Badges of Honor

Badges of Honor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caelib.2497


Badges of Honor are too hard to obtain — there’s no consistent way to gain them without having a total glass cannon build/group. In addition to the current drop system, please add the following rewards:

Sentry: 1 badge
Camp: 2 badges
Tower: 3 badges
Keep: 5 badges
Castle: 10 badges

Badges of Honor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mojo.8431


how about also if your side is undermanned then kills drop medals a lot more often

Badges of Honor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Would prefer if they promoted defens, so you got the badges if you defended Camp, Tower, Keep, Castle instead.

Ps you get 1-2 badges when you kill leader in Supply Camps.

Badges of Honor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Victory.2879


Op- too many badges would be dropped that way, it should be 1 badge per X events that you take part in- especially defences to encourage people to take this part of the game seriously.

Shadow- drop rate on killing leader in supply camps seems to be pretty pants now, I got ONE badge from taking part in 10 camp caps last night and was hitting leader every time, so it’s a bit too random and damage based atm.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Badges of Honor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caelib.2497


Ps you get 1-2 badges when you kill leader in Supply Camps.

Right … but you need a glass cannon build/group to get credit for that.

Op- too many badges would be dropped that way, it should be 1 badge per X events that you take part in- especially defences to encourage people to take this part of the game seriously.

Now you realize a player needs about 2000 badges for a full of Invader’s exotics right? I’ve been playing WvW at least an hour a day on average since launch and I’ve obtained ~700 Badges. When you consider the time investment compared with other paths in the game to get Exotic armor (Karma or Dungeon), it’s probably 15- 20 times greater to get a set.