Game Improvement - Suggestions

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ketharius.9018


Paid Race change.

Tarnished Coast
[FUNK] Squad

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eviscera.9703


1. Inspect option ingame so you can check other peoples gear and traits etc.
2. Guild Wars 2 armory: Inspect peoples gear and traits online.
3. 1vs1 Duel system.

Other then that I’m really enjoying the game so far!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: judeobscure.2537


show all active events on the map (not just ones we’re near) and even representational dots for each person on the map so we can see which events everyone is going to. right now its like blind cats mutely trying to herd other blind cats that may or may not be there. if we all saw all the events and knew how many people were on the map with us, i think map chat would really pick up. please!

its hard to remember we’re alive for the first time
its hard to remember we’re alive for the last time

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Twk.2697


I think that the level of the FotM dungeon should not be restricted to the whole team.

I mean people can get in any level as long as your leader has already reach that level, so we would not face the problem when your friend want to play with you but he can’t because the FotM dungeon level restriction.

The dungeon has coming up for about a week , people start to getting lot of the different level. It just get lot more complicate and inconvenient for player who want to party up.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: lucaf.5948


I completely support this one!

Would be great if I can have a summary view for my level of completion of discovered zones in game, like a table that would let me know quick what i miss and where. I tend to play and complete a map before moving to a different zone, but for many reasons I do have things left undone, hearts , waypoints poi and to see them all in a single table would be of much help towards game completion.

Hope to see others sharing this

Cheers and thx for this marvelous game. I have been playing ALL MMOs in recent years but GW2 has really set a new standard imho. Thumbs up, and keep it up guys !!!!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


suggestion that you can have maybe 2 or 3 titles, maybe need to buy so you can show more of them

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

(edited by UnknownFreak.2805)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: AmericanBadger.3094


Just finished reading through most of the reddit stuff. Saw one good point brought up. That different aspects of the game are getting alienated from one another, ie WvW, Fractals, PvE, Story, exploration. Meaning, people tend to migrate to one of these play styles while others get no love. Some ideas to help this out:

1 – Create PvE events around the world with special Daily/Weekly Bosses. If they get killed – the server gets a bonus for all players and WvW.

2 – Create WvW Daily/Weekly Bosses. If they get killed, WvW gets temp buff and PvE gets temp buff.

3 – Maybe incorporate some of these bosses into Jumping Puzzles to promote that aspect of world exploration.

4 – Create an all-server que for story mode dungeons, to help players complete their story.

5 – Add a temp “buff” for people that complete Dailies – make them go back to older zones and help out newer players.

6 – Add “Aura” cosmetic rewards for people who complete dungeons a certain amount of times. This will promote people to continue running dungeons even after they’ve farmed all their exotic gear. This “Aura” cosmetic could apply to fractals, and even WvW.

Thats my 2 cents. Had to post it here to get it out, even though it probably won’t get looked at lol. Thanks! still having fun playing this game!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Came up with another random idea, how about other finisher-flags, for PvP, and WvW, would be nice, like, guild finisher, that displays your guild emblem etc, also custom design would be nice, but that’s another question

edit, knows that there are other pvp, finisher, but I mean custom models, for finisher, it would add so that people can have different finishers

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

(edited by UnknownFreak.2805)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Disruptive.2509


Lower waypoint costs.

Raise Dungeon completion gold rewards to cover repairs, or make repairs cheaper.

Recruiting all levels for PvX on Jade Quarry!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: MisterGumby.8924


Reduce costs of waypoint teleporting in WvW. In PvE, I can understand, and losses can be easily remade by doing one or two events. However when you are on the losing side, and spending half your WvW time rezzing and trying to get back to the latest battle, on top of that paying the fees for armor repair, I end up spending half my money on that and then I’ll have to leave to make it all back.

I’d spend more time in WvW if it wasn’t such a burn on my wallet.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strom.4192


Two man Dungeons, like the ones that they JUST introduced in WoW and have had in DCUO, and Rift for qutie some time. Some folks dont have schedules that match up with all their friends. So a two man dungeon would be quite nice.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: civildude.4308


For the love of all that is holy get rid of ascended gear having improved stats and don’t bring any more terrible gear grind aspects back into my fun game please.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Reduce costs of waypoint teleporting in WvW.

WvW waypoint teleport is free

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bubby.6475


EDITED for the awesome flamethrower

please add mounts.

after reaching 80 and playing through 45% of the entire game, There is just way too much walking, especially in world v world.

>The two on the flamethrower is all the burst it gets for the lack of damage.
but its only useful as an opener, which is likely to miss, or as a follow up after three.

Ive taken this from the engy forum so giving credit where its due. The projectile itself needs faster travel speed and/or it needs a remote detonation from the user.

FFWC forum moderators. :)

(edited by Bubby.6475)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dred.7512


I think that you guys have done a good job but need to add mounts I would add something like a small dragon tamed after killing the boss dragon for a mount for faster traveling without paying in game money

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: skotie.2614


Please redesign dungeons. It’s not much fun running through the whole thing just range attacking almost everything you come across, and begs to ask the question why have melee classes in the game if they never use their melee skills except in pvp and leveling?

Speaking of pvp since I’m assuming this games mostly about pvp anyways please work on balancing it asap? Right now it looks like Thieves and Warriors are dominating all other professions.

If this game really has no tank/heals/dps trinity, why then is there even a guardian profession? Also why since there are no tanks are some situations MUCH easier with a guardian to take the hits? It’s almost like he’s a tank…. because he’s better at taking the hits… and staying alive… and not dying unlike other professions. I must just be high on crack though silly me!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Disruptive.2509


As I become more familiar with all the areas in GW2 I’ve lost much of the mystery on what to expect.
ie. Cursed Shore = Yay, I’m in Risen Hell! :/
I was thinking a way to spice things up could be to add random and rare mob generation by also implementing an entire new library of mobs. Have this affect all maps of Tyria.
You could also incorporate random events which can happen anywhere involving the new mobs.

Recruiting all levels for PvX on Jade Quarry!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iralara.1825


Things that drive me insane (some of which others have already mentioned):


1. We should be able to preview items on the TP.

2. The TP categories and subcategories are simultaneously too specific and not specific enough.
a) The categories available on the TP (e.g. consumable, upgrade component, crafting material) are difficult to navigate and are at times too specific. For example, why do gems say “crafting material” on their tooltip, yet they can be found on the TP only under “upgrade component”? Where in the world does dye fit in? Is it a consumable or an unlock? To me, it could be either, and I’m still not sure I’ve ever figured out what the TP gods think it should be. There should not be 13 main categories and even more subcategories on the TP if players have a difficult time figuring out where the TP gods think they should go.

b) Make armor (and weapons, gems, etc) filterable by type (e.g. heavy, medium, light) and by stats (e.g. condition damage, magic find, etc.). Not all items with “berserker” stats have the word “berserker” in the item name.

c) Make dyes filterable by hue, material, and set (see Dye Mode for what I mean by that).


3. Change priority of ESC key functionality. It should go something like this in terms of priority starting with the highest priority: Close last opened (or all) open windows > Stop autoattack > Clear target > Stop autorun.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD “STOP AUTORUN” OCCUR BEFORE ANY OF THE OTHER ACTIONS THAT ESC PERFORMS. NONE!!!!! When I am fleeing for my life and trying to close windows so I can see my screen, or clear my target so I stop autoattacking it, I WOULD LIKE TO KEEP FLEEING FOR MY LIFE.

4. Turn off right click targeting. I am CONSTANTLY losing targets because I end my right click during a camera adjustment while hovering over an npc, a different enemy, a party member, a dead mesmer clone, a rabbit, etc. This is annoying because it is so difficult to acquire targets as a ranged DPS. (See #5.)

5. Make health bars for enemies huge and show them all the time. We need more than names. As a ranged dps, it is almost impossible to click-target an enemy that is hidden behind players.

6. Dodging (including by using a keybinding) should interrupt ANY other action I am currently engaged in. This includes autoattacks, skills, in-process resurrections, etc.

7. Activating a weapon skill, utility skill, or dodging should ALWAYS interrupt an in-process resurrection.

8. Give us the ability to show target of target or to set a focus target. (See World of Warcraft if you need to understand what I’m talking about.) This will make it much easier to target appropriately and to acquire and reacquire targets. (Refer to #4 and 5.)

9. I would appreciate the ability to chain skills rather than interrupting them. For example, if I am casting a skill and accidentally start casting a different skill too soon, it cancels the first skill and gives it a short cooldown. I’d rather it just queue up the second skill.

10. Conversely, I think there should be a way to cancel a HEAL skill cast other than by dodging. This is especially true of our self-heal skill. Why are all other skills canceled by starting a new skill, but the heal skill is not? Yeah, I get that we might want our heal to go through even if we accidentally start a new skill, but I also don’t want to waste it with a 20-sec cooldown if I accidentally activate a heal when I don’t need it.

11. The loot key and resurrect key should not use the same button. Starting to resurrect a useless, dead NPC when you are trying to loot a corpse is exceedingly aggravating. (See #6 and 7.)

12. DO NOT let us cast spells that are out of range. Give us an error the same way you give an error for skills that require you to have an enemy targeted or at least make it a shorter cooldown like you do when the skill is interrupted rather than the full cooldown of the skill. This is especially frustrating when patch changes reduce the range of skills. I cannot tell you how many times I have wasted Phantasm utility skill cooldowns since the most recent patch (which changed the range from 1200 to 900).

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iralara.1825



13. Add a collections tab to the bank for rare crafting materials (i.e. slivers/cores, doubloons, essences, ectoplasms, etc.). There is no reason why these should be taking up space in my inventory or bank.


14. Increase dungeon reward tokens or reduce the number of tokens required for armor pieces. The grind for tokens is just that: a grind. A very painful, mind-numbing, weeks-long grind.

15. Allow us to sell back unaltered dungeon armor or weapons purchased from a token vendor for a full refund within a limited time frame after purchase (i.e. 1 hour of game time) in case we accidentally purchased the wrong piece.

16. Consider making dungeon items purchased from dungeon token vendors account bound UNTIL EQUIPPED rather than soulbound. While #15 is preferable, #16 would be an improvement over the current situation.


17. I want a jumping puzzle title.

18. A dive master title might also be nice, but it could be too easy to obtain (?).

19. More titles in general (e.g. for killing all world bosses, map completion, slayer, etc.)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Iralara.1825


20. Give an option to always show player titles below their names or to hide this information in the Options menu. (Make it so titles are visible without clicking on a player.)

21. Allow our character name and title to be visible to ourselves. (GW1 had this functionality when we pushed F.)

22. Give us the ability to inspect other players and see their character sheet. Flavor text on armor and weapons, and even our accessory choices, could be much more fun if we could show this off to other players when they inspected us.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: masterludda.3476


Give us slots to save muti specs with gear.You could even make us pay 250 gems per slot,with a max of 4 slots. That would help with the time and money spent on adding this to the game.

For one add the mystic forge to all the main cities.Also either move the fotm dungeon out of LA to all the major cities or to all the starting zones/80 zones.That would give us a reason to leave LA as it stands now why would people leave.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Antoine.1760


first of all i wanna say thx for a great game but there r some flaws u guys need to revamp the weapon skills especially 1h mace, fix the UI, add an 2h axe, LFG post, hav mailboxes in cities, etc.. but my biggest problem is WHY is there an defensive spec in the traits? i mean i play as an warrior n ive spec in defense n i am SQUISHY as hell i am not a cloth wearer!!!! i know theres no tank in this game BUT atleast let us defensive players take MORE hits!!! fix this ASAP i know theres no monthly fees but i rather play and PAY for game that works on the role i want to be (cough) WoW

(edited by Antoine.1760)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fabuloso.7846


LFG need to be implanted in gw2. Everyday when i log in i spend 1 or 2 hour spaming in LA look for a group for fractal at my lvl or low lvl dungeon. I want to look for a group while im playing the game ..

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: replicant.3620


Make Ascended Gear stat bonuses and Agony Resistance only work in Fractal Dungeons and future Agony dungeons. Outside of those areas make the stats simply act like Exotic equipment. You had equipment right in GW1.

Peralta | 80 Human Necromancer | Pain Train Choo [Choo] | Sanctum of Rall

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jono.1605


Lion’s Arch has become a Fractal’s Lobby. We could use either a LFG channel, window, or lobby at instance entrances. I didn’t mind so much when everyone would map chat for groups in Ascalon and such, because it’s not very concentrated. But now that the main hub city has a dungeon in it, it’s gone from Lion’s Arch to Lion’s Lobby.

There is some concern that a LFG window would take away from the immersion factor, but even something as simple as an LFG channel in each zone would help. It wouldnt affect immersion any more than the current LFG spam does in LA.

Or for a little more work, you could add an extra room just inside the dungeon entrance between the world and instance (a zone called The Antechamber for Ascalonian Catacombs for example) where the ’LFG’ers could go to build their party/look for members instead of standing out in the world interrupting our conversations x.x

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tripleforce.5062


Nice thread =)

Wanted to chime in here with my own suggestions based off of my experience:

1. It’s been said a hundred times probably, but I’ll say it again: Dungeon/Group Finder please! Right now, finding a group for a dungeon, especially a Story Mode, is boring, time consuming and just plain old not fun. I have plenty of pics to prove it too. Wait times and difficulty finding a group really hurts the GW2 experience, especially in a game that really sets itself apart from other MMOs by making everything from getting around to doing quests/events feel so organic and streamlined, it’s disappointing to find that you guys at ArenaNet have this awesome content just sitting there and I can’t get to it because you evolved every other area of the game in terms of MMO conventions, but shockingly “devolved” finding groups to a point that reminds us all of one of the things many of us disliked/hated most about many MMOs: Waiting forever to find a group to do the things you want to do with. This is by biggest complaint and I feel/know you beautiful people at ANet can do better. From utilizing your Overflow server tech to Guesting, enhancing the LFG UI, finding others LFGing on all servers, rewards for helping others complete dungeons (A “Good Samaritan” bonus- especially Story Modes for newbs like me!), anything would be appreciated.

2. I agree with mounts being added. Not just for getting around, it’s easy enough to do that. Simply because they are just fun. Also, because they would make the world seem more “real.” As it is, it’s hard to believe the people of Tyria came so far without figuring out how to train animals and ride/use them as transportation. But mostly, because you guys at ANet do such fantastic stuff with your models and animations, that I’d love to see what you can do with mounts in GW2. (P.S. -Think of the Black Lion Trading Company possibilities! *cough *cough) Seriously though, mounts are such a great extension of our characters and the customization options available to them. Think about it ;-)

3. Also, and this is a little thing, but maybe a button on the WvWvW interface to take you back to whereever you were when you first entered? I know we can just hop through the Asura Gate to Lion’s Arch, but this could be done pretty easily. Especially considering you can easily work around this by opening the PvP pane, clicking “Go to the Heart of the Mists” and then opening the PvP UI again and clicking “Leave the Mists” to get right back to where you were when you first entered. I do it all the time, hehe =) So yeah, button to leave WvWvW please.

And 4. While I’m here I may as well mention that you may want to ease up on chat restrictions for spam. I know you want to fight gold-seller and account hacker spam, that’s great. Still, it’s hard enough to find a group as it is, so to have the filter set to deny repeated messages, even when they are six or more minutes apart, only hurts my ability to communicate my desire to find a group. Even jumping to another map doesn’t help, as the filter still kept me from sending LFG messages, or anything at all for that matter, to Map channel chat. I tried looking for group in Lion’s Arch and hopped over to Frostgorge Sound to find a group for Honor of the Waves there, but found I could not communicate due to the restriction on chat.

Exhibit A: See attached

Maybe use some more sensitive spam detection to look for certain phrases/words, etc.? Anyhow, just my thoughts based on what I experienced.

5. Also, I agree with allowing us to chat and interact with more or all of the guild we are members of at once, but also, if we could choose 1 or 2 more “Alt Guilds” to earn points and influence for along with our “Main” guild. You could have the main guild earn the points they do now, but also allow us to choose 1 or 2 more alt guilds to earn points for at a diminishing rate (Say around 25-50% of the influence gain of the main guild. Or even pick a main guild, or 1st and gain influence at 1x rate, a 2nd guild at .5x rate and a 3rd guild that I could help gain influence for at .25x rate.). If there is any fear that large/active guilds might exploit this, simply cap the rate gains for those large influence gainers at X amount per hour/day/other period of time. I think this would help with making guilds more social and aiding smaller guilds in becoming more competitive, active, etc. Just a thought.

Anyhow, that’s all I’ve got for now. I’m only really beginning to tackle GW2 as a level 80 now, and I’m having a blast, but I’d be having even more fun with these suggestions implemented (especially the Group Finder). Thanks for taking the time to read this and everything else the community has to say. And thanks for all your hard and amazing work on what has become my personal favorite MMO currently and one of my favorite games of all time. I really do appreciate it!


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SuiRyuJin.4615


can we get a button for canceling current target? esc actually interrupt current action before canceling target. theres time where u need to use skill in a way that u cant have a target, i am forced to usually tapping esc twice and interrupt current action before clearing my target.

Suiryujin – Ele [Pyro]
Server: Maguuma

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


There are some great suggestions here. Keep up the good work guys! I also added a suggestion in another thread about adding in previous GW1 dungeons like UW and FoW.

The FoW armor from tokens can be Obsidian Armor, weapons can be Chaos Weapons (similar to the Chaos Axe / gloves from GW1) for each weapon type, and maybe even adding a Gift of Woe or something for a new Legendary (Obsidian Edge?).

Here is the link to my suggestion post, but seriously guys even just from page 1 alone, you guys are adding some great suggestions – keep it up!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Medusa.5692


I think that the Trade Post should have more options to narrow the search down for armor. I would love to be able to just view light, medium, or heavy armor. It’s a pain going through all of it!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Obly.9243


Hi all,

Main points that I would like to suggest for improvement:


1: Trading option
2: Party finding tool (Great for letting people find groups for dungeons and events)

PvP related:

1: More sPvP maps around 15 (Just 5 maps gets really boring after a while)

2: Regular bank NPC in Heart of the Mist

3: Dueling option (This will give new players the opportunity to practice before jumping into a full scale battle.)

Black lion trading post / economy related:

1: Have gem sales manual priced, let the players decide what price they wish to buy gems at and sell at. (This will create a more solid market movement.)

2: Give us an option to “Gift” other players gem store items. It will also give additional sales routes for merchants, this will on the negative side give some the advantage on gold, however this will come from purchases of gems or charging for gems, thus contributing to the overall economy and funding the game’s owner (ANet).

3: More extensive filter system, like search for Heavy Armor types only.

on WvWvW matters:

1: Outmanned buff needs to have something beneficial for the players, currently it does absolutely nothing to motivate people to try and defend anyways. Perhaps just a 5% Outgoing Damage increase and 5% Incoming Damage decrease.

2: Loot bags in WvWvW, honestly I can’t understand why you choose this mechanic in the first place, during the large scale battles people miss out on a lot of their loot because of A) not seeing a lootbag, having no time C) Dieing and not being able to collect it. For C being the main reason, let the loot be automatically put into the players inventory.

Hope some of these ideas will be able to be implemented by the GW2/ArenaNet development team.

Kind regards,

wtf…skyham….all is vain

(edited by Obly.9243)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadamehr.1284


I’d love to see something as an alternative to PvP and dungeons at level 80. In WoW, SWTOR etc. raiding is nothing but an endless treadmill gear grind designed to keep you in the game and paying your subscription fees, Arenanet fixed this by removing it, and replaced it with …… nothing. I stopped playing SWTOR when I came to the realization that despite its improvements all I was playing was a WoW clone dressed up as sci-fi. I know this is a hard ask, no MMO that I know of has come up with an answer to this. WoW tried to solve this (and failed miserably imo) by introducing Pokemon. SWTOR had gimmicky, rail shooter, space battles, but what if instead of this they had an Elite style system ? Something similar to Chris Robert’s upcoming Star Citizen ? It would also have to be something really long term. I would be back playing SWTOR in 2 seconds flat if it had this. But in a fantasy universe such as GW2’s ? Player housing ? (I’ve never played an MMO with this, lots of players asked for it in WoW), An instanced Lion’s Arch (Any city) expansion pack that would breathe even more life into the city ? I’m sure there are many ideas players could come up with.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Falcon.7826


