Create a Bank Tab For Costumes/Town Clothes

Create a Bank Tab For Costumes/Town Clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrDreadful.7014


It would free up bank space and even encourage completionists to spend more effort trying to buy/obtain the costumes. It could easily expand over time and maybe there could even be an achievement made from it.

Create a Bank Tab For Costumes/Town Clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leere.7392


It could be done similar to the PVP lockers where you can just drop them in there and such. That would be a good idea there. I know it wouldn’t hurt my feelings any =)

Create a Bank Tab For Costumes/Town Clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: callidus.7085


in general, all things that can be collected (all them weapon and armor skins) would be nice to have a storage for like the pvp locker.. but specifically having a storage for town clothes would be nice (and makes sense) because then you wouldn’t be penalized for buying things off the gem store by having it consume bag space.

Slow down and smell the pixels.

Create a Bank Tab For Costumes/Town Clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Haishao.6851


Yup, locker for town cloth would be great.

And more town cloth too, a lot more.
From dark & edgy to kawaii uguu styles with everything in between.
Some free and some gemstore.

Create a Bank Tab For Costumes/Town Clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shevek.2691


I’m gonna sound off and agree that this would be a good idea. I mean, with the holidays alone—and I will be buying all of them, because I’m a holiday who— lover—that’ll be a lot of bank/inventory space being taken up. I’ve already delegated one of my alts to holding everything, which is less than optimal.

Create a Bank Tab For Costumes/Town Clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


/second. We definitely need some place to store cosmetic options. I now have baseball caps, devil horns, and witch hats for several of my characters, and no good place to keep them.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Create a Bank Tab For Costumes/Town Clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Create a Bank Tab For Costumes/Town Clothes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pifil.5193


It could be done similar to the PVP lockers where you can just drop them in there and such. That would be a good idea there. I know it wouldn’t hurt my feelings any =)

That’d be nice, they could even have the locker available in the home instance, it’d be nice to have something there.

As it is I don’t know how many seasonal bits I will get due to bank space being at such a premium and them taking up so much space (4-5 pieces per set).