Change mesmer portal

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Art.9820


Well I do play a mesmer and usually port a lot of people in EB…. I actually agree that somehow it breaks jp mechanics but if we actually compare it to other skills we are seeing a lot of game-breakers, if we are removing portals from jp we should remove any leap or stealth skill too, all of those give you a huge advantage in eb jp, the enemy could have 30+ camping the jp but I always manage to bypass that defense with my thief really easy so my point is that if we remove portal from jp’s we will be seeing posts against stealth, speed buffs and leap skills in jps.

The only solution to me… it would be to remove jps from WvW xD

All classes

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Also, do you really want more people spending time in the EBG JP rather than fighting in WvW? People would spend hours in the darkroom failing miserably.

Portals are fine.

PS: I made 6g the other day portaling people up in EBG. Shame on me!

Then that’s their fault. Content gets skipped enough as is, especially in dungeons. If someone is honestly still using the arrow keys to turn then they have lost a grip of reality and should take a break to catch their breathe. It is guarunteed if they use the arrow keys to turn they are almost useless in every part of the game, combat here is much more fast paced than other games. Otherwise, jp arn’t that hard (shoulda been playing super mario).

Also, shame on you! Should be spending that 6g on feasts for your server!

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Karmasutra.9351


It’s only cheating if it’s being used in an unintended way. Seems to me it’s working as intended. Plus it’s a JP… who the frick cares.

What about eng’s super gun jump of awesomeness? You think they should remove that too?

Exactly! ..and what about warriors and their jump skill? Take away mesmer portals in JP then everyone else better loose their stuff too.

I’m fine with the idea that when people enter a JP zone all skills go away and everyone is given the same weapon/skill, like the Super Fun Dungeon thing that’s going on right now. It would even things out and take the pressure off mesmers a bit.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


It’s only cheating if it’s being used in an unintended way. Seems to me it’s working as intended. Plus it’s a JP… who the frick cares.

What about eng’s super gun jump of awesomeness? You think they should remove that too?

Exactly! ..and what about warriors and their jump skill? Take away mesmer portals in JP then everyone else better loose their stuff too.

I’m fine with the idea that when people enter a JP zone all skills go away and everyone is given the same weapon/skill, like the Super Fun Dungeon thing that’s going on right now. It would even things out and take the pressure off mesmers a bit.

Agreed. EBG Jp should be a friendly plane, not a battle ; ;

Most people are only there to get the badges for their legendary anyways. Why ruin their day?

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devilsmack.5736


Also don’t allow stealth in JP’s (especially EBG) because thieves have an advantage. Also, make 25% movement signets not work because it gives an advantage to jumping. Also, remove guardian leap in EBG JP because it allows them to make certain jumps rather easily. Actually, just make everyone that enters the EBG JP a non-textured pixelated cube with no skills or abilities so there is no advantage or disadvantage to anyone. Maybe we should also do this to everyone in wvw….

See what I did there?

Also, do you really want more people spending time in the EBG JP rather than fighting in WvW? People would spend hours in the darkroom failing miserably.

Portals are fine.

PS: I made 6g the other day portaling people up in EBG. Shame on me!

6g? I gotta start doing it myself! How much did you charge for each portal?

Alanna Grisel (M) / Devilsmack (N)
Kildemort (W) / Killer Claws (G)
Deadly God (En) – Fort Aspenwood

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheKimuki.6493


Ok, so Anet should nerf portal because it allows players to get jp achievements without doing the jp…

Isn’t it easier to change the way those achievements are granted? Maybe they could place some location marks on the jp route that you must visit in order to unlock the achievement, instead of it being tied to the chest placement.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devilsmack.5736


Ok, so Anet should nerf portal because it allows players to get jp achievements without doing the jp…

Isn’t it easier to change the way those achievements are granted? Maybe they could place some location marks on the jp route that you must visit in order to unlock the achievement, instead of it being tied to the chest placement.

Or maybe, just MAYBE get a mesmer friend to portal you and anyone around that also needs a lift and quit all of this senseless banter.

Alanna Grisel (M) / Devilsmack (N)
Kildemort (W) / Killer Claws (G)
Deadly God (En) – Fort Aspenwood

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheKimuki.6493


I should have been more clear. I disagree with the OP and think portal is fine as it is (I also play a mesmer as main), and have no problem if people obtain the achievement when I portal them.

I was only saying that, in case there was a problem with jp achievements, it could be solved in other ways, without nerfing portal (again).

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devilsmack.5736


JPs should be fun, if you choose to use portals, fine. If you wanna go and do it the hard/challenging way, fine too.

It’s all about choices here. Noone is forcing you to take one.

Achievements are like bragging over kittens.

Alanna Grisel (M) / Devilsmack (N)
Kildemort (W) / Killer Claws (G)
Deadly God (En) – Fort Aspenwood

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


But the majority of players use those portals skipping over the jp. It’s hardly an option, because people do it when its availible. It’d be like allowing shadow step to jump over ledges. Why should mesmers be the only ones allowed to bypass content? More importantly why should those who bypass content be rewarded at all? If you wana skip content fine but you should receive nothing at all for being lazy.

My biggest problem with this portal is how lazy people become. “Why do a jp when you can just pay someone to portal you up?”…..Heck, don’t pay them the portal has 20 uses, you can just hop in and get the rewards for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. :/

I sometimes hate todays mmo players…

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: g e o.2589

g e o.2589

It’s only cheating if it’s being used in an unintended way. Seems to me it’s working as intended. Plus it’s a JP… who the frick cares.

What about eng’s super gun jump of awesomeness? You think they should remove that too?

Exactly! ..and what about warriors and their jump skill? Take away mesmer portals in JP then everyone else better loose their stuff too.

I’m fine with the idea that when people enter a JP zone all skills go away and everyone is given the same weapon/skill, like the Super Fun Dungeon thing that’s going on right now. It would even things out and take the pressure off mesmers a bit.

Agreed. EBG Jp should be a friendly plane, not a battle ; ;

Most people are only there to get the badges for their legendary anyways. Why ruin their day?

It’s a PvP zone, its a battleground. Killing should always be done there

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


But the majority of players use those portals skipping over the jp. It’s hardly an option, because people do it when its availible. It’d be like allowing shadow step to jump over ledges. Why should mesmers be the only ones allowed to bypass content? More importantly why should those who bypass content be rewarded at all? If you wana skip content fine but you should receive nothing at all for being lazy.

My biggest problem with this portal is how lazy people become. “Why do a jp when you can just pay someone to portal you up?”…..Heck, don’t pay them the portal has 20 uses, you can just hop in and get the rewards for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. :/

I sometimes hate todays mmo players…

How do you know it’s a majority?

People who do the jumping puzzle by actually doing it don’t broadcast it and won’t actually say no to the portal, they just won’t show up or use it if it happens to be spawned on them.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


But the majority of players use those portals skipping over the jp. It’s hardly an option, because people do it when its availible. It’d be like allowing shadow step to jump over ledges. Why should mesmers be the only ones allowed to bypass content? More importantly why should those who bypass content be rewarded at all? If you wana skip content fine but you should receive nothing at all for being lazy.

