*Crazy Idea* Enable *Trading Between Players* Without Using Mail System
in Suggestions
Posted by: Augestflex.4219
in Suggestions
Posted by: Augestflex.4219
Please enable trading between players without mandating the use of the mail system. It is a huge convenience to be able to trade between players, not to mention that if I were roaming around in a fantasy world as my character is, there is no real reason I couldn’t pick up some cool new piece of armor, look at it, and then hand it over to them to use.
Honestly a trade panel with the ability for both parties to add items would be very useful and appreciated.
in Suggestions
Posted by: SHM.7628
Seems like a no brainer to me.
in Suggestions
Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478
Not that I’m against more options, I just don’t see why it’s needed with the way mail works.
I guess what I’m saying is .. if ANet implemented a “Trade with” button, it’d probably use their in-game mail system behind the scenes anyway, and it would probably just be a reskinned mail window, since that’s what mail does anyway.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Lorati.7361
Not that I’m against more options, I just don’t see why it’s needed with the way mail works.
I guess what I’m saying is .. if ANet implemented a “Trade with” button, it’d probably use their in-game mail system behind the scenes anyway, and it would probably just be a reskinned mail window, since that’s what mail does anyway.
The major reason behind a trading UI is to prevent scams. It would take some work to add it, but the reduction of scam reports would probably add up to money saved for them over time.
in Suggestions
Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478
Oh, so you can see what you’re getting at the same time as you put your offer into the trade window.
I never thought about that, because I never do that kind of trading. Good point.
in Suggestions
Posted by: roocey.7501
I would love this. I almost exclusively play with a buddy. When one of us gets an upgrade for the other, we have to go through the mail system even though we’re standing right next to each other. As others have said, it’d also be nice to just have a secure place to trade with others outside of the Trading Post.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Aveneo.2068
Not that I’m against more options, I just don’t see why it’s needed with the way mail works.
I guess what I’m saying is .. if ANet implemented a “Trade with” button, it’d probably use their in-game mail system behind the scenes anyway, and it would probably just be a reskinned mail window, since that’s what mail does anyway.
The major reason behind a trading UI is to prevent scams. It would take some work to add it, but the reduction of scam reports would probably add up to money saved for them over time.
Exactly. People are now getting scammed through mail because there is no CoD function. Doing a trade window like they had in GW1 would be to the benefit of everyone.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Strongback.6420
To be perfectly honest, I prefer it the way it is, though when I first heard that all trading happened in Trading Post, I thought it was a terrible idea.
Now, I’ve grown to like this system better.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Starkness.5274
I agree with the trade option because I don’ want to take away from the immersion too much. Think about it, we can teleport around instantly, trading post from under water, magically send collectibles to the bank, find a sword in a dungeon and mail to the top of a mountain across the world. It gets to be too easy. You should only be able to mail from mail boxes, and you should only be able to teleport by standing at an actual waypoint, or use trading post when you are standing at it.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Cele.5467
I support this entirely Direct Trade is something just every Co Op RPG MMO or the likes should have
in Suggestions
Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283
It’s downright mind boggling that such a basic system that has been in MMOs since MMOs existed isn’t in the game.
in Suggestions
Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478
I would love this. I almost exclusively play with a buddy. When one of us gets an upgrade for the other, we have to go through the mail system even though we’re standing right next to each other. As others have said, it’d also be nice to just have a secure place to trade with others outside of the Trading Post.
Let’s see.
To trade with another player, you right click, select trade. A window comes up and you drop the item in it, then you click “Trade”
To mail to another player, you right click, select mail. A window comes up and you drop the item in it, then you click “Mail”
I don’t see the mechanical difference, or why it’s more effort to “go through the mail system”
I do agree that it removes a potential for scamming, when you can’t see whether the guy is going to give you your 5s for that sword or not.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Rolo.9248
Please enable trading between players without mandating the use of the mail system. … there is no real reason I couldn’t pick up some cool new piece of armor, look at it, and then hand it over to them to use.
You can already do that now: target the player, right-click the item and select “Mail” and it will open a mail window with the targeted player’s name already in the To: block and hit send. I can’t see how that can get any easier.
A trade window would be more cumbersome: right-click, trade, drag and drop, click offer, wait for recipient to click offer, click accept, wait for recipient to click accept, oh, wait, recipient decided to offer you something else, so he drops it in there and hits offer, then you have to hit offer again because the trade has changed, then he hits accept, then you hit accept (again), then the trade fails because one of you didn’t have room in your inventory and you have to start all over again. This is what GW1 “simple trade window” evolved into. No Thank You.
Mail is quick, easy and gives me the option of taking items into my inventory or to leave them in mail for later.
The major reason behind a trading UI is to prevent scams. It would take some work to add it, but the reduction of scam reports would probably add up to money saved for them over time.
But it didn’t prevent scams because people don’t pay attention because of the cumbersome nature of the trade UI (and laziness). The trading post is the only way to prevent scams (and ensure everyone gets the market price); Anet explained this in the dev blog.
I would like that philosophy if the trading post didn’t, well, suck (downtime notwithstanding even).
in Suggestions
Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714
As so many have already mentioned, ArenaNet specifically said that they DID NOT want a traditional trade window. Why? They didn’t want to have to deal with the “sleight of hand” trade box scams that you can pull in other MMOs.
Basically people would put the item in the trade box, let you put your item / cash into the trade box, then they would try to quickly move it before you could finish clicking Confirm. If you’re not reacting fast enough, you’ve now hit Confirm on a one sided trade where they’re getting your stuff and you’re not getting anything in return. Then while you try to move your mouse over in time to cancel out the trade, the scammer hits their Confirm button to complete the transaction. This results in one player being ripped off in a “technically legal” and extremely immoral transaction which can be hard for Customer Service to deal with.
ArenaNet doesn’t want that crap. They specifically said in one interview that you should ONLY use Mail with people that you completely trust. Even then, you should go into those Mail situations with the acceptance that you’re doing an un-secure transaction and it’s your own fault if you get ripped off.
The whole point of this current system is to basically force people to use the BLTC auction system. This system will prevent “sleight of hand” trade box disputes and will protect you from Mail fraud. At the same time, it will also remove a bit of currency from the game’s economy. To ArenaNet, this “safety” and money sink byproduct is more important than having their own Cusomer Service dealing with trade box scams.
in Suggestions
Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478
I send stuff to friends. That’s about all the trading I ever do.
Oh, and I made some swords for a guy once, for free.
I don’t miss the Trade window, and I <3 that you can mail from anywhere in the world.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Aefion.8719
I also second a trade option. I’m a bit sick of having to open up a mail window, then type who I want to send the item to. It’d be more convenient when I’m questing with my friends, to simply rite click on their portrait and hand them the loot.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Flankenzee.7958
If they don’t add a trade option (Which I would prefer), they should at least add a COD option to mail, to enable safe trading, preventing scamming.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Bluestone.7106
I don’t see a need for direct trading with people you don’t know considering how the trading post works.
If you want a certain price for your item you list it for that price.
If you want a quick sale you sell it to the highest order.
If you want to buy something quick you buy it for the lowest price if it is listed.
If you want to buy something for a lower price you put in an order.
If you want to do a trade with your friend directly you do it via mail because you trust him.
All bases are covered. No need for direct trade.
in Suggestions
Posted by: paultimate.8790
This and we need a PoD system. Why they even made the mail system without a PoD feature is nuts. They only * expletive* mail most people are getting are from NPCs and gold farmers.
Not to mention that TP deliveries should come through the mail system along with a receipt of sale from items sold. I understand some people dont want 100 mails from that stuff, so the solution is it is all listed in one letter with accumulated sales gold instead of one item per letter. You open it and take your gold/items and thats that. Convenience and information thats far better than the current system.
