Bring back the healer role
You can still play a healer, and more importantly, you can play it with half the classes in the game if you spec right. Are you going to stand there and deal zero damage or permanently keep a single tank alive through little to no effort like in WoW? No, this game doesn’t work like that and never will.
I normally play healer classes in other RPGs too, but I like GW2 the way it is now. Besides you can do some decent heals (for this game anyways) on an elementalist if you have not tried them yet.
yeah I definitely agree that they need to improve the support roles a bit, for example crit chance doesn’t affect heals in the slightest while in other games it does. Also things like the +healing on armor often doesn’t scale many of the abilities healers have.
(I play support engineer quite a few problems with no scaling no crit healing)
It’s already a struggle to help kill things while playing a support role for many classes why make it even harder by not allowing scaling and crit to affect healing.
You can spec right all you want but if the classes don’t work they way the game’s mechanics were intended then why have them in there at all? Right now +healing only affects like two abilities out of the large number of heals the engineer has as an example. I’m pretty sure this prolly happens in other classes as well.
One of the biggest problems for healers in other games was keeping themselves alive because there was an aggro table for healing. This occurs in this game constantly yet the regens and traits to keep oneself alive for support roles don’t work anywhere near as well as the Unicorn build for thieves, a class that has no real support role. They definitely need to look into it.
yeah I definitely agree that they need to improve the support roles a bit, for example crit chance doesn’t affect heals in the slightest while in other games it does. Also things like the +healing on armor often doesn’t scale many of the abilities healers have.
The problem is, if they make crit chance work with heals, Bunker guardian will essentially become unstoppable in SPvP. I think it’s a cool idea, and that they could implement it, just not sure exactly how they would do so without breaking more things than they fix.
yeah I definitely agree that they need to improve the support roles a bit, for example crit chance doesn’t affect heals in the slightest while in other games it does. Also things like the +healing on armor often doesn’t scale many of the abilities healers have.
The problem is, if they make crit chance work with heals, Bunker guardian will essentially become unstoppable in SPvP. I think it’s a cool idea, and that they could implement it, just not sure exactly how they would do so without breaking more things than they fix.
Uhm guardians/warriors near impossible to kill anyway? Well that just means they have some serious balancing to do is all, harming healers of every other class won’t fix the issues with this game.
It’s the same for dps. Two classes can 1 shot right now. Do you think that’s fair too? or do you think like I do that they should balance that as well by giving all of the other classes the ability to do preparatory abilities to one shot as well or remove those one shot abilities entirely.
Making the mechanics of the game function properly like crit chance, won’t break the game, leaving the things in this game that make it near impossible to play breaks the game.
yeah I definitely agree that they need to improve the support roles a bit, for example crit chance doesn’t affect heals in the slightest while in other games it does. Also things like the +healing on armor often doesn’t scale many of the abilities healers have.
The problem is, if they make crit chance work with heals, Bunker guardian will essentially become unstoppable in SPvP. I think it’s a cool idea, and that they could implement it, just not sure exactly how they would do so without breaking more things than they fix.
Uhm guardians/warriors near impossible to kill anyway? Well that just means they have some serious balancing to do is all, harming healers of every other class won’t fix the issues with this game.
It’s the same for dps. Two classes can 1 shot right now. Do you think that’s fair too? or do you think like I do that they should balance that as well by giving all of the other classes the ability to do preparatory abilities to one shot as well or remove those one shot abilities entirely.
Making the mechanics of the game function properly like crit chance, won’t break the game, leaving the things in this game that make it near impossible to play breaks the game.
Warrior is one of the two easiest classes to kill in sPvP.
yeah I definitely agree that they need to improve the support roles a bit, for example crit chance doesn’t affect heals in the slightest while in other games it does. Also things like the +healing on armor often doesn’t scale many of the abilities healers have.
The problem is, if they make crit chance work with heals, Bunker guardian will essentially become unstoppable in SPvP. I think it’s a cool idea, and that they could implement it, just not sure exactly how they would do so without breaking more things than they fix.
Uhm guardians/warriors near impossible to kill anyway? Well that just means they have some serious balancing to do is all, harming healers of every other class won’t fix the issues with this game.
It’s the same for dps. Two classes can 1 shot right now. Do you think that’s fair too? or do you think like I do that they should balance that as well by giving all of the other classes the ability to do preparatory abilities to one shot as well or remove those one shot abilities entirely.