My biggest problem with this portal is how lazy people become. “Why do a jp when you can just pay someone to portal you up?”…..Heck, don’t pay them the portal has 20 uses, you can just hop in and get the rewards for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. :/

I sometimes hate todays mmo players…

How do you know it’s a majority?

People who do the jumping puzzle by actually doing it don’t broadcast it and won’t actually say no to the portal, they just won’t show up or use it if it happens to be spawned on them.

Because of the few times I have done ebh jp, I watche mesmers portaling up dozens of people. It’s usually 2-3 memsers doing this. Maybe majority is a wrong term ,but mejority of my server is safe to say.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


I hope you guys understand that mesmers aren’t bypassing anything. Portals don’t have a targeting reticule. Both the entrance and exit can only be opened on the spot that the mesmer is standing. That means at least one mesmer went through the entire jumping puzzle the hard way.

Now consider this. Mesmers don’t have a passive speed boost signet or any jumping skills from weapons. In fact, the only reliable speed boost they have is Temporal Curtain, which will NOT stack swiftness over any other speed boost! On top of that, there are only a handful of spots where Blink will move mesmers to a spot they can’t normally reach by jumping. This means mesmers generally have a harder time getting though jumping puzzles than every other class. Portals cannot and will NEVER help mesmers progress forward! The best they can do is place them back at a point they were previously and that’s only if the entrance portal was dropped ahead of time AND still active AND still within range! To make matters worse, Portal has even more limitations than that! Don’t even get me started on the transfer limit and ridiculously long cooldown!

In this respect, portals in jumping puzzles will benefit a mesmer’s allies more than it will ever benefit the mesmer that created it. Think about that! The ability all you guys are crying over is more beneficial to YOU than the class that has it! Even with that, Anet, in all their infinite wisdom, still nerfed portal to hell and back! Now jumping puzzles and base bombing are pretty much all it’s good for and you guys want it nerfed MORE?!

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


I hope you guys understand that mesmers aren’t bypassing anything. Portals don’t have a targeting reticule. Both the entrance and exit can only be opened on the spot that the mesmer is standing. That means at least one mesmer went through the entire jumping puzzle the hard way.

Now consider this. Mesmers don’t have a passive speed boost signet or any jumping skills from weapons. In fact, the only reliable speed boost they have is Temporal Curtain, which will NOT stack swiftness over any other speed boost! On top of that, there are only a handful of spots where Blink will move mesmers to a spot they can’t normally reach by jumping. This means mesmers generally have a harder time getting though jumping puzzles than every other class. Portals cannot and will NEVER help mesmers progress forward! The best they can do is place them back at a point they were previously and that’s only if the entrance portal was dropped ahead of time AND still active AND still within range! To make matters worse, Portal has even more limitations than that! Don’t even get me started on the transfer limit and ridiculously long cooldown!

In this respect, portals in jumping puzzles will benefit a mesmer’s allies more than it will ever benefit the mesmer that created it. Think about that! The ability all you guys are crying over is more beneficial to YOU than the class that has it! Even with that, Anet, in all their infinite wisdom, still nerfed portal to hell and back! Now jumping puzzles and base bombing are pretty much all it’s good for and you guys want it nerfed MORE?!


Though, I have used my portal as a buffer. When I am half way through a JP and passed a really hard part and am about to hit another hard part, I’ll throw the portal down, so if I fall I won’t have to redo the start

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Not everyone can do the jumping puzzles, not even the easy ones. A guildie of mine has arthritis in her hands. Jumping puzzles are difficult for her. When we are in a group and doing a JP, naturally she wants to be with us. She does try but many of the jumps are beyond her. So we portal her. And then there are the people with slow Internet connection. They have trouble also. Not everyone who wants a portal is lazy.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


But the majority of players use those portals skipping over the jp. It’s hardly an option, because people do it when its availible. It’d be like allowing shadow step to jump over ledges. Why should mesmers be the only ones allowed to bypass content? More importantly why should those who bypass content be rewarded at all? If you wana skip content fine but you should receive nothing at all for being lazy.

My biggest problem with this portal is how lazy people become. “Why do a jp when you can just pay someone to portal you up?”…..Heck, don’t pay them the portal has 20 uses, you can just hop in and get the rewards for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. :/

I sometimes hate todays mmo players…

How do you know it’s a majority?

People who do the jumping puzzle by actually doing it don’t broadcast it and won’t actually say no to the portal, they just won’t show up or use it if it happens to be spawned on them.

Because of the few times I have done ebh jp, I watche mesmers portaling up dozens of people. It’s usually 2-3 memsers doing this. Maybe majority is a wrong term ,but mejority of my server is safe to say.

So the few times you’re in that JP, you’ve seen a handful of mesmers doing it to a dozen or so people. Even on your server you can’t use just a handful of times of doing it to say that that’s a majority. Now I’d probably say that the majority of the portaling is probably done for the EB JP due to the fact that that one is in WvW and players tend to be better at killing players than AI is.

Observations about one JP can not be used to infer about other JP’s. And ANet has to consider all JP’s when they do things to affect people “cheating” their way through it. The ones in Lion’s Arch and the ones on the PvE maps where you might come across an enemy.

Now I’m not saying that being portaled to the end of a JP from a spot outside of the jumping puzzle should grant the achievement. Because you didn’t actually do the jumping puzzle. But should someone portal someone past a hard jump because that someone has valid reasons for not being able to make that jump shouldn’t be prohibited. Even if that hard jump is the last one before the chest.

Nor should being portaled to the end from the outside just for the chest contents. They aren’t all that special or valuable most times.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I hope you guys understand that mesmers aren’t bypassing anything. Portals don’t have a targeting reticule. Both the entrance and exit can only be opened on the spot that the mesmer is standing. That means at least one mesmer went through the entire jumping puzzle the hard way.

In this respect, portals in jumping puzzles will benefit a mesmer’s allies more than it will ever benefit the mesmer that created it. Think about that! The ability all you guys are crying over is more beneficial to YOU than the class that has it! Even with that, Anet, in all their infinite wisdom, still nerfed portal to hell and back! Now jumping puzzles and base bombing are pretty much all it’s good for and you guys want it nerfed MORE?!

Well thank goodness somone can do a jp. Does that mean their efforts should spread to the other people who are too lazy to do it themselves? Nope.