(edited by paultimate.8790)
in Suggestions
Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073
I support this entirely Direct Trade is something just every Co Op RPG MMO or the likes should have
Why ?
Removing it greatly reduces trade spam. So what does secure direct trading add to make up for the trade spam ?
I remember the early days of GW1, when the trade spam in Lions Arch was so bad that I’d expand my chat box to the full height of the screen, and the trade spam was still scrolling off the top in mere seconds.
I would like that philosophy if the trading post didn’t, well, suck (downtime notwithstanding even).
What’s wrong with the trading post ?
I also second a trade option. I’m a bit sick of having to open up a mail window, then type who I want to send the item to. It’d be more convenient when I’m questing with my friends, to simply rite click on their portrait and hand them the loot.
Try clicking their character, then right clicking on it. That’s always had a send mail option for me.
This and we need a PoD system. Why they even made the mail system without a PoD feature is nuts.
By removing all means of secure player to player trading, ANET have greatly reduced trade spam by making responding to the spam a very risky option for the spammer and the person responding.
Can you think of a better way to reduce trade spam ?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
I’m against this.
The trading post works best when everyone uses it. The mail system already allows player-player trades between trusted friends. Plus: there is no way to scam or mislead people via the trading post; there are always ways to do that if PoD or P-P is enabled.
I’m also against using the mail system: I typically buy or sell more than 10 items during the day; I don’t need my mail full of trading post receipts. I also get about anywhere from 5-10 emails / day from friends. The current TP design (without any search or filtering feature) is a bit tedious, but I can see everything I’ve bought or sold in one place.
I hope ANet waits at least 9 months to let people get used to the current system before doing anything that can destabilize it (like enabling player-player trades).
in Suggestions
Posted by: poot.5487
As so many have already mentioned, ArenaNet specifically said that they DID NOT want a traditional trade window. Why? They didn’t want to have to deal with the “sleight of hand” trade box scams that you can pull in other MMOs.
This is a problem with an easy solution. It’s not a compelling reason to remove a highly convenient feature.
Solution: both players confirm both halves of the trade before anything happens. Once one player confirms one section, that section is locked (except for a full cancellation of the entire trade.) The downside is that if you screw something up, you have to start over completely. If the other guy keeps “screwing up” over and over… well, he’s probably trying to scam you, but he can only succeed if you utterly refuse to pay attention to what’s happening.
Boom, hire me.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Gokki.9574
I don’t trade with players at all, i only use the TP at most. Why? Because mail doesn’t have a COD option so i won’t be selling anything. In fact at the start of the game i didn’t sell anything that people asked because there is no way i can sell it to them.
I made a few jute bolts and someone wanted to buy overpriced and i was eager to sell them – only i couldn’t because neither could i COD the bolts to them nor i could trade with them directly.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Rolo.9248
What’s wrong with the trading post ?
Seriously? Fair enough, a legitimate question.
Look at Diablo III’s auction house UI: I can look for precisely what I want with a few clicks. I can’t come close to that in GW2 TP.
Let’s say I want to find chest armour with +vitality and +condition damage. The best I can do is search for “Armour” | “Chest” and wade through all the medium and heavy armour and hover over tool-tips for each stat. Oy vey.
Additionally, the rest of the interface just…sucks…constantly sliding back, doesn’t remember last searches, slow load times…
I’m hoping the current TP is nowhere near the desired end-state and is something that was decided to further develop after launch rather than wait.
I made a few jute bolts and someone wanted to buy overpriced and i was eager to sell them – only i couldn’t because neither could i COD the bolts to them nor i could trade with them directly.
And that’s one reason why Anet did what they did.
