Camera Issues

Camera Issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: oryza.5039


Since release, there have been a number of camera problems plaguing players like myself and many others. The most important one of these was the extremely narrow field of view, which as I understand has been fixed somewhat, but still feels extremely narrow to me.

Aside from the narrow field of view, the camera position is still centered way too low towards the ground. This, combined with the narrow field of view, has meant that it is extremely difficult or impossible to look upwards. To this day, I have no idea what the majority of ceilings in the game look like, or even the tops of structures or environments. A more important side effect of this has been my completely inability to see flying enemies unless I am extremely far away. If I’m in combat with something flying, I have to rely exclusively on tab targetting unless I am using the most extreme camera angles and standing right beneath the enemy.

The last problem which may be a bug, is the camera rapidly zooming in and out when environmental objects get close to the screen. This happens particularly often if I’m running into a wall (as in every jumping puzzle), and the camera often flashes in and out.

Is there any plan by arenanet to fix any of these camera problems in the near future?

Camera Issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malvagite.3254


my worst issues are when my camera immediately goes from looking behind my character to looking straight up at the ceiling in the middle of a fight….for no reason.

and when my mouse cursor goes from being in front of me placing ground targeted aoe to totally behind me. again…..for no reason.

Camera Issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: oryza.5039


That might be an issue with your mouse. Try using a different one?

Camera Issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malvagite.3254


That might be an issue with your mouse. Try using a different one?

it has happened with 2 separate razer nagas and my current logitech g600.

it isnt a mouse issue.