 on how to run a WvW party.