Solution: both players confirm both halves of the trade before anything happens. Once one player confirms one section, that section is locked (except for a full cancellation of the entire trade.) The downside is that if you screw something up, you have to start over completely. If the other guy keeps “screwing up” over and over… well, he’s probably trying to scam you, but he can only succeed if you utterly refuse to pay attention to what’s happening.
Boom, hire me.
“Don’t call us, we’ll call you”. Did you even read the post above how that worked in GW1? It was far from convenient; it was a royal pain when one trades with one’s wife all the time.
(edited by Rolo.9248)
in Suggestions
Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073
What’s wrong with the trading post ?
Seriously? Fair enough, a legitimate question.
Look at Diablo III’s auction house UI: I can look for precisely what I want with a few clicks. I can’t come close to that in GW2 TP.
Let’s say I want to find chest armour with +vitality and +condition damage. The best I can do is search for “Armour” | “Chest” and wade through all the medium and heavy armour and hover over tool-tips for each stat. Oy vey.
Additionally, the rest of the interface just…sucks…constantly sliding back, doesn’t remember last searches, slow load times…
I’m hoping the current TP is nowhere near the desired end-state and is something that was decided to further develop after launch rather than wait.
Fair enough. That’s a big problem.
As for why I haven’t seen that problem myself: I’ve been crafting my own armor and leveling tailor with my character. Which means I haven’t bought any armor over the trading post yet.
Though, even with that problem, the trading post still lets you find items faster than player to player trading would, because the TP is searchable and P2P trading requires you to be in the same place as the person selling the item you’re after (or 3rd party websites to help).
in Suggestions
Posted by: Augestflex.4219
Oh, so you can see what you’re getting at the same time as you put your offer into the trade window.
I never thought about that, because I never do that kind of trading. Good point.
This is how I play too. We would like to be able to each put multiple items in the trade window and then complete trade.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Total Barrage.3570
You are all aware that this would require coding and when the mouse is broken it is impossible.
in Suggestions
Posted by: LyricDawnhagen.7803
I don’t think we really see a need for a whole new trading system but I think the addition of a COD function to the current mail interface would take care of the scam issue.
in Suggestions
Posted by: kaboo.5194
right click party/guild member and select send mail – this creates new mail with your buddy as preset recipient. this should help with the incovenience of typing out the name. i personaly dont see any reason for direct trade with anyone else than friends since theres black lion trading company for selling stuff.
that doesnt mean im against /trade, all i want to say is that you already have tools for trade, and implementing more just because they look different would be kinda useless.
@prevent scam: what scam? are your friends scamming you or are you mailing items to people you dont know? if the later then why the hell would you do that? use the black lion instead.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Latinkuro.9420
Please enable trading between players without mandating the use of the mail system. It is a huge convenience to be able to trade between players, not to mention that if I were roaming around in a fantasy world as my character is, there is no real reason I couldn’t pick up some cool new piece of armor, look at it, and then hand it over to them to use.
Honestly a trade panel with the ability for both parties to add items would be very useful and appreciated.
Mail in this game is instantaneous, unlike other games where it takes 30 minutes for mail to arrive, from that POV your point about direct player trading is mute. what you want is a way to circumvent TP prices and scam people, or worse gold selling !
If truly all you wanted was to send someone a piece of gear for them to use, you wouldn’t be kittening about the mail system as it accomplishes that without a hitch.
so NO to direct player trading….!
seriously what’s the big difference between the two really ?
the only thing missing is the COD option which ensures you get your money and good riddance it’s NOT in there, use the TP adhere to normalized prices or get out.
it’s not like you have to type the person’s name, all you have to do is right click and select mail same as you would with the trade option.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Latinkuro.9420
I don’t think we really see a need for a whole new trading system but I think the addition of a COD function to the current mail interface would take care of the scam issue.
NO adding a COD option to mail system is the same as making a direct player trading system, totally circumventing the TP and the normalized prices, also in most other mmo the AH is seldom used because if you can ask for whatever price you want in direct trade why would you use the TP or AH ?