Making the mechanics of the game function properly like crit chance, won’t break the game, leaving the things in this game that make it near impossible to play breaks the game.
Well that’s not true, I can build my Ele to where he can one-shot anything. The difference is, at that point I can BE one-shotted by anything because I have zero defense. I don’t have a problem with certain ‘assassin-like’ classes being able to one-shot if they build for it. The problem is currently that warriors can one-shot while being tanky enough to take more than a few blows, so they auto-win in any glass vs glass situation. And thieves, while able to be one-shotted, can one-shot from complete safety and drop back in to complete safety if they fail. That needs to be fixed.
Guardians are a problem that needs fixing, they are not unkillable they just take too long to kill to make it fun or worth the point value you get from there death. Tanky warriors are much less of a problem, I take warriors down all the time with my bleed elementalist, my bomber engineer, and my confusion mesmer. You just don’t face glass cannon warriors as a glass cannon, they will always win.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
Why heal when you can prevent damage instead? Why blow all your heal skills and water fields when you can give everyone protection, massively stun your enemies, and hinder them with cripples?
See your crippled low health party member trying to run away? Use a partywide condition removal + give him swiftness. See your party member being overwhelmed? Stealth him or mass blind the enemies around him. Enemies about to use a one-shot ability? Stun it!
Your healer/support role has changed. Instead of watching out for healthbars, you have to watch out for your friends.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
I don’t think a specific healing role would work at all in this game. Adding it would require rewriting and rebalancing everything, from sPvP to WvW to PvE. The game was designed for gameplay without a person being a healer specifically.
Sorry no trinity in this game. That also means no dedicated healer.
Please people, stop trying to make this another generic holy trinity mmo game. Learn how to use a class and you can see a lot of help or support for the party, not the usual heal, heal, heal, heal, hela, buffs, heal, heal, heal…. Learn how to use combos, some friends love to do a dungeon with my ranger because I normally use healing spring for group supporting, someone with blast combo finisher can blast the water field and spray a good amount of heal to everyone.
Light fields (enginner and guardian are better to use them) can be blasted for retaliation.
You can find a lot of this mechanics here
Learn the mechanics instead of transform it in the generic mechanics.
(edited by evolverzilla.2359)
Less healing across the board means more offensive play, faster combat, and more fun.
Dedicated healers would ruin that.
I agree that dedicated healers would ruin the gameplay. I like my guardian how he is.. dmg and healing with group support while i do my job. Not the other way around.
As some already pointed out, you can be heal/support on all classes…even thief (Fast Condition removal..anyone?^^).
But if you want to excel at heal/support its way more about position play, condition removal, buffing, timing of HoT/boon duration and ccs …compared to other MMOs.
Btw. 2 new sets for dedicated heal/supporter/tank builds came out with the last 2 events Lost shores & Winters day.
So ANET listend
If you still have troubles as heal/support, u might take a look at traits/weapon or maybe even your playstyle.
So, I vote a strong NO. Not more emphasis on Trinity roles, cuz the basic mechanics in place just work fine…and some player like me already are using them for different roles by mere switching exo-equip.
(ele 20-30 earth can go defense or condition dps, just by switching equip (and some traitskills maybe^^))
(edited by Edragor.9164)
When I see that I just vomited… Seriously ANET? You said NO HOLY TRINITY but because some generic MMO addicted whined about can´t have this kitten party configuration you just made a way to bring it back?
Sorry but for me it´s just the end. The next you will bring something that gives +1000 vitality and toughness so you can bring back the tank role?
Well you win, make this game another kitten MMO, I don´t care. When it comes to be another TABULA RASA , just remember that people wanted this game as you stated on your manifesto and wanted it to suceed.
But you are turning it to another generic MMO and it will go to hell and will close the servers because it will be not profitable because there are new kitten MMO with more shinies.
All hard work of the players lost, and those who wanted to change this game to another generic MMO will be in the new shinie. And people like me will be kitten.
Thanks ANET, you really make my day better.
(edited by evolverzilla.2359)
Healing never left the game, you just need to know where to look.
Warriors can burst heal or sustain heal like monsters if specced right. Guardians and elementalists are fountains of health if specced right. Engineers can play healer in a pinch as well. Mesmers can go into a healing spec.
