Equipment menu: Hide shoes option
please yes! i want to run around with my Charrs feat barefoot all day long!
Agree, but not only limited to shoes, but legpieces and chestpieces as well.
.:: Kingdom of Camelot ::. [CMLT] – Dragonbrand
~ Justice, Hope, Freedom ~
Agree, but not only limited to shoes, but legpieces and chestpieces as well.
Never gonna happen.
Not only would you have to deal with the annoyance of people running around naked, but you would also have to deal with everyone in WvW doing it because it provides a strategic advantage.
I agree with Olba. Chest and Legs are a major item in looks. They cover the most and most of the time actually look like the armor type they are supposed to represent.
Personally I would wish for new armor pieces that let male characters have a mostly bare chest, though.
I agree with Olba. Chest and Legs are a major item in looks. They cover the most and most of the time actually look like the armor type they are supposed to represent.
Personally I would wish for new armor pieces that let male characters have a mostly bare chest, though.
You can (mostly) do that for light and heavy armor:
No such option for medium armor, though.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
I want a bikini.
i’ve had characters throughout all my games who’ve run around barefoot. ok, in rift? if i wanted ‘em nekkid and still-combat ready? i could have that. in fact, it was quite funny — folk in rift complained about the “unfair advantage” of people who had custom costume pieces over their armor, as they "couldn’t tell what the class was." so trion changed it, so you couldn’t display your costume pieces in pvp … boy did THAT get a MAJOR outcry! the theory was, if a player can’t look at a weapon set and the skills being used, then that player is handicapped and needs to learn. it was such a huge issue that trion re-instituted the ability to wear costume pieces in pvp.
bottom line? please PLEASE give us more abilities to customize our characters! and if you REALLY need to keep it “fair” for the training-wheel crowd in pvp? fine. make that a non-ability IN WvWvW or PVP. but really? all we have are town clothes, which suck anyway?
yep. i have a couple of characters whose feet get itchy from havin’ to wear shoes alla time!
Asura and charr shoes are TERRIBLE, I’d love to hide shoes.
I would realy wish to see this happening at one point. Would realy make my day~
I would love such a feature as well. Being able to hide shoes. Or even better being able to hide the lower half around the feet, keeping the part on the shins on.
queen jenna really launched a style!! i thought the new fetish were the fembots^^
anyway, why not?
Join the Rainbow Pride
please! all my characters are charr and the shoes are bloody fugly to look at