No to direct player trading I say !
the systems are fine the way they are, sure the TP needs more filters and the ability to preview before you buy but most will agree it is the best trading post in any theme park mmorpg to date, the only TP that rivals it is probably eve but than again eve is a sandbox mmorpg.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073
the only TP that rivals it is probably eve but than again eve is a sandbox mmorpg.
Also the trading post is a pretty blatant copy of the Eve Online market.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Latinkuro.9420
the only TP that rivals it is probably eve but than again eve is a sandbox mmorpg.
Also the trading post is a pretty blatant copy of the Eve Online market.
Nothing wrong with that mate, if it’s a great system go ahead, better than trying to copy crappy systems.
I only mentioned it was a great system never seen before in any (theme park) mmorpg, why do you think I said it like that ? (I think by now we all know where the inspiration came from eve though I don’t play EVE)
I’d rather say it was inspired rather than rip off or blatant copy, otherwise all mmorpg are blatant copies of some other mmorpg that came before it because they will all undoubtedly have some common features between them.
in Suggestions
Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620
If you’re just trading useful items between friends, the mail system works fine and you can access your mail anywhere. One on one trading with a trade box a-la Guild Wars 1 will just reduce local chat to WTS spam. No thanks.
in Suggestions
Posted by: BananaMatrix.3702
The upside to having a trading system that’s prone to scamming is that we get to weed out a**holes. But yeah, this definitely seems like a no-brainer, all for it!
in Suggestions
Posted by: Latinkuro.9420
If you’re just trading useful items between friends, the mail system works fine and you can access your mail anywhere. One on one trading with a trade box a-la Guild Wars 1 will just reduce local chat to WTS spam. No thanks.
Yeah I totally forgot about this major PLUS of NOT having Direct player trading:D
all those spams about WTT, WTS, WTB are mostly gone though the occasional idiot still tries or he doesn’t know the TP is fully operational.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Marrond.1385
Can’t happen. You wouldn’t use their glorified 15% fee on sold items. NEVER TOUCH THE GOLDSINK… but don’t worry in exchange they gonna explain you that it’s for your safety and you should use mail if TP doesn’t appeal to you. facepalm
(edited by Marrond.1385)
in Suggestions
Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073
the only TP that rivals it is probably eve but than again eve is a sandbox mmorpg.
Also the trading post is a pretty blatant copy of the Eve Online market.
Nothing wrong with that mate, if it’s a great system go ahead, better than trying to copy crappy systems.
I only mentioned it was a great system never seen before in any (theme park) mmorpg,
why do you think I said it like that ? (I think by now we all know where the inspiration came from eve though I don’t play EVE)
I’d rather say it was inspired rather than rip off or blatant copy, otherwise all mmorpg are blatant copies of some other mmorpg that came before it because they will all undoubtedly have some common features between them.
I’m not saying that there is anything wrong copying features like this. In fact, when one game comes up with a good idea, copying it is a much better idea than trying to come up with something different.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Ziggy.7319
there’s a big thread on this right now^^^
1) “It will be impossible to regulate the prices”.
This is wrong since supply and demand still exist. it’s not like the TP will be going away, the trading post will still be the king of trading to and for the masses and will determine an item’s equilibrium price. in most cases the TP will be used, trading is for cases where you’ll want to trade to a specific individual, that item will still be of the same value.
2) “there’s the TP and mail so it’s easier to track hackers”
Again false, hackers can be tracked just as easily through trade transactions.
3) “there won’t be any taxes on trades like the TP does”
Well, why not add taxes to trading? I’ve seen tons of mmo’s impose a tax on player to player trades.
4) “you can just use the mail or TP anyways”
The mail requires putting a lot of trust into other people, good luck with that. Maybe there was at the very least, a cash on delivery system then trading may not be needed, but it would still be very nice and there really are no negative effects at all for implementing it. As for the TP, everything is bunched up anonymously so you can’t trade to a specific individual, and even if you could, it could be bought from some random other player when you post it that wasn’t intended to be the buyer in your roundabout transaction.
