Guild wars 2 trial

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Varjostin.8256



I’m not sure if this is the right place to suggest this but I think it would be good that Guild Wars 2 had Free trial as guild wars 1 had. I have many friends that are willing to try the game but don’t want to pay for it before they know what they are paying for. And I think it would also help Guild wars 2 to have more players and paying customers.

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: nehezbegar.1065


Not now. You can’t even imagine how much ppl will swarm login servers. Do You want the same situation as at the release?

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Varjostin.8256


Maybe not right now. But in the near future?

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: nehezbegar.1065


They will probably launch the free trial in the future, but definetly not now

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lucky.3870


I don’t think there should be a trial version of the game.

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: nehezbegar.1065


At least they should release some kind of benchmark to test the performance

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lucky.3870


At least they should release some kind of benchmark to test the performance

There’s already a tool like that; it’s the GameAdvisor from

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kristo.6829


Trial for some players would be awesome, u could do like blizzard did with diablo 3. Everyone who buys a copy of Guild wars 2 gets 1-2 free trial codes what includes 1-15? levels of the game and only 1 race and his starting area like Human and Queensdale?

In my opinion that would be the best way because it’s not “p2p” monthly game.

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

A trial version is a good idea except when the servers are under heavy load. So what I’m expecting is that we won’t have a trial version for a few months. Then buddy keys show up, becoming more and more common until ANET drops the buddy key system and lets anyone make a trial via their website.

As for the restrictions on the trial, that could be run to speculate on.

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joha.3758


Trial accounts are also a bad thing in terms of gold spammers, which would be unstoppable with that.

I am fine with the idea of 1-2 trial keys per account so you can invite some friends to play in lower-lvl areas and limit them to lvl15

Throw the rules out of the window, odds are you go that way too.

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


This might be a good idea if it was a sub based game….!

but when you go to the store and buy a console game do you ask them to let you play it for a week before you buy it ? of course not because you only pay for the box and that’s it, guess what same thing applies here to, this is NOT a sub based game. plus demand is pretty high right now why would they even do a trial right now, it’d be a silly move on their part.

If your friends really just want to try it out than make a new character and let them play a little bit I’m sure they will buy it after 15 minutes of play time anyway.

Note: I’m not sure if that breaks the TOS though

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joha.3758


This might be a good idea if it was a sub based game….!

but when you go to the store and buy a console game do you ask them to let you play it for a week before you buy it ? of course not because you only pay for the box and that’s it, guess what same thing applies here to, this is NOT a sub based game. plus demand is pretty high right now why would they even do a trial right now, it’d be a silly move on their part.

If your friends really just want to try it out than make a new character and let them play a little bit I’m sure they will buy it after 15 minutes of play time anyway.

Note: I’m not sure if that breaks the TOS though

Technically you are not renting the game if they play it on your PC. However if you told them your account credentials that might be considered a TOS violation.

If you let them play it on your PC, it is absolutely fine

Throw the rules out of the window, odds are you go that way too.

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wraith.4103


Gw got free trial, gw2 probably will have too. I do not like trials at all, and for gw2… well it’s not a pay to play. I cant say “let me do a 7 days trial with mass effect 3”

Anyway some games got demos, so a trial for gw2 NEED to be very well made.

First reason: If we get free trial by DAYS the “trial guys” would spam e-mail accounts to play sPVP. So let them play like… 1 time only?
Second: They could take place from who payed for the game, in the WvWvW forever waiting list. lol

Adrian Faust – Human Mesmer
—-—Art Of Invasion [ART]——-
Gate of Madness

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hannson.7034


This might be a good idea if it was a sub based game….!

but when you go to the store and buy a console game do you ask them to let you play it for a week before you buy it ? of course not because you only pay for the box and that’s it, guess what same thing applies here to, this is NOT a sub based game. plus demand is pretty high right now why would they even do a trial right now, it’d be a silly move on their part.

If your friends really just want to try it out than make a new character and let them play a little bit I’m sure they will buy it after 15 minutes of play time anyway.

Note: I’m not sure if that breaks the TOS though

Actually most games stores have a grace period of about 3 days when you buy a game to return it if you don’t like it for another game of equal price.

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


I’m not saying they won’t have a trial period, I’m saying I wouldn’t want them to but let’s be honest they will at some point just right now it would be a silly idea for them to do so with such high demands for the game and all.

Also, the trials do need to be restricted in certain ways indeed like Wraith said,
- no world versus world access at peak times to ensure paying customer do get access.
- limited trading post access to prevent screwing up the economy.
- no whisper available only the open channel chats like say, map and all those.

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Unpredictability.4086


What if they made the trial cost money? It could be cheap like $3 and last a couple days or until X level in PvE. I would try that.

Whisper should be available though. I would whisper friends to find where they were talk.

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


What if they made the trial cost money? It could be cheap like $3 and last a couple days or until X level in PvE. I would try that.

That’s actually a good idea a small fee for a trial account and since the game does not feature a sub it’s brilliant mate. I do remember a game that did that can’t remember the name though it was many years ago.

Guild wars 2 trial

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nebiros.5612


I think a trial would be fine to allow friends and others to try the game but i think a few restrictions should be set in place to prevent gold spammer abuse.

I would mainly go with all chat / mail functions are disabled, that would take away gold spammers use for the trials

to keep communication available in trials for when friends try the game via trial and play along with you, party chat could be kept unlocked