How to make Dragon Events fun
Also, the top players ( a mix of healing/DPS/protection.. ) could be displayed. They don’t even need to be rewarded more, just being displayed as the top players on the dragon events would be rewarding enough.
This would also cause people to be less lazy about changing their builds for dragons for top DPS.
Usually we sit with a lot of unused skills during them.
I feel like a lot of events could benefit from a WvW approach. Killing a dragon should be like knocking open a Fortified Wall – yes, it requires a bit of DPS, but there should be siege weaponry or something to speed up the process. Imagine this.
A dragon comes up. The thing is freaking massive. It’s completely invulnerable and still deals damage like it does now. In order to kill it, it has to be weakened by something.
There could be an event point where you have to go to a nearby area and kill X of something (don’t tell me this is too cliche, GW2 has many collection hearts/events) and bring back their essence to be combined into something. Then, a PLAYER (as opposed to an NPC) needs to be escorted to the dragon to throw it on him. If the player is downed in the meantime, he drops the item. The item can only be dropped X number of times before having to be recreated.
There could be several of these items that need to be gathered and several events that need to be completed before the dragon is actually damageable. While players are off doing these events, an event could be active while players and NPC’s try to immobilize the dragon and keep him contained to a smaller area. If the dragon were mobile, it could go and destroy village upon village in the zone, and future events would require cleanup of his destruction.
Once the necessary weakening materials are assembled and applied, players can damage him. Players could run to nearby villages to enlist the help of NPC’s in charge of siege equipment that could speed up the process. Siege equipment can be destroyed by the dragon, and when it’s gone, it’s gone.
The dragon dies, and you’re a hero, and you all go and work toward cleaning up the villages. This way, there is enough going on to divert the player density to make it feel less like a mindless zerg, and more like there is some strategy to it. I like the WvW dynamic, and feel like it could change the PvE aspect of things drastically (but only in certain areas of course – we wouldn’t want to make it the only way to play).
My two cents.
I feel like a lot of events could benefit from a WvW approach. Killing a dragon should be like knocking open a Fortified Wall – yes, it requires a bit of DPS, but there should be siege weaponry or something to speed up the process. Imagine this.
A dragon comes up. The thing is freaking massive. It’s completely invulnerable and still deals damage like it does now. In order to kill it, it has to be weakened by something.
There could be an event point where you have to go to a nearby area and kill X of something (don’t tell me this is too cliche, GW2 has many collection hearts/events) and bring back their essence to be combined into something. Then, a PLAYER (as opposed to an NPC) needs to be escorted to the dragon to throw it on him. If the player is downed in the meantime, he drops the item. The item can only be dropped X number of times before having to be recreated.
There could be several of these items that need to be gathered and several events that need to be completed before the dragon is actually damageable. While players are off doing these events, an event could be active while players and NPC’s try to immobilize the dragon and keep him contained to a smaller area. If the dragon were mobile, it could go and destroy village upon village in the zone, and future events would require cleanup of his destruction.
Once the necessary weakening materials are assembled and applied, players can damage him. Players could run to nearby villages to enlist the help of NPC’s in charge of siege equipment that could speed up the process. Siege equipment can be destroyed by the dragon, and when it’s gone, it’s gone.
The dragon dies, and you’re a hero, and you all go and work toward cleaning up the villages. This way, there is enough going on to divert the player density to make it feel less like a mindless zerg, and more like there is some strategy to it. I like the WvW dynamic, and feel like it could change the PvE aspect of things drastically (but only in certain areas of course – we wouldn’t want to make it the only way to play).
My two cents.
This sounds awesome !
I feel like a lot of events could benefit from a WvW approach. Killing a dragon should be like knocking open a Fortified Wall – yes, it requires a bit of DPS, but there should be siege weaponry or something to speed up the process. Imagine this.
A dragon comes up. The thing is freaking massive. It’s completely invulnerable and still deals damