Greater Camera Control needed badly!

Greater Camera Control needed badly!

in Suggestions

Posted by: TsaiKo.9067


The current camera offset options are fine for humans, sylvari and asura characters, but for large norn and especially charr characters there is a serious issue with having the camera centered torso height, especially while zoomed in. The character blocks the most important 30-40% of the entire screen and makes it pretty much impossible to see anything you’re going to be trying to melee without zooming out and turning the view downwards.


While the current in game horizontal camera offset options work sufficiently enough for most characters, the charr in particular need a much greater camera offset to make things work due to the fact that they lean heavily while strafing. This pic is taken with the camera at the max right position and the character is once again right smack in the middle of the screen and since charr characters always lean right when strafing with their weapons out, he’ll stay that way while you’re trying to look for that devourer nipping at your ankles too.


Being forced to play zoomed out and view angled down means we’re missing out on most of the fantastic world design and pretty much staring at ground textures the entire time. Please give us greater control over our camera offset (both verticle and horizontal) and zoom so we can perhaps give ourselves a true over the shoulder view and maybe a first person view as well. Doing so would give us a much better, more immersive experience and not skip us over in enjoying the game’s atmosphere and content.

Thank you.

Greater Camera Control needed badly!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zyro.7416


Being forced to play zoomed out and view angled down means we’re missing out on most of the fantastic world design and pretty much staring at ground textures the entire time.

so true. it was untill a few days ago that i didn’t know the Grove was one giantic beautifull tree. i mean, seriously.. i’ve been missing out! from now on won’t skip vista’s anymore

the camera also needs to be fixed when you are in tight corners or tunnels, like in jumping puzzles. the jumping puzzle in LA (troll’s end) for example is so messed up that it’s frustrating to figue out where to go.

Greater Camera Control needed badly!

in Suggestions

Posted by: TsaiKo.9067


The first person camera would make tight spaces a lot more tolerable. The current camera system really goes crazy when it gets pushed into world objects. First person would also really help you see where your feet are when you’re doing the jumping puzzles too.

I can’t be the only guy having these issues, up vote this is you want these camera issues fixed!