Greatest list of suggestions ever

Greatest list of suggestions ever

in Suggestions

Posted by: IsmertIdegen.2401


No, not really. But there’s hoping that the title caught your attention, ladies and gents.

With so many good suggestions out there on this forum, I wanted to give my share of opinion to the masses. Warning, walls of text ahead.

First, these are my suggestions regarding immersion.

1.) Optional helmets in cutscenes.
Guild Wars 2 is already one of the few MMOs where your character actually feels like a part of the lore. Players can easily immerse themselves with the world like this, seeing their character talk and respond to others around. Therefore, I think that there should be an option for helmets to show during the cutscenes. The NPCs still have their helmets on during the cinematics, why can’t we? If say, somebody fancied themselves as an anonym thief, never revealing their identity, it can be a bit disappointing that the cutscene removes it.

2.) An actual use for character alignment.
I find it a great addition to determine the personality of your character by the three traits; charisma, dignity and ferocity. But to say the least, it’s disappointing to only see these get any use in text. In my opinion, during a cutscene, they would have a lot more impact. Of course, NPC lines and responses would stay the same, but the player character could reply something that’s true to his/her nature. A brute character would reply over-excited and loud, a noble character would be calm and collected and quiet.

3.) Recognition of your party members.
This one is quite simple; have a feature, maybe an optional one, that would allow your present party members to have a word in cutscene conversations. Maybe just a cheesy oneliner, or just agreeing with you, anything would be fine. Maybe even my previous suggestion could play a part in that.

4.) The option to replay story missions.
A lot of people agrees that after you completed your personal story, the character is rarely seen in cutscenes, or not at all. Indeed, you can see your character in cutscenes during dungeons, but even there they rarely talk, and you’re lucky if you’re not cussed at/kicked for not skipping the cutscenes entirely. (Please refrain from explaining group finding techniques.) This can really disconnect the players from the character they immersed themselves into the lore with so much. There could be anNPC in your home instance, where you could replay a chosen story mission; of course, you wouldn’t get the same rewards, maybe only experience. Additionally, your major choices would be already unchangeable.

5.) The ability to interact with the environment more.
A good example would be… sitting down on a chair. Sitting upon railings. Lying down into certain beds. Animations whilst crafting.

6.) Different town clothes for different background stories.
I don’t know about you, but there was always some things about the default town clothing that bothered me. Humans are the best example; a character with the street rat background is unlikely to have such posh clothing. So my proposition is the following; make different default town clothing for the races, depending on their background. For humans, their lifestyle; nobility, common folk, street rat. For the charr, their Legion; for Asura, their college. For the norns, the spirit they worship could be a differentiation. And as for the sylvari, either the teaching they follow, or the cycle they awoke in.

And now, for my gameplay suggestions.

1.) Ranged weapons, and their users.
The first half of this suggestion is still kinda immersion-ish; rangers should be able to wield rifles. A proper hunter knows his or her way around with weapons usually used for hunting.
The other half is; guardians should be able to use one type of bow, or crossbow even. A magic-using bowman wouldn’t be much of an aberration from fantasy standards. Not to mention that their current weapons for long range combat – the staff and the scepter – are not the fastest weapons, or the ones with the most admirable reach. I understand that ANet probably aren’t going to implement new weapon types, or at least not now, but this one is still up there.

2.) WvW vistas and points of interest.
They should be moved outside of the forts, to places where everyone can get to them, even if the map is dominated by a hostile server. This way, less people would demand the removal of WvW maps from world completion.

This would be my list of suggestions. I aimed to suggest things that would be possible and not utterly lore-breaking to carry out; but of course it’s ANet’s call in the end, and I don’t want to sound like I’m demanding anything.

ALSO, these are mainly my opinions. All I’m asking is, if you disagree with them, either be civilized whilst disagreeing, or kindly ignore them.

TL;DR version: enjoy and discuss in a civilised manner.