Like I’ve said, idm mesmers portal bombing behind a zerg, thats strategic and makes sense since it hardly ever involves jumping over some cliff. But jumping over walls over through an entire jp is just non sense imo. And if you have arthritis, why are you attempting a jp? More importantly how are you managing to play such a fast paced game without taking breaks? Phyisical limitations should be no excuse to let players bypass content. Might as well make some skill that 1 shots a boss because some people can’t dodge quickly enough due to poor hand-eye coordination. Good bosses and good puzzles, are supposed to be difficult. You should be proud you did it, not relieved that a mesmer was there to assist you. Who cares if the portal doesn’t affect the mesmer, its a lazy tactic not a friendly one. Sure is nice to get paid to portal people, but you arn’t helping anyone really. You’re just putting players into the mindset that in the future all jp will just have a mesmer to portal them through. What happens when a new jp released disables all skills but rewards an amazing item at the end? Where is your knowledge of jumping puzzles then? None, because you never did any yourself.

I don’t suggest or agree with a portal nerf, I suggest removing skills like portals/teleports/far leaps from being effective in any jp or wall jump.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Well thank goodness somone can do a jp. Does that mean their efforts should spread to the other people who are too lazy to do it themselves? Nope.

Like I’ve said, idm mesmers portal bombing behind a zerg, thats strategic and makes sense since it hardly ever involves jumping over some cliff. But jumping over walls over through an entire jp is just non sense imo. And if you have arthritis, why are you attempting a jp? More importantly how are you managing to play such a fast paced game without taking breaks? Phyisical limitations should be no excuse to let players bypass content. Might as well make some skill that 1 shots a boss because some people can’t dodge quickly enough due to poor hand-eye coordination. Good bosses and good puzzles, are supposed to be difficult. You should be proud you did it, not relieved that a mesmer was there to assist you. Who cares if the portal doesn’t affect the mesmer, its a lazy tactic not a friendly one. Sure is nice to get paid to portal people, but you arn’t helping anyone really. You’re just putting players into the mindset that in the future all jp will just have a mesmer to portal them through. What happens when a new jp released disables all skills but rewards an amazing item at the end? Where is your knowledge of jumping puzzles then? None, because you never did any yourself.

I don’t suggest or agree with a portal nerf, I suggest removing skills like portals/teleports/far leaps from being effective in any jp or wall jump.

So those with physical limitations shouldn’t play MMO’s? Shouldn’t give them a try to see if they can overcome their disability and become a great player? And the lady with arthritis is that she gets portaled through the JP AFTER trying her hand at it. It’s not like she goes “I’ve got arthritis, give me a portal” without ever trying the JP herself. They just have to find a class and build that will support the playstyle their physical limitation imposes on them.

And big woopdedoo, someone with all the jumping puzzles done (which by the way, doesn’t have a title for doing that) got portaled through it. When achievement points earn you nothing beyond bragging rights. The goods at the end are 90% of the time aren’t all that great, with the very occasional rare. So it’s not like it gives them a huge advantage over those who actually do the JP.

And the JP’s that do offer good things at the end (SAB, the special event JP’s that were instanced) did things to prevent memser portaling people to the end.

Those that get portaled without trying only hurt themselves when they try one of the special event JP’s where they can’t get a mesmer to portal them. Which in actuality just makes the rewards from those JP’s even more valuable, especially if they aren’t soulbound or account bound.

(edited by Seera.5916)

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Well thank goodness somone can do a jp. Does that mean their efforts should spread to the other people who are too lazy to do it themselves? Nope.

Like I’ve said, idm mesmers portal bombing behind a zerg, thats strategic and makes sense since it hardly ever involves jumping over some cliff. But jumping over walls over through an entire jp is just non sense imo. And if you have arthritis, why are you attempting a jp? More importantly how are you managing to play such a fast paced game without taking breaks? Phyisical limitations should be no excuse to let players bypass content. Might as well make some skill that 1 shots a boss because some people can’t dodge quickly enough due to poor hand-eye coordination. Good bosses and good puzzles, are supposed to be difficult. You should be proud you did it, not relieved that a mesmer was there to assist you. Who cares if the portal doesn’t affect the mesmer, its a lazy tactic not a friendly one. Sure is nice to get paid to portal people, but you arn’t helping anyone really. You’re just putting players into the mindset that in the future all jp will just have a mesmer to portal them through. What happens when a new jp released disables all skills but rewards an amazing item at the end? Where is your knowledge of jumping puzzles then? None, because you never did any yourself.

I don’t suggest or agree with a portal nerf, I suggest removing skills like portals/teleports/far leaps from being effective in any jp or wall jump.

So those with physical limitations shouldn’t play MMO’s? Shouldn’t give them a try to see if they can overcome their disability and become a great player? And the lady with arthritis is that she gets portaled through the JP AFTER trying her hand at it. It’s not like she goes “I’ve got arthritis, give me a portal” without ever trying the JP herself. They just have to find a class and build that will support the playstyle their physical limitation imposes on them.

No, you shouldn’t use people with phyiscal limitations as an excuse is my point. Never said she shouldn’t play mmo’s, I’m not her parents (or whoever she may listen to).

Also, acheivment points are pointless, thats not the kinda credit I’m concerned about. It’s the loot which in some cases can be a rare. Not 100% pointing the finger at mesmers, because I think daily jp chests are just kitten. Horrible idea, and there’s no sense of acomplishment if you do it correctly or through a portal. Thats not to say mesmers are making it any better, it’s just making the scenario even worse than before, because now daily jp have become mainstream due to their ease. Most jp arn’t hard, so any mesmer can jump through and get them allies up to the end with little effort. Some mesmer’s get paid, some don’t, who cares. Its not part of the jp, how is getting paid to help bypass content fair? Should we all just get mesmers leveled or get a mesmer friend and skip jp for chests? What kinda non sense are we coming to? I just don’t get it… Lazy people seem to win even in game nowadays..

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Well thank goodness somone can do a jp. Does that mean their efforts should spread to the other people who are too lazy to do it themselves? Nope.

Like I’ve said, idm mesmers portal bombing behind a zerg, thats strategic and makes sense since it hardly ever involves jumping over some cliff. But jumping over walls over through an entire jp is just non sense imo. And if you have arthritis, why are you attempting a jp? More importantly how are you managing to play such a fast paced game without taking breaks? Phyisical limitations should be no excuse to let players bypass content. Might as well make some skill that 1 shots a boss because some people can’t dodge quickly enough due to poor hand-eye coordination. Good bosses and good puzzles, are supposed to be difficult. You should be proud you did it, not relieved that a mesmer was there to assist you. Who cares if the portal doesn’t affect the mesmer, its a lazy tactic not a friendly one. Sure is nice to get paid to portal people, but you arn’t helping anyone really. You’re just putting players into the mindset that in the future all jp will just have a mesmer to portal them through. What happens when a new jp released disables all skills but rewards an amazing item at the end? Where is your knowledge of jumping puzzles then? None, because you never did any yourself.

I don’t suggest or agree with a portal nerf, I suggest removing skills like portals/teleports/far leaps from being effective in any jp or wall jump.

So those with physical limitations shouldn’t play MMO’s? Shouldn’t give them a try to see if they can overcome their disability and become a great player? And the lady with arthritis is that she gets portaled through the JP AFTER trying her hand at it. It’s not like she goes “I’ve got arthritis, give me a portal” without ever trying the JP herself. They just have to find a class and build that will support the playstyle their physical limitation imposes on them.