Only 1 thing in mind:
The Legendary weapons, there are too hard to get
well for some its not but atless make it tradeable
but make it more sense with normal people can get them if not
then make it have special power not just same power as normal exotic rate

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: miniL.7361


1. Inspect option ingame so you can check other peoples gear and traits etc.
2. Guild Wars 2 armory: Inspect peoples gear and traits online.
3. 1vs1 Duel system.

Other then that I’m really enjoying the game so far!

This + bigger bug fix squad would be endless joy for a long time.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avatar.6082


I’m another voice for finding ways to make picking up a group for dungeons more user friendly.

I would like to be able to PvE while still be available for dungeons and see then join a forming group from anywhere, and have that communication channel span all servers so the maximum possible group of people with the desire to play together can easily do so.

A cross-server channel I can have open in a tab with filters by dungeon would be perfect.

If this is technically difficult or goes against some design principle, then can we please have all future dungeons come with a cross-server staging area, where you can go and look for a group across all servers. Overflow servers already make cross-server group finding easier, if we could expand this to a small location we can go to just before entering the dungeon which was cross-server then this too would aid us in grouping together and play more of this wonderful game instead of standing in LA for an hour shouting “LFG”.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirroq.2531


Only 1 thing in mind:
The Legendary weapons, there are too hard to get
well for some its not but atless make it tradeable
but make it more sense with normal people can get them if not
then make it have special power not just same power as normal exotic rate

What is too hard? The time needed to spend farming or the dungeon tokens?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: rajjy.4832


Uglier faces for humans would be wonderful. I miss some of the necro face options in GW1.

Edit: Actually, uglier faces for all races would be nice. Same for females.

(edited by rajjy.4832)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skitso.4065



My suggestion is regarding Party Formation and/or search features for grouping:

It appears there have already been many good suggestions regarding this topic and forgive me if I’m just repeating the same thing that has been said but I just don’t have the time to read through the entire thread.

As with a lot of other people, I’d really like the opportunity to enjoy playing the game while also being able to be available to get a party for a dungeon or any other group activity.

In Final fantasy 11, players had the ability to set a custom comment in their looking for group status, and we had a search feature which allowed us to search the entire server of players and filter the search by the different comment categories (i.e. Experience group, dungeons, story missions, etc). The game let you set a custom comment category and also allowed you to write a custom comment where you could write a short description of what you were seeking a group for. So, for example, a person seeking to make a party for a dungeon could search for people that had a dungeon comment selected and find exactly who they needed based on the actual comment description. Thus, this could be another option to expand the current Looking for group status in the game which is fairly limiting as far as I understand it. This would also alleviate the need to be spamming a chat channel since once you set your LFG status and comment someone could just search for you. Here’s a link to what the “ffxi wiki” which showed how the system kind of looked like :

Of course, I’m not sure if this sort of system is even feasible in this game based on how cross-server play works but if something like this were at all possible it would be nice. I also admit this sort of system probably needs to be somewhat simplified or streamlined to have a good effect in GW2.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mathog.3157


Would it be possible to make in an MMO a ring of fire attack like this for bosses?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Layniac.7520