5/8 classes can go into some sort of dedicated/semi dedicated healer role. Compared to most MMO’s GW2 actually has MORE healers.
To be precise. Warrior can go for Shouts heal + banner regen, and take 3 shouts + warbanner, bursting out near 9k heals for the entire party (party of 5 = 45k healing in 1 second). while buffing their attack damage and clearing conditions.
Guardian uses Mace/Focus along with healing traits to generate constant regen, atop regen, atop a third regen, that all stack, with a little burst heal on the side from focus. You have your auto attacks healing + sigil healing + floor sigil healing + passive healing. And all of that stacks with regen boons.
Mesmer uses a mantra gatling gun build with sword pistol, charging mantras to pulse healing while deploying duelists who set off AoE regen while expending mantra charges. Unlike warrior, it’s a slower burn but more stable healing spam that doesn’tt eat all your utility slots.
Engineer uses medkit, healing turret, supply drop, and bomb kit specced for bombs healing. You drop medkits around, then start dropping bombs to pulse AoE healing. Pretty complex, but lots of benefits to it.
Elementalist. Water. You are now a hose of life.
(edited by AnemoneMeer.7182)
This case they boosted the healing system with a new set. So now the healing is really boosted. An join this with an guardian support/bunker spec, just use some DPS (glass canon) and you will have the trinity again.
In a game of NO TRINITY. Yeah, they realized that it´s more fast profitable to just make this another TABULA RASA, they close the game at same point and will not give a kitten because if you paid something they send you a mail telling that you will give a discount in theyr new GENERIC MMO.
Sorry if I´m ranting, but now I see the direction of ANET in this game.
P.S… another thing to say City of Heroes…
(edited by evolverzilla.2359)
This case they boosted the healing system with a new set. So now the healing is really boosted. An join this with an guardian support/bunker spec, just use some DPS (glass canon) and you will have the trinity again.
In a game of NO TRINITY. Yeah, they realized that it´s more fast profitable to just make this another TABULA RASA, they close the game at same point and will not give a kitten because if you paid something they send you a mail telling that you will give a discount in theyr new GENERIC MMO.
Sorry if I´m ranting, but now I see the direction of ANET in this game.
P.S… another thing to say City of Heroes…
Honestly, I’m glad for the givers set. It really buffs warrior supports and other unconventional supports, making it a better option.
As I already said, 5/8 classes can go pure healer, or semi-pure healer builds and legitimately make them work, while sttill contributing on the offensive side. It never left the game, this is just a bonus for those who like that playstyle.
Don’t fix what is not broken. The game works fine as it is. There are plenty of classes that have more of a healing aspect or build to them. Roll one and L2P.
YOU WIN! What more you have to say to me. They gave you the powers and give a kitten about the rest, even their manifesto, so you can stop whining about getting the healer role and the holy trinity to this game and be happy.
I will not wait another Tabula Rasa or City of Heroes happen here. I will look for a more stable MMO to waste my time and money on and will not wait for this to end and lose my time.
I’ve seen PUG groups fail and keep on struggling because one or two people players have their mindset stuck in tank or healer playstyles. If a guy tries to tank, he’ll die pretty fast, and if a player tries to stand back and just heal, then he wont be adding any damage, and he certainly wont single-handedly keep another player up (especially if said player have tanking delusions).
No, this is GW2, if you want an MMO with an old trinity, then play one. Why try to change this game into something it clearly isn’t?
What I will say is, I wish the professions came a bit more into their own. Each profession should play like it has its own role. Some skills feel a bit lackluster, and I blame traits for that. Instead of having a healer shaman or a paladin tank, this game should have a spirit weapon guardian or a turret engineer.
Right now some of the traits feel a bit wishy-washy. For instance, reduces damage dealt to turrets by 30% or increases spirit weapon damage by 10%. WoW suffered from the same ‘numbers just aren’t all that fun’ issue, and GW2 kinda replicates that now. Traits should feel fun, and some of them do, but more over some of them could be more powerful than they are now. Basically, that would promote GW2 archetype builds, like a spirit guardian or turret engineer, and they will be a fun asset to the party through fun and interesting trait choices.
Also, from a setup like this weird builds will emerge, coupling odd traits together to form strange combos, but it will work together in fun ways, which adding numbers to numbers just can’t promote.
Just no.
I for one, will not rely on another class to heal me ever again.
Im not going back.
9/3/13 rip