No, you shouldn’t use people with phyiscal limitations as an excuse is my point. Never said she shouldn’t play mmo’s, I’m not her parents (or whoever she may listen to).

Also, acheivment points are pointless, thats not the kinda credit I’m concerned about. It’s the loot which in some cases can be a rare. Not 100% pointing the finger at mesmers, because I think daily jp chests are just kitten. Horrible idea, and there’s no sense of acomplishment if you do it correctly or through a portal. Thats not to say mesmers are making it any better, it’s just making the scenario even worse than before, because now daily jp have become mainstream due to their ease. Most jp arn’t hard, so any mesmer can jump through and get them allies up to the end with little effort. Some mesmer’s get paid, some don’t, who cares. Its not part of the jp, how is getting paid to help bypass content fair? Should we all just get mesmers leveled or get a mesmer friend and skip jp for chests? What kinda non sense are we coming to? I just don’t get it… Lazy people seem to win even in game nowadays..

You took issue with someone with arthritis trying a jumping puzzle. Why should they not try a jumping puzzle? Why should they, when they realize they just can’t do it on their own, not be able to get some assistance from a friendly mesmer?

Then went on to ask how she’s even playing this fast paced game without taking breaks. How do you know she doesn’t take breaks? It’s not that hard to hit the go to character select screen if she’s playing alone or telling her buddies she needs a break and to watch her back. As long as she’s upfront about her having arthritis and needing breaks occasionally, I don’t see why she shouldn’t be playing GW2. Or any other game.

Most times I do not get a rare. It’s not like they guarantee a rare from every JP you do. So no, the loot table for jumping puzzles is not a valid reason for saying portals can’t be used to port people to the end.

And if you think there is no sense of accomplishment whether you do it correctly or through a JP, why do you care if it’s allowed or not? And I’m not being rhetorical here. Why do you seem to care so much about mesmers using their portals to port people when you don’t think it’s an accomplishment either way? The small amount of money that’s earned compared to dungeon farming or playing the Trading Post probably brings in more bang for the time spent than doing a jumping puzzle, even if you are portaled. So I’m not really seeing why it’s such a big deal. Those who get portaled are just hurting themselves in the long run.

(edited by Seera.5916)

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

I would liken it more to paying someone to make my food for me. Sure I could learn how to stick the fries in the oil, and learn the right order to put the stuff on a hamburger, but I don’t find that a valuable skill.

And this is the whole problem. If you are not good enough to finish some (any) piece of content, you shouldn’t get the reward for it. That is actually so obvious that I don’t get how people can disagree with it.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


And if you think there is no sense of accomplishment whether you do it correctly or through a JP, why do you care if it’s allowed or not? And I’m not being rhetorical here. Why do you seem to care so much about mesmers using their portals to port people when you don’t think it’s an accomplishment either way? The small amount of money that’s earned compared to dungeon farming or playing the Trading Post probably brings in more bang for the time spent than doing a jumping puzzle, even if you are portaled. So I’m not really seeing why it’s such a big deal. Those who get portaled are just hurting themselves in the long run.

If something is challenging in game, I don’t think there should be a “shortcut” to skip it. Is all. Its a mix of players “needing” an item from chest (badges from ebg jp) and said chest being daily therefore portaling has become mainstream (has been for awhile in ebg, spreading to open pve).

If someone has arthritis, or poor hand-eye coordination, or simply cannot grasp difficult game mechanics that doesn’t mean we make it super easy by allowing something like a portal through. Two adjustments to these puzzles should be made with reasons behind them.

1. Chests spawn weekly and their rewards are adjusted to compensate this. This eliminates the “millionth time” aspect of running a jp so it isn’t a chore as much. I agree, doing the same thing over and over it’s no wonder people have looked for quicker ways to do them (and ways to gain money from it).

2. Portals, teleports, leaps, anything that allows a player to skip large sections of a jp (not talking a small gap) should encounter invisible walls when attempted. Meaning, you try to teleport to a pillar to skip some large section, it simply will keep you at your starting point.

Sure the jp can be annoying, but you won’t be doing it constantly so you can bear through it, plus you got all week to do it so no rush. After x amount of tries, the puzzle will become second nature with you and it will be a breeze. As for the jp in la, can people not spend all but 3 minutes to do it themselves? They need someone else to do the “hard” work for them? I just don’t agree with this kinda of laziness. I hope the guild puzzles from guild missions don’t allow this non-sense.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


1. I wouldn’t mind a boost in JP rewards in return for them resetting less frequently. And in that case I wouldn’t mind more efforts to reduce the effectiveness of anything used to get to the chest without having to actually do the JP. But as it stands now, the rewards don’t really justify doing anything about the portals.

2. I wouldn’t say invisible wall, maybe if you’re within X range of the chest, you can’t place the either part of a portal. Making the X range of the chest be far enough that a person would still have to do a jump or two to get to it at least for a majority of JP’s. However, in the case of the person who has a disability and has trouble with some of the harder portions of a JP, they don’t feel jilted and can get helped through the JP.

Heck, my brother while running on his mesmer had a friend running with him for the Pirate JP. He missed the last jump before the chest after having done the entire thing successfully and it wasn’t his first time doing that JP. Should he be punished thanks to lazy players? Because the rewards given are worth the time spent if you do it only one time that day. Be honest, one chest isn’t worth two runs of the same JP.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: realmckay.1574


It sucks how the portal (and blink) was ‘fixed’ in one of the recent patches. Completely screws up the entire purpose and use of those skills. Portal gives an interesting dynamic to the game and a new edge for players when coupled with blink. What’s the point of blinking now – you can only blink 10 feet away – only to an area you can walk to. No use having it clog up your skill selections. And portal – without blink – is okay for a simple boring ability. What was once a strong unique support ability is now a waste of skill space.
I like the idea of infiltration and ‘ninja -like’ combat in WvW. A couple of thieves and Mesmer’s behind enemy lines. Makes it so that it isn’t all about zerg numbers and brute force to win a fight. But cunning and thought. A much more interactive gameplay experience that I have never seen in any other game.
Porting a zerg sucks, and that should have a limit – but don’t water down a class because of a few complications. Perhaps create a counter to it. Something that also gives the defendants an edge. A way to close portals or sweep out invisible people better. Or even a different limitation to the portal. Like – you can only portal those in your group (coupled with) can only change groups every 10mins or something. Then to port a zerg you’d have to have several Mesmers or a lot of patience.
I guess when it comes down to it – it sucks when there’s only 5-10 people in WvW on our side, and 35-45 on their side. You can’t take back a castle with just 5. You can’t toe to toe with a zerg. You can’t do anything. But with an edge like portal – you can. You don’t need to beat down the doors, but sneak in.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I wouldn’t mind if there was a limit of five players. The mesmer himself should always be able to port and all five should be able to port as often as they want as long as the portal is open. Then reduce the cooldown to ~40 seconds. That would make portals more useful in PvE and less mighty in WvW, at least it needs more mesmers playing coordinated that way. I made that suggestion from the begging being a mesmer myself, I never understood the changes they made to portal. Increasing the cooldown to 90 seconds was nothing but an annoyance.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I see the WvW issue as a valid tactic, however annoying it is. Cheating on the JPs (it is cheating, no matter how you argue that it isn’t) is bypassing the intended path to the reward. However, nerfing portal wouldn’t be my objective.