Why I find myself putting down Guild Wars 2 and re-entering the seemingly vastly inferior World of Warcraft yet again:
Like so many others that have left suggestions in this thread, I’d like to start by thanking and congratulating A-net on a wonderful and wickedly fun game. That said, I have a couple of big issues with the gameplay experience, that are truly becoming deal breakers for me. And, I fear will unfortunately, force me to leave this amazing game behind.
1) The first, isn’t as big a nuisance as my other issue, but nonetheless I find it very bothersome. It has to do with the lack of actual good/bad guys (light/dark duality) in the sPVP experience. During one PVP game I find myself locked in mortal combat with the diabolical blue team and all of their individual devilish lil’ players and the very next match, loe and behold I have joined forces with my arch enemies (or some of them at least) and am now fighting for the forces of evil. It makes me feel dirty all over, like I need to take a shower and gives the entire PVP experience more of a TRAINING feel than actual blood and guts, all out WARFARE.
2) The second problem is with the PVE experience. It (PVE) is such a beautiful, detailed, rich and truly robust reality, that you all have crafted for us in that part of the game that it hurts me to say this, but it is lacking a key component that seriously takes away from the overall experience of rockin’ it… FEAR! The threat of real danger lurking out there in the world and the amazing gaming rush that comes with it. I’m not talking about the fear of challenging in-game creature or hard bosses, or the WvW experience, but rather the absolute rush of fear you experience in the PVE world, when a chance encounter finds you face to face with another player that is compelled to kill you. Or, just the wonderful uncertainty of knowing that at any time while your out questing, another player or a number of other players could suddenly descend on you and stomp you into the afterlife. It would make the idea of leveling characters undeniably more fun, challenging and edgy.

Maybe if there were certain parts of the map where the realms actually came together or inter-twined in some way creating contested areas or territories where players from competing realms would be thrown together in the same environment while questing in these areas would be a good solution.
Hopefully there are solutions to these shotcomings, cuz they are itches that I really need scratched.
Welp, in the imortal words of Forest Gump “That’s all I have to say about thaat”.
Either way, Thanks guys…
Layniac out

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faranox.4217


Add first-person perspective, primarily to make jumping puzzles less confusing.

Chops Mcgee, of Anvil Rock

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shagaz.6209


- Remove WwW maps from 100% completion, PvE players have to do PvP, PvP players have player slots wasted because usually explorer doesnt contribute to the WwW and there are people like me who cant even see enemies during big battles in WwW, or game crashes when the fight is too big and there are too many players. (Maybe have pois from dungeons matter also, and the player could choose which points he/she wants to get for map completion.)

- Add 2h axes, and spears (polearms?) as normal weapons also.

- Make story mode repetable, with smaller rewards than explorables, maybe then finding a group for a story mode wouldnt be so hard sometimes.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Loridian.2410


Guild Revamp/Changes

1. would like to see Guilds become more than just a place to chat It is called Guild wars after all. Right now you cant enter sPVP with your Guild mates.
2. Add a reason for guilds to exist, like Guild Only Dungeons (this would be a huge improvement)
3. Add multiple alliances Guilds e.g like a nation of guilds, and create Raid dungeons based on this
4. Allow hover over characters (in guild roster) not online and see when lost logged in date was.
5. Allow Guilds to fight other guilds in a balanced PvP WvW style. Again its called guild wars so lets have some actual Guild Wars.
6. The existing entire guild screen format design revamped from ground up. (sux to do but is something thats needed)

Tons more, but I find the one main reason you continue to login a game after the “honeymoon” is over, is having friends and a guild that can actually do things together. Other than form a party of 5 players. I can say as a Longtime (back to the first legendary Graphic mmo Ultima Online) MMO player. Its not just new content, new gear, new maps, its the friends you make, and the things that a Guild can do together, that makes a game last. And keeps people coming back.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kriptonic.5863


Mounts portals are great and all but for me I want to ride big game killer for me you would think with the name and the fancy logo this game would have something to ride.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kriptonic.5863


One more thing I know this game doesn’t follow the tank, healer, dps for dungeons but I still would love to be able to find a group for one I would say a better LFG system.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrcrabcore.2781


Make leveling feel more special. at the moment it just feels like a task with no achievement

Glasidria – Asuran Necromancer – Commander ~
Officer Glas – Asuran Guardian ~ Gunnars Hold
Guild – Dark Reavers [DkR]

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: deltanium.7543


It has probably already been said, but dueling is definitely something I would like to see done, mostly for roleplay purposes.
Having to bring some dies tend to make the fighting process in roleplay somewhat lackluster.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Only One suggestion:

Fix the asura weapon scaling issues by strapping all one handed weapons to the backs of asura.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rockhorn.2376


This is just a minor idea, but I think the animation of the engineer ability “Hip Shot” should be changed so the character raises the gun to his / her shoulder, just like warriors.

