Extreme Makeover Kit + New Identity Kit ?

Extreme Makeover Kit + New Identity Kit ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dreamcrusher.4730



Okey, to start of this topic, i am going to explain the current situation, the following is what made me post this suggestion:

Since day one of head-start, i’ve played a human (female) thief, but now in end-game, i’ve found that most medium armors looks better on male characters. Therefore, i was very excited about your makeover-kit, allowing me to change the gender of my theif. Herein lies the first problem, even though the makeover kit would change my gender it wouldn’t change my name, leaving me with a male thief who goes by the name of a female, not the best combination.

I then decided to make a new character, i wanted to play warrior, but i wasnt sure about the race. I’ve since then made a charr, another human female and i am now leveling a third norn. It’s so hard to decide what race i want to be, and as i know how it is not beeing satisfied with the looks of your character during end-game, i want to do this “the right way” this time, so that i won’t have to regret my decicion later on.

But now when we have the makeover-kits, couldn’t you guys please just develop thease to the next level? I would gladly pay 800gems or so to be able to change my name, or even my race, and to be honest, i’d probably pay as much as 1500gems, even though i wouldn’t admit it . I’ve never bought anything from the gem store yet, but an item like this would deffenitly be worth the money.

So please, atleast consider adding items like these into the game. And whatever your answer might be, i would realy appriciate your thoughts on this suggestion in the form of a reply below.

Thanks for taking the time to read this! //Dr33m


Requesting 2 new items to be added to the gemstore:

1. Allows you to change your (appearance + gender + w/e) + Your name

2. Allows you to change your (appearance + gender + w/e) + Your race

Extreme Makeover Kit + New Identity Kit ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xsqueezit.1284


100% support this
But need to add that they should make it so it is only usable at level 80 after having completed all personal quests (to then avoid any quest related bugs)
I’d also pay 800gems to 1500gems

Extreme Makeover Kit + New Identity Kit ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: idelapuente.7921


absolutely this is a must. Or even better separate name change from make over….

Extreme Makeover Kit + New Identity Kit ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

wouldnt like to see a race change – that is the first decision you make when creating a character; it should be a commitment

name change is something that was confirmed as being ‘worked on’ a while ago -too lazy to find the post-, though im disappointed it wasnt implemented before/alongside appearance change (my warr has a unisex name; and for some reason most people tend to think my character is female – until they see them)

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

Extreme Makeover Kit + New Identity Kit ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xsqueezit.1284


I am the kind of person that is a big role-player, and like to customize my characters, but I don’t want to replay the human quests and would like to play the charr ones… though I don’t like how the charrs look like and would hence like to have a race change at the end of the game…

Extreme Makeover Kit + New Identity Kit ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dreamcrusher.4730


100% support this
But need to add that they should make it so it is only usable at level 80 after having completed all personal quests (to then avoid any quest related bugs)
I’d also pay 800gems to 1500gems

totally agree with you,

Players would have to be in level 80, they would have to be finished with their personal story, racials would be refunded and cultural armor pieces would be replaced with culturals from the same tier but for your new race, (T3 Norn Heavy Chest becomes T3 Human Heavy Chest)

atleast that’s the most balanced solution, (according to me)

Extreme Makeover Kit + New Identity Kit ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: WilVidz.3698


100% support this
But need to add that they should make it so it is only usable at level 80 after having completed all personal quests (to then avoid any quest related bugs)
I’d also pay 800gems to 1500gems

totally agree with you,

Players would have to be in level 80, they would have to be finished with their personal story, racials would be refunded and cultural armor pieces would be replaced with culturals from the same tier but for your new race, (T3 Norn Heavy Chest becomes T3 Human Heavy Chest)

atleast that’s the most balanced solution, (according to me)

Im also agreeing with this 100%, and im sure hundreds of people who dont look at the forums do too. It shouldn’t be a commitment on race and we should have the option to change race after hitting max level and doing all personal story quests. I found some armors on a different race that I wish I could change.

People are willing to pay!
People who do not support this are not forced to use it. so why be selfish and keep it from the ones who want it?

Extreme Makeover Kit + New Identity Kit ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: WilVidz.3698


wouldnt like to see a race change – that is the first decision you make when creating a character; it should be a commitment

That’s stupid! It’s like your saying your character name and gender should have been a commitment too. “that is the first decision you make when creating a character”

but still they have options to change those……..