I actually agree with some of the posts that I suspect were intended to be sarcastic. Character skills should ALL be disabled in jumping puzzles, and they should be replaced with a standard JP skill set (a personal speed buff, maybe a short-duration light source, a heal, and a skill to avoid damage somehow). These JP skills would remain in place until after the player has left the JP entirely (including the exit platform). Therefore, a portal could not be placed at the exit.

I’m really not sure how to fix Obsidian Sanctum and the Borderlands puzzles, as combat is intended to take place. However, it could be something similar to the way GW used to handle the holiday brawls, where each class is given a standard set of skills and the normal skill bar is locked.

Just one non-nerf idea to fix the JP cheating.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkdanjal.3401


Mesmers are the tactitians on the battleground in WvW, so please learn to live with it, it feels like almost remove the mesmer portal…jezus every WvW group who tries to accomplish something has a mesmer around, you know what the first thing my grou kitten aying once we take a tower or keep or even castle check for mesmers so no please dont remove the portal or nerf it

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Actually… the mesmer that portals people WILL be able to do it.. since he has to jump the whole puzzle by himself to get to the end and then start using portal… And honestly, why would you care if someone else does it by pressing F or by jumping it himself? I personally find it good that portals can do that, I can only play a certain amount of time during weekdays and Im talking about just an half hour or something, so I get my portal and do the daily achievement just so I am able to get the rewards.

Not everyone puts all of his time into a game, some people actually have a life outside of gw2

No jp should take more than 10 minutes, even the ebg jp. Its an mmo, if you can’t put more than 30 minutes at a time in its likely you arn’t having much fun to begin with. Many people in my guild only play for short times, but thats like 1-2 hours maybe 4-5 times a week at best. Still, its giving them enough to enjoy the game yet live out in the open world free from the monitor. Never hear them complain about how long a jp is, they have on occasion joined me after I invite them and help guide them through. I don’t portal them through (don’t have a mesmer, even if I did I wouldn’t) because some jp arn’t “skippable” and require each player to get an item or a switch or something. The few jp that don’t require these are so easy already. No one is suggesting players start doing jp in a race against the clock, you got time.

And jp for daily laurel is one of few you can do, so thats not required. They put out multiple dailies specifically for the reason, some things don’t fit the playstyle of others and something like a jp or wvw requirement or dungeon are out of their limits.

I don’t think nerfing the portal is appropriate, it serves its purpose in countering a zerg or moving golems up but in the case of skipping a jp, it should be limited. As for walls, I don’t agree they should be allowed to hop over a wall but thats just me. I’m mixed on this because I enjoy mesmer sweeps but I hate the idea behind them. Im more so on not letting mesmer portals hop walls but its something that won’t change for awhile I bet.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


I see the WvW issue as a valid tactic, however annoying it is. Cheating on the JPs (it is cheating, no matter how you argue that it isn’t) is bypassing the intended path to the reward. However, nerfing portal wouldn’t be my objective.

I actually agree with some of the posts that I suspect were intended to be sarcastic. Character skills should ALL be disabled in jumping puzzles, and they should be replaced with a standard JP skill set (a personal speed buff, maybe a short-duration light source, a heal, and a skill to avoid damage somehow). These JP skills would remain in place until after the player has left the JP entirely (including the exit platform). Therefore, a portal could not be placed at the exit.

I’m really not sure how to fix Obsidian Sanctum and the Borderlands puzzles, as combat is intended to take place. However, it could be something similar to the way GW used to handle the holiday brawls, where each class is given a standard set of skills and the normal skill bar is locked.

Just one non-nerf idea to fix the JP cheating.

No to disabiling the skills in JP’s. Do remember that there ARE JP’s that are not in the cities where you might have to fight enemies. Plus, if you hijack or disable ALL skills you ruin the mystery of did you find the JP. Your solution would give an easy test. Can you use your own skills or are they disabled/hijacked? And that ruins the fun, especially should they add any new JP’s.

Just give the chest an area effect that disables portal placement. Since each chest is obviously unique to some degree in order to give the proper achievement, each chest can have a different radius to best ensure that at least some jumping is done by all players. Then it only affects the portals, but lets the player keep their skills meaning the solution would be applicable to ALL JP’s everywhere without angering those who actually do the JP properly.

Or place check points along the path. Heck maybe have the chests be opened by keys and it takes X keys to open them. Number varies from chest to chest depending on length of JP. And it takes collecting the X keys to completely get the achievement for doing a JP. And keys are soulbound upon aquire or at least account bound.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Freedan.1769


Hard to master? yes.


Promotes lazy players? HECK YES.

Only place I’ve used the portal is in ebg jp. Otherwise I just do it myself, they arn’t that hard and in future jp (take halloween clocktower for example and sab) where skills arn’t allowed, the practice goes a long way. Maybe if they put a block where players cannot use a portal to bypass a jp until they have completed it themselve’s once then w/e. But atleast try to do them… really not that difficult but everyone seems to make it out to be the hardest part of the game.

Portaling over walls in wvw however I think is cheating to an extent, the walls are there for a reason. No one should be able to jump over them, especially if the skill is exclusive to one profession.

Come on people. A person portalling is not jumping over the wall. He is teleporting through it. To do that he had to somehow get inside first, and hide sufficiently well that a sweep didn’t find him. Thats significant, and if you didn’t check, thats your fault, not the mesmer’s. Don’t blame his skills he decided to make a back door because the game doesn’t let players open gates from the INSIDE! As for JP, consider: aren’t we free to choose? Isn’t the game a better place with cool portal abilities in it? Why is everyone whining about one good skill mesmer’s have? Does this skill give them an advantage completing the puzzle themselves? No. How about capturing forts alone? No. Its best use is as a team skill. Not one of you has the right to complain about it being abused because the mesmer NEVER abuses it, only the player that accepts it. If someone steals a Ferrari and drives around in it, he cheated to acquire it. In the game, no one actually cares about getting the JP achievement, there is zero material advantage gained from having it. So if someone cheapens their experience by taking it, they aren’t hurting you, or the mesmer either. Just themselves. Maybe they don’t care. That’s cool, why do you care if they don’t? It was never your business to worry about them or the mesmer portalling them to begin with. Your free to take it or leave it. But saying they shouldn’t have it…if they can’t have it, warriors need less armor to be tanky. Rangers should be pet nerfed. Thieves should be inviso nerfed. Each possesses a mechanic that adds DEPTH to this game. Complaining about a skill that offers the caster himself no advantage is a straw man. Its not a real argument. Nerfing it only cheapens the game, and I so tired of listening to players complain about what the other guy is doing. Not your business, go do the puzzle yourself and if someone portals up, just remember that was their choice, not yours, and stop complaining for the sake of cheapening the experience. I didn’t know about mystic forge conduits until after they were removed, is that fair for me? I think everyone who has one should be banned because I can’t get one, because the recipe’s gone, and that IS a material advantage to the person who got lucky or noticed it in time. But banning them because of their advantage cheapens the game. That’s why I will NEVER stare up at someone else’s advantage and say we need to take it away, redistribute the wealth so to speak so no one has what I don’t. Because its still better for someone to have it than no one. I didn’t sign up to play GW2 to listen to trolls complain this way.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Hard to master? yes.


