Class related achievements.

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umrae.5124


First I’d like to apologise for the countless typos, spelling errors and grammar mistakes that you’ll see here. If you want to grammar-kitten this post send me a PM with a corrected version and I will edit it)

I was inspired by a few friends who play only ONE class, do literally everything with it and simply love it, I think those people should be rewarded! Also rewarding dedicated players and all of those hardcores out there who would do all this with several classes

So heres the basic idea:
Adding achievements, titles and rewards specific to each class, several achievements would be the same for every single class, some would be different.

Heres a list of achievements, rewards and possible titles (all is discussable, so feel free to write down your suggestions, feedback and constructive critique)

Each class would have a separated tab in the achievement panel, so it’s not clusetered together.
After each achievement I will write a few words of comment and possible ammount of achievement points earned.

Achievements common for all classes
- Finished Story mode as a/an (class name)
As simple as it gets, finish your story with a class, finishing it with all 8 classes for achievement hunter will be rather boring, but hey! It’s not supposed to be easy and fun! (would reward 10 achievement points, since you get several other rewards while completing the story)
– Explore 100% of the world as a/an (class name)
Once again something that most people do only once. This would also make more people explore maps (for achievements) and would possibly make some places a tiny bit more lively. (would reward 20 achievement points, 1 at 10%, 4 at 25%, 5 at 50% and 10 at 100%)
– Finish all dungeon paths as a/an (class name)
I don’t think this needs any explanations? there is a total of 33 paths, including story modes. (this would reward 10 achievement points)
It will also add a bit more variety to all the awkward parties that want only 4x war 1x mesmer (for a little bit at least)
– Finish 100 dungeons as a/an (class name)
This will also add some variety to the dungeons, we should see more classes doing them and people beeing less picky about what they want to see in the dungeon runs.
(10 achievement points in total, 1 for 10, 4 for 50 and 5 for 100)
– Achieve Personal Fractal Level 30
Since its supposed to be challenging and a true master of a class also has to conquer fractals! Level 30 isn’t that hard to achieve, yet might be rather difficult for unexperienced players, also requires a little bit of devotion in getting ascendand gear.
(would reward 10 achievement points)
– Finish 200 fractals
Before getting to lvl 30 you will probably have this unlocked, if not, have some fun in there (would reward 10 achievement points)
– Achieve Rank 20 in World vs World
A true master has to experience every bit, and since wvw seems to be a part of pve
(would reward 10 achievement points)
[b] – Kill 500 enemy invaders in WvW

Would reward 10 achievement points
– Equip a full armor set
Something easy, equip a full armor set… 1 weapon, full armor set and all accesories. (would reward 1 achievement point)
– Unlock all weapon skills
Doesn’t need explanation (rewards 1 achievement point)
– Unlock all healing, utility and elite skills
As above (rewards 1 achievement point)
– Achieve level 80
Would reward 1 point.
– Play a/an (class name) for 500 hours
To make it NOT as common and easy to get, showing devotion to a class, hardcores cang ett his pretty fast, casuals will have to play quite a while to get it, but its still doable. (would reward 50 achievement points)

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umrae.5124


Class related achievements - these offer A LOT of variety, and several more can be added, these are just suggestion how I would see them, forcing to switch builds, check different possibilities, etc.

- Shout 500 times (1p)
- Summon 150 banners (1p)
[b] – Summon 50 spirit weapons
– Heal allies for a total of 1 milion health points (1p)
– Place 100 turrets (1p)
– Create 200 explosions (1p)
– Hide in shadows (use invisability) 100 times (1p)
– Apply venom to 100 targets (1p)
– Charm all pets (1p)
– Kill 100 enemies in a range of 1000 or higher (1p)
– Create 150 clones (1p)
– Teleport 50 people (1p)
- Summon 50 minions (1p)
- Apply 500 conditions (1p)
- Change your attunement 100 times (1p)
- Kill 50 enemies with AoE attacks (1p)


- Maxing all the titles would give you a Master Genius/Legionaire/Paragon/Phantom/Illusionst/Shadow/Hunter/Magus title.
If you unlock both the Master and Champion title (from spvp) you’d achieve a Legenday (name) title (for example LEGENDARY PHANTOM I think this would be something many people would aim for!)

Item rewards (once again these are only suggestions)

Everlasting tonic
Warrior: Would put you into Rampager mode
Guardian: Would turn you into one of the spirit weapons (random)
Ranger: Would turn you into your currently equipped pet companion
Thief: Would make you inisible (only ooc ofc)
Engineer: Would turn you into a mobile turret (random)
Elementalist: Would put you into Mist Form
Mesmer: Would summon 2 clones next to you that would copyy our moves and emotes (3x mesmer dancing /o/ )
Necromancer: Would turn you into one of your minions or plague form (random)

Mini pet
Warrior: Mini warbanner (?)
Guardian: Mini spirit weapon (one of them)
Ranger: Mini pet (one of them)
Thief: Mini thieves guild member
Engineer: Mini turret
Elementalist: Mini tornado
Mesmer: Mini clone
Necromancer: Mini Flesh golem

Weapon skins
I have no idea about this… I think they should be given as a ticket to summon a merchant whenever you wish too that would give you a weapon skin for every weapon usable by your proffesion, or one weapon you can choose from (perhaps ascendand if they are ever released) from all weapons your class can use.
I don’t really have ideas how the weapons could look like, mayby some suggestions?

Special effects
Now again, something special, unique for every class, making it epic!
A necromancer could get the scythe that shows when you use staff skills or wells as a permanent addition to your weapon (?)
Elemenalist could get much bigger elemental bracelets, depending on attunement and making them not dissapear after hiding weapon.
Engineer could get a tool that would make kit backpacks hidable.

Every class could also get an animation coloring tool (I know this would be probably a hell to implement) but I know several guardians who don’t like blue, yet they are forced to have blue skills, same with pink mesmers and green necromancers

So what you guys think? Post some feedback and suggestions/ideas.

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umrae.5124


-reserved for possible suggestion-

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Curunen.8729


This is a pretty cool idea, especially your suggestion for rewards.

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pip.2094


I believe your idea is totally brilliant! Would please any kind of player without creating hate! Hope they will consider to add this!


Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sold Out.7625

Sold Out.7625

I personally really enjoy all of those suggestions (and am glad that the toggle kit backpacks option will be added even without this suggestion’s content. Some day. ;>).

Tonics, Minis, and titles are all fairly easy to implement, as the models and scripts are already a given.

The most ideal thing there is the fact that lots of infos already got collected: Playing time & world completion per character, Fractal level, etc. are all already listed. And the other achievements as well as the dungeon-specific things might have to start at 0, but I would not mind striving for them.

I can understand that things like coloring your class’ skills like red guardian bubbles, pink flamethrower, blue mesmer, will likely never happen, but… well. On the long run, who knows? Might not be too hard to add a toggle-color-choice for your skills and recoloring the skills depending on the toggle. After all, the replace color option on photoshop for example is a thing of a few minutes.


Achievements are an insanely effective way to get people to try around, see what your class can do, and they will very likely learn something new. So seeing this implemented would be pretty awesome. I still remember the daily completely based around combo fields a long while back – people learned, and they learned fast. Including level 80s with Legendaries, and even dungeon veterans.

Leader of the Free Winds – RP, community, and all kinds of fun.
Jara Ariasdottir (Soon all classes proper!)

(edited by Sold Out.7625)

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umrae.5124


Thanks for the feedback so far, keep them comming

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnat.9405


This is cool, perhaps even offer profession-specific armor skins for particularly challenging achievements.

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umrae.5124


Armors would be amazing!

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umrae.5124


And bumping this thread up for more people to see

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umrae.5124


And up again

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

I was inspired by a few friends who play only ONE class, do literally everything with it and simply love it, I think those people should be rewarded

Did I misunderstand your suggestion then, or would it in fact require people to play EVERY profession extensively in order to get full rewards?

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GoddessOfTheWinds.2937


Good idea. Might give more incentive to achievers to play all characters for everything!

Mostly since I think a lot of people have almost compleed all achievements…

Class related achievements.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umrae.5124


I was inspired by a few friends who play only ONE class, do literally everything with it and simply love it, I think those people should be rewarded

Did I misunderstand your suggestion then, or would it in fact require people to play EVERY profession extensively in order to get full rewards?

This would make everyone happy, since rewards are class related.

People that focus purely on ONE character could most likely show off their devotion their class much faster than altoholics (like myself!).
So that hardcore engineer will run around with his title and super rewards, showing them off!

Altoholics and achievement hunters will have another goal to accomplish.

But yes, to get all rewards, titles and achievement points you would have to play every class pretty much a lot! Probably something impossible to get within a year or two, due to the ammount of things to do and time to spend on that class / character.