5) “but there is a negative side effect, the WTS and WTB spam”
Again, false. The trading post existing by itself will get rid of most of this, since if a player wants something or to sell something they can go there so long if they don’t care who buys their items or vice versa. even without a trading system, you still see people doing this right now, and people always will.
My biggest problem with the trading post is that items stay up indifinetly. There should be a max limit of 1-3 days. Otherwise the TP is going to become clogged, and the economy very very stale, to the point that you won’t be able to sell anything at all, and if you do, only for a few copper. it will also allow the market to competitive and it will find a natural equilibrium price for items. otherwise it’ll be clogged with undercutters who don’t care about prices at all and just want to get rid of stuff. As such, everyone in the economy will have every reason to buy, but no reason to sell.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Latinkuro.9420
the only TP that rivals it is probably eve but than again eve is a sandbox mmorpg.
Also the trading post is a pretty blatant copy of the Eve Online market.
Nothing wrong with that mate, if it’s a great system go ahead, better than trying to copy crappy systems.
I only mentioned it was a great system never seen before in any (theme park) mmorpg,
why do you think I said it like that ? (I think by now we all know where the inspiration came from eve though I don’t play EVE)
I’d rather say it was inspired rather than rip off or blatant copy, otherwise all mmorpg are blatant copies of some other mmorpg that came before it because they will all undoubtedly have some common features between them.
I’m not saying that there is anything wrong copying features like this. In fact, when one game comes up with a good idea, copying it is a much better idea than trying to come up with something different.
Hmm, NO trying to come up with something different should be the 1st instinct, now if the wheel is not broken why fix it? meaning if what you wanted to invent already exists why try to make a new one just adapt it to your needs.
Otherwise, if all they did was copy than they would ask themselves well quests work just fine for XX game hmm why try and invent something new ? let’s just copy it and be done with it, see that would be bad !
in Suggestions
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
Can’t happen. You wouldn’t use their glorified 15% fee on sold items. NEVER TOUCH THE GOLDSINK… but don’t worry in exchange they gonna explain you that it’s for your safety and you should use mail if TP doesn’t appeal to you. facepalm
This is a narrow view of trading. It’s trivial to make more on the trading post despite the 15% in fees. Why? because you have an infinite amount of time to sell to 1,000 times the number of potential customers. If you’re a buyer, why risk the 0.1% chance of getting scammed to save a few silver?
The trading system prevents scamming (except via exploits, but only patches fix that), it is more convenient for buyers and sellers, it is simple to use, and, for those who want to, it’s also easier to save/make money.
Trading Post
in Suggestions
Posted by: silvermember.8941
Except for the clutter direct trades cause on chat. The reason why they will never ever have a direct trade is because the TP act as a way to gold sink and it allows them to easily track each trade.
Also to all those people saying, other MMO had it, so? Other MMO have the trinity but that isnt in the game, nor are 8 rolls of skill.
in Suggestions
Posted by: MidnightSun.7964
I see no issue with this. It’s pretty much the same system that they had in GW1.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Latinkuro.9420
I see no issue with this. It’s pretty much the same system that they had in GW1.
Have you even played GW1 ?
if you did you wouldn’t even say that and embarrass yourself like this, in GW1 there was no trading post at all, there was direct trading and you could list your item in party search, but you had to be online all the time for that you couldn’t leave that outpost at all till it sells or you give up.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Marrond.1385
Also to all those people saying, other MMO had it, so? Other MMO have the trinity but that isnt in the game, nor are 8 rolls of skill.
If you don’t see trinity here then you’re blind. All the change is there is no tank class, dps class and healer class. Instead you have vitality/toughnes on the frontline, power/precision and support speced safe behind (as it was in GW1). Nothing has changed. Stuff isn’t so much class bound but it’s still there. This is how things work. You can name it diffrent but you won’t change meta without changing gameplay.
And yes, there is roll of skills, in this case of 4, not 8 (ever played ranged character? put macro on while attacking big bad mojo, go do something less boring, comeback, loot)
Except for the clutter direct trades cause on chat. The reason why they will never ever have a direct trade is because the TP act as a way to gold sink and it allows them to easily track each trade.
You see, TP is awesome but except for 15% fee it’s major source of inflation. It speedup economy even more because it’s global. It’s still possible to make money with TP but playing with TP is not fun at all. Just as it wasn’t in Diablo 3 where most money was made by people who played maybe 20hrs and just keept monitoring AH.
Before TP I could make easy gold or trade resources based on supply and demand on my server. Now we have infinite supply from TP and none-low demand. Basic economics. Trading across the servers are awesome but having TP creates need for many goldsinks. And goldsinks while needed are NOT cool.
(edited by Marrond.1385)
in Suggestions
Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781
Stay away from the high-supply items, if you want to make money. Sure, some things appear to be in near-infinite supply, but far more things are in high demand. People are still buying up all the “activators” they can find (vials of blood, scales, teeth, bones, etc).
A speedy economy helps everyone: you no longer have to farm for specific items, you can do anything you like that increases your wealth…and then buy what you want on the TP. And no more waiting around.
The universal TP is also better: if we depend on supply & demand per world, we are at the mercy of relatively small groups of people who organize to create artificial surpluses or shortages; it’s nearly impossible to do that now (at least, for more than a few items). It also means that we can buy just about anything right now (if we want to spend more) or wait until our offer price is met (and vice versa for selling: sell now for less cash, wait for price to be met for more).
I’m willing to bet that most of the concerns about the trading post fade away as people get more comfortable making it work for them.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Drake Phoenix.6158
When I first started playing, I also felt that a player-to-player trade system, and also the addition of a CoD option for the mail system would both be good ideas. But after playing for a while longer, and using the Trading Post more and more, I find that the Trading Post system is perfectly suited to support most trades, and the mail system can be used perfectly well for gifts.
There are very few things that could be accomplished through a player-to-player trading system that cannot already be accomplished. First, you could try and trade for higher-than-market prices in exchange for the convenience of immediacy rather than having to travel to a trading post. Second, for scamming by trying to convince people to pay higher than market price while convincing them that it is at or lower than market price, which we should want to prevent anyway. Third, for trading for less than vendor value (in which case why not just gift it through mail?). And last, for trading items for items instead of items for money. While that last options is certainly something to be considered, the others are simply not that important. And as far as trading items for items, the trading post system can achieve similar results, you simply sell your items you want to trade out, then use the cash to buy the items you actually want. While that does require a little more time, it also results in generally fairer value-for-value trades, as the prices are regulated by supply and demand principles.
At this point, I really don’t see that the game or the game economy would be improved in any significant way by implementing a player-to-player trade system. It would just be time and money spent developing a feature that simply isn’t that important. And as far as the argument of preventing scams goes, while it certainly could reduce scams based on mail trades, those sorts of scams can be avoided by using the trading post anyway.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Hurhurrderp.2513
If I send an item to someone and they don’t give me the money, yes I can report them and they’ll be banned for 3 days but I don’t think ANet is going to compensate me. They have better things to be doing.
I agree with you.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Safire.9143
I agree !! i know, that there is mail, but trade is more faster way, and exchange way, if i want something show to my friend, etc…
in Suggestions
Posted by: LED Head.2439
Add a “Cash on Delivery/ COD” option for mail send this essentially means that you can add a collection price to for what you send that the receiver must pay in order to collect the items if they do not pay it within some time frame the items are sent back.
Really is no better way to add a safe alternative trade except for actually standing at the player and trading which would annoy the hell out me. Though I can’t speak for the rest of you on that regard.
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