Promotes lazy players? HECK YES.

Only place I’ve used the portal is in ebg jp. Otherwise I just do it myself, they arn’t that hard and in future jp (take halloween clocktower for example and sab) where skills arn’t allowed, the practice goes a long way. Maybe if they put a block where players cannot use a portal to bypass a jp until they have completed it themselve’s once then w/e. But atleast try to do them… really not that difficult but everyone seems to make it out to be the hardest part of the game.

Portaling over walls in wvw however I think is cheating to an extent, the walls are there for a reason. No one should be able to jump over them, especially if the skill is exclusive to one profession.

Come on people. A person portalling is not jumping over the wall. He is teleporting through it. To do that he had to somehow get inside first, and hide sufficiently well that a sweep didn’t find him. Thats significant, and if you didn’t check, thats your fault, not the mesmer’s. Don’t blame his skills he decided to make a back door because the game doesn’t let players open gates from the INSIDE! As for JP, consider: aren’t we free to choose? Isn’t the game a better place with cool portal abilities in it? Why is everyone whining about one good skill mesmer’s have? Does this skill give them an advantage completing the puzzle themselves? No. How about capturing forts alone? No. Its best use is as a team skill. Not one of you has the right to complain about it being abused because the mesmer NEVER abuses it, only the player that accepts it. If someone steals a Ferrari and drives around in it, he cheated to acquire it. In the game, no one actually cares about getting the JP achievement, there is zero material advantage gained from having it. So if someone cheapens their experience by taking it, they aren’t hurting you, or the mesmer either. Just themselves. Maybe they don’t care. That’s cool, why do you care if they don’t? It was never your business to worry about them or the mesmer portalling them to begin with. Your free to take it or leave it. But saying they shouldn’t have it…if they can’t have it, warriors need less armor to be tanky. Rangers should be pet nerfed. Thieves should be inviso nerfed. Each possesses a mechanic that adds DEPTH to this game. Complaining about a skill that offers the caster himself no advantage is a straw man. Its not a real argument. Nerfing it only cheapens the game, and I so tired of listening to players complain about what the other guy is doing. Not your business, go do the puzzle yourself and if someone portals up, just remember that was their choice, not yours, and stop complaining for the sake of cheapening the experience. I didn’t know about mystic forge conduits until after they were removed, is that fair for me? I think everyone who has one should be banned because I can’t get one, because the recipe’s gone, and that IS a material advantage to the person who got lucky or noticed it in time. But banning them because of their advantage cheapens the game. That’s why I will NEVER stare up at someone else’s advantage and say we need to take it away, redistribute the wealth so to speak so no one has what I don’t. Because its still better for someone to have it than no one. I didn’t sign up to play GW2 to listen to trolls complain this way.

When did I say remove the portal?

I said it shouldn’t work in hopping walls or skipping a jp. And yeah, people skipping content isn’t my problem. But it doesn’t serve you right when trying to justify it out loud, in the gw2 forums. Do you think any map designer at Anet wanted to make these jp just to have memsers run it let everyone else skip it? Person Z stole the ferrari, now he’s letting all his/her friends try it out. How is that fair to the owner of the ferrari? The rewards may not justify it now, but the daily chest idea is horrible to begin with and who knows, maybe it’ll change. I sure hope it does atleast.

Mystic forge conduit doesn’t change the game, its a quality of life item, and you arn’t losing access to the mystic forge by not having one. How often do you even use the mystic forge compared to selling/salvaging?

Sure, I can choose to take the portal or do it myself. Doesn’t harm anyone if I do or don’t, but what if the player next to me decides to take the portal and I don’t? Then they get the advantage because I chose to play the puzzle correctly, and they decided to be lazy and collect their rewards with little to no effort.

Like I said, the chests should be weekly so the need to portal to make life easier is no long valid and then adjusting it’s use in content skipping can be reasonably done without complaints. If you still think portaling to skip content is fair, then stop trying to change my mind. It won’t happen.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Like I said, the chests should be weekly so the need to portal to make life easier is no long valid and then adjusting it’s use in content skipping can be reasonably done without complaints. If you still think portaling to skip content is fair, then stop trying to change my mind. It won’t happen.

And people would still take the portal because it is still easier to be portalled than to actually do the JP.

Your solution doesn’t get rid of the problem. The same % will still use portals. Just less frequently.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Like I said, the chests should be weekly so the need to portal to make life easier is no long valid and then adjusting it’s use in content skipping can be reasonably done without complaints. If you still think portaling to skip content is fair, then stop trying to change my mind. It won’t happen.

And people would still take the portal because it is still easier to be portalled than to actually do the JP.

Your solution doesn’t get rid of the problem. The same % will still use portals. Just less frequently.

In there I stated to change the portals ability in areas where it is skipping content, so the won’t be able to use the portal in a jp anymore (assuming they went by my idea, which isn’t likely). So it would theoretically, remove the % altogether. There wouldn’t be a portal to skip the jp.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malikkus.4396


#1: Not like there are 10 mesmers sitting around porting people in all the good JQ’s to trivialize the content, and someone would have to complete the puzzle in the first place to be able to get there. Should we take away necro’s return, or swiftness in any class on a JP, because it gives them an advantage? If anything I’d trade getting ported 1/10 times when I run it for a constant swiftness, like a signet.