My reasoning for this is that the current animation looks rather comical, and furthermore, the legendary rifle is a sniper rifle. (And we can’t fire that from the hip now,can we?)

Rockhorn Stonehide – Far Shiverpeaks

“Run to your false gods, we have tanks.”

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Acension.9270


I think an engineer should be able to use a hammer as a weapon and be able to weapon swap, i know we have kits but to be honest the don’t do much damage at all and they don’t use the weapons stats on our weapons. Hammer would fit in so well with the class seeming as it is an engineer and they build stuff with hammers lol.
Here are some skills, not by me:

I like the idea of a hammer for the Engineer as well. In fact, at one point I liked the idea so much (before reading this topic) that I thought of some skills for it :P

My ideas for Engineer Hammer skills:

1) Hammer Swing – 0.5s activation
Chain. Swing your hammer at your foe.
Range: 130

>Hammer Bash – 0.5s activation
Chain. Bash your foe with your hammer.
Range: 130

>Propelled Smash – 0.75s activation
Leap at and smash your foe with a propelled smash.
Range: 300

2) Shrapnel Stomp – 1s activation – 12s recharge
Slam a shrapnel bomb into the ground with your hammer, making it
explode knocking back and bleeding enemies.
Bleeding 4(4s): 680 damage
Radius: 240
Combo Finisher: Blast

3) Mallet Polarization – 0.5s activation – 25s recharge
Spin around with your hammer to polarize up to five nearby foes and damage
foes you physically hit.
Polarized(10s): Movement speed reduced by 10%.
Radius: 500
Combo Finisher: Whirl
Range: 130

>> Polar Attraction – 0.25s activation
Pull nearby polarized foes to you. Removes polarized from all foes
you have polarized.
Maximum pull range: 1000
Pull: 500

4) Gravity Field – 5s channel – 30s cooldown
Emit a field of high gravity from your hammer on the move,
crippling yourself and all foes within it.
Cripple(1s) per Pulse(1s): -50% movement speed
Radius: 180

5) Shellshocker – 1s activation – 40s cooldown
Electrify your hammer and daze foes around your target with a
powerful slam.
Daze: 3s
Radius: 150
Range: 130

Trolls :)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: OmegaAlpha.9086


Dueling System

There should be an option to “Duel” when you right click on a players name. When a player gets downed the duel is over and the player you were dueling is no longer a threat, meaning they can revive you. Something like that.

Also, with the dueling system, you should be able to do party duels. I don’t know if this should be another option, but it would be nice to also have. This would allow 5v5, 2v5, 1v5 or so.

All players have to accept the duel for it so start.

An option to not display the duel option when other players right click on your icon.

Duels cannot take place in towns/cities.

This system should work outside the Mists.

Maybe even add this to WvW where you can duel opposing players. During this, only the player(s) that are in involved can attack each other. So, this means that you cannot attack the opposing side when dueling, and they cannot attack you.

Achievements for friendly duels, no ranking system, just some achievements+titles.

  • Wins before being defeated
  • Win %
  • Wins by profession
  • Professions fought
  • Professions won against/%
  • etc

More PvP Options

These should have a ranking system + achievements + tournaments

Gladiator type arena

  • open arena, no obstacles at all
  • 5-10+ players enter, one leaves, everyone for themselves
  • 1-5v1-5 death matches
  • (maybe) Literally an arena, where players can enter and watch the battle from the stands

GvG battles from GW1

Capture the flag (2-4 teams of 5 players)

  • the only way you get points is by your team holding the flag, and only one team member can hold it at any given time
  • your team can also get points for killing the player that has the flag
  • you get bonus points the longer you hold the flag?

King of the mountain (2-4 teams of 5 players)

  • one capture point that’s it, keep it for as long as your team can.

With all the Mists content people should be able to watch the match that’s taking place.

Any suggests, feed back is welcomed.

(edited by OmegaAlpha.9086)