#2: There’s nothing wrong with mesmer ports in WvW, it’s a class mechanic that at this point, isn’t really worth all this fuss. Think about it realistically, you’re in a magical world where people can make themselves invisible and teleport from one place to another in a second.. You’re telling me after storming an enemy keep, you wouldn’t do a thorough sweep of it to make sure there’s no one left? …I’d say it’s your fault at that point, and you deserve 20 invaders poppin in behind ya.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Freedan.1769


NinjaEd, you have lied about my statement. I never stated anywhere anything about removing the portal skill, so your first sentence is patently false. Second, you have totally misconstrued my example of the Ferrari. My example of a thief stealing it and driving it resembles a material advantage for the thief, he gained it through illicit taking to give himself a lift up. A mesmer’s portal is a latent power he possesses and is a utility/combat skill, to be used in combat as part of his misdirection arsenal. By changing that skill in JP you are implying they cannot use this skill to defend or fight with, something no other class is saddled with. Your example of the thief riding around in the stolen ferrari to give his friends a lift is erroneous. The mesmer did not steal portal to begin with, so he is more like the original owner, justifiably driving his friends to work because he was in the right place to offer them a lift at the time. Complaining they didn’t spend gas money to get there like you did is just sour grapes and sounds like nothing more than it is: whining. Funnily enough, you could have used the car too if you wanted, you just thought it was more “fair” that you should get there on your own merits. Next time read what people are stating and understand the point before shoving words down their throat. The reason I state conduit is an advantage is it can be used in any city, or out in the field for instant combining/recipe creation. This time-saving convenience IS an advantage, because they don’t waste time jumping to wvw home server or LA. That is the definition of advantage: an item that empowers the user to do something in a place that another cannot for significant gain. This does not apply to the mesmer because he does not benefit, only someone he chooses to show a kindness to. Also, your statement that the other person who is supposedly “lazy” as opposed to time-strapped/busy/something else, your way of making them look worse than they are, is no less advantaged than you are. Not fair? Use the portal. Then your even aren’t you? To be fair to you Ninjaed, I agree on the idea of making it weekly and in exchange we get a rare that way its actually worthwhile to do it in the first place since the rewards are already not worth the effort over normal farming.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


NinjaEd, you have lied about my statement. I never stated anywhere anything about removing the portal skill, so your first sentence is patently false. Second, you have totally misconstrued my example of the Ferrari. My example of a thief stealing it and driving it resembles a material advantage for the thief, he gained it through illicit taking to give himself a lift up. A mesmer’s portal is a latent power he possesses and is a utility/combat skill, to be used in combat as part of his misdirection arsenal. By changing that skill in JP you are implying they cannot use this skill to defend or fight with, something no other class is saddled with. Your example of the thief riding around in the stolen ferrari to give his friends a lift is erroneous. The mesmer did not steal portal to begin with, so he is more like the original owner, justifiably driving his friends to work because he was in the right place to offer them a lift at the time. Complaining they didn’t spend gas money to get there like you did is just sour grapes and sounds like nothing more than it is: whining. Funnily enough, you could have used the car too if you wanted, you just thought it was more “fair” that you should get there on your own merits. Next time read what people are stating and understand the point before shoving words down their throat. The reason I state conduit is an advantage is it can be used in any city, or out in the field for instant combining/recipe creation. This time-saving convenience IS an advantage, because they don’t waste time jumping to wvw home server or LA. That is the definition of advantage: an item that empowers the user to do something in a place that another cannot for significant gain. This does not apply to the mesmer because he does not benefit, only someone he chooses to show a kindness to. Also, your statement that the other person who is supposedly “lazy” as opposed to time-strapped/busy/something else, your way of making them look worse than they are, is no less advantaged than you are. Not fair? Use the portal. Then your even aren’t you? To be fair to you Ninjaed, I agree on the idea of making it weekly and in exchange we get a rare that way its actually worthwhile to do it in the first place since the rewards are already not worth the effort over normal farming.

First off, please seperate your wall of text. Not trying to redirect anything but it’s quite annyoing sifting through such messes.

Anyways, the mesmer portal wasn’t stolen. But ask yourself, do they deserve its powers? Well in the case of jumping behind an enemy zerg or helping out in the cliffside fractal (the 2 seals at once parT) it serves its purpose. You arn’t jumping any walls, the pathing is possible and it makes mesmers very useful (especially in the swamp fractal). In terms of jumping a jp, who the kitten cares if that mesmer had to of done the jp to portal them? This isn’t about the mesmer getting the loot, its about 1 skill alone taking the work out for others.

For tactics, the portal is amazing and hence, I never suggested removing or nerfing it’s user limits (20 atm I believe). But I don’t believe it belongs in places where people are using it simply as a shortcut to avoid doing work. Those people who use the portal (even when I did) weren’t going around thanking said mesmer for the lift, they just used it walked to chest and got out. Mesmer’s were doing this since the beginning, and when it started in wvw I didn’t mind because I was rarely ever in ebg jp but also because many people still did the jp and on occasion I would do it just for kicks(even had the enemy server jumping with me sometimes). Now its become so mainstream people do mesmer portals on many jp’s around pve. It’s nice to see a friendly community thats willing to go out of their way to help one another, but its bogus when they arn’t “helping” them as much as handing them a cheatsheet by helping them abuse an obvious flaw. I guess anet decided only mesmers were gana see the inside of a jp.

And no, the conduit isn’t an advantage , neither is the molten alliance mining pick, or the bank access express, etc. It doesn’t grant any boost to your results, it is only for conveinience. If the mystic forge conduit provided even a 5% boost to item quality then yeah, that would be an advantage. This kind of item doesn’t provide that. You’re not picking up X% more coin from the bltp merchant express or gaining extra storage from the bank access, the only advantage kit is the makeover kit as it has exclusive styles to the kit. Quality of life provides no stat bonus or strategic advantage, nor does it ignore content. Please don’t try to compare the mystic forge to a chest reward….

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: SmudgerUK.4715


I originally wrote this thread off as a case of “sour grapes” because complaining about someone using a skill that enables others to take a short cut, to let others actually take a short cut seemed like… sour grapes. To be honest it still does, but this is by far the most entertaining thread I’ve read in ages.
This part… " If someone is honestly still using the arrow keys to turn then they have lost a grip of reality" is my favourite. I fear the irony was lost however.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Freedan.1769


It costs silver to warp to LA after getting your stuff instead of using conduit to save that money. It adds up long-haul Ninja, so yes it gives an actual economic advantage over others. Molten is even worse because yes, its insanely expensive to get INITIALLY (mostly because gem prices have skyrocketed) but later on after you have mined like crazy, you start seeing lots of savings in picks. I look at it short and long-term, not just single-use. Don’t tell me those items don’t benefit their owners cost-effectively over others, they are certainly able to do so if you consider how their used versus those who can’t use them. A comparison for the conduit is like buying a Tesla; its a great electric car. So expensive to get it off the line, but hey: its pennies to recharge a vehicle overnight compared to pushing the pump. Short-term cost, long-term savings.

You don’t like me using mystic forge and chest rewards as examples together? Well, fine, although they both provide marginal over time benefits in the example, I don’t mind. Others can judge if my example was fair or not.

Smudger, I agree with you on both the joke, and the sour grapes article. I remember a fun old game, shining forces 1 and 2. The leveling system is what stood out between them: I used to grit my teeth whenever I leveled in SF1 because you could get horrible stat buffs, or amazing ones, every levelup made the game fun. By contrast, leveling in SF2 was outright boring. No character got outstanding levelup bonuses in that game, everything was kind of flat-lined so all the characters stayed “even” no one stood out after a while like in SF1. I see people complaining about overpowered class A or B as destroying the joy of what those classes can do just because of a skill or trait or pet, why not just accept it? It won’t hurt to see a portal, and everyone else can just enjoy it.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Freedan, the frequency of porting to La (really only place people use the mystic, if you’re using the one on home server it costs nothing to port to) is minimal. People arn’t trecking back and fourth to put in some recipes, they do it as one otherwise it’s just a hassel. So the few silver spent to port compared to the items you get is almost non existent. FYI, you can port to la for free, so technically there is no cost hence no benefit. Merchants are everywhere, bltp is in each boarderlands and also can be ported to la for free, the small cost or the free teleport. Either way it isn’t that large of an impact on the econmy as you make it out to be.

Checkpoints would solve the issue of the achievment, but I wasn’t worried about someone getting more points because those points don’t go towards anything tangible. Lets take an example of how this can be unfair.

Server A has a mesmer porting up its allies so they can collect their chest rewards.

Server B seems to be mostly asleep and unfortunatly no memser feels like going there to help or isn’t on to begin with. Server B is now losing out on chest rewards because server A can just kick server B off a ledge at any time and spawn camp the chest due to their efficiency at “climbing” the puzzle. Now server B is falling behind. Why because of how easy server A could skip the jp.

If you think," well just get a mesmer then?" then you’re the group that still believes this is the old mmos. No game mechanic should be exclusive to specific profession(class), which is why it’s stated by the devs(a review on gw2 guru) that they arn’t happy with how professions play out in dungeons (warriors guardians mesmers) because all professions should be efficient in all game mechanics in their own way. Well apparently only the mesmer is efficient in helping people skip the jp and because they have “this 1 thing to help with” (flat out lie.. you could be doing something out in the field and still be helping players) they don’t think it should be restricted in jp’s. You can help guide players through the jp, help them learn how to do it themselves (many people are quite kitten at jp’s) and they will find out its not that bad once they practice. Otherwise you’re setting them up to fail in the long run (future jp that don’t allow skill use).

I remember the clock tower puzzle, there was people doing it hundreds of times and never got it. Before that puzzle was released I was doing a lot of exploration including jp’s (and older games with jp’s of their own helped a lil) and managed to do it 4 times before moving on to something new. Jp’s arn’t for everyone, but if you want something you gata work towards it*cutoff* nope. Just get a mesmer and shut your yap….. This isn’t about working together as much as taking the road most taken because it’s easier. Too many people skip content in this game, I’m shocked anet allows any of it (more so in dungeons and jp’s).

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: shimmerless.4560


If Portals aren’t going to be Mesmer-exclusive, then I’d like the same access to Swiftness that other classes get for free.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

If Portals aren’t going to be Mesmer-exclusive, then I’d like the same access to Swiftness that other classes get for free.

Oh my god, THIS.

I hate having to keep a focus on me at all times, or sacrificing runes for swiftness. It isn’t fair.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dodforer.2470


Well I do play a mesmer and usually port a lot of people in EB…. I actually agree that somehow it breaks jp mechanics but if we actually compare it to other skills we are seeing a lot of game-breakers, if we are removing portals from jp we should remove any leap or stealth skill too, all of those give you a huge advantage in eb jp, the enemy could have 30+ camping the jp but I always manage to bypass that defense with my thief really easy so my point is that if we remove portal from jp’s we will be seeing posts against stealth, speed buffs and leap skills in jps.

The only solution to me… it would be to remove jps from WvW xD

Thank god somebody finally said it….Just get rid of JP’s in WvW and while you’re at it crafting stations. There are few things more annoying that having a queue on your server and seeing 5-7 people camped in the crafting area and another 5-10 running the JP.

I also play a Mes, portals should be LoS for one simple reason, every other form of teleport in this game for all other classes is LoS. I can’t even teleport to a level easily jumped to with my ele(I was testing it’s limitations). The other reason this should be reduced to LoS is because too often it’s not the Mes sweep that fails lately, it’s the wall or gate glitch to get in. There is no way anyone can justify glitching a wall or gate as perfectly legal and okay. To then use a portal after glitching makes it just as wrong. The simplest solution is to just make the portal LoS. This still allows helping golems move.

As for LoS affecting JP’s, only make it LoS in WvW, and before anybody says “that’s not possible”, it is. There are plenty of foods out there that work in PvE, but only part of their effects work in WvW, like the downed health ones. It’s an “If, Then statement”, not that hard for any competent coder. If player is in X environment, Then skill works normal, If player is in Y environment, Then LoS rule applies.

Until such time as the glitching is removed, the use of portaling needs to be limited.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


If Portals aren’t going to be Mesmer-exclusive, then I’d like the same access to Swiftness that other classes get for free.

Oh my god, THIS.

I hate having to keep a focus on me at all times, or sacrificing runes for swiftness. It isn’t fair.

+1, give portals to everybody if you want, then I’m not forced to use it anymore. Reliable swiftness would be way more important to me.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Freedan.1769


I agree with the issue of swiftness on mesmer, I HATE being forced to use focus all the time for that one reason. Please give us something better, PLEASE. Also, Ninja, you keep talking about getting to LA for free. Did you know using Mists to port for free is supposedly an exploit from the view of the developers? Oops, I guess cheating works one way but not another for you. Also it doesn’t consider the cost of warping OUT of LA as opposed to back to it, something you don’t need to do if you have conduit. That 3 silver 5 a day on average adds up buddy. But never mind that. Dodforer, gate glitching/etc. is not an issue of the mesmer abusing portal, its abusing the games ability to keep you out of an area appropriately. Fix the glitch, not nerf the mesmer and people can’t do that so your point is invalid. Portal is not line of sight because it is not ground targetable, its simply a marker set at point a and warps to point b once you get there. It makes little sense to nerf it that way. As for the statment, “Until such time as the glitching is removed, the use of portaling needs to be limited.” Fix the glitch instead, sounds a hell of a lot more reasonable. In the meantime, why not focus on something more constructive like not whining about it? Its better to have these features than scream nerf every time someone feels its unfair. Every class has something beneficial that is supposedly unfair, why not accept credit where its due and be fair about it?

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Did you know using Mists to port for free is supposedly an exploit from the view of the developers?

It’s not.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grevender.9235


let’s consider “portal” as AoE, why can it work on more than 5 ppl? it’s unfair to all others classes.

Want portal to stay like this? I am ok, then make all my AoE hits infinite targets as well for their duration.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Portal is a glamour field which has an AE cap. The teleport itself is not an AE.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Let me tell you a story about portals. My daughter, who’s 11, also has a mesmer. One day we did the Troll’s End JP and decided to help portal people up. She started getting little thank you gifts (like choir bells) as a result and thought that was the greatest thing in the world. She had an absolute blast. (I did mention to people that it was my daughter.)

So nerfing portals means nerfing my little girl. Can’t go along with that one, OP.


Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Just for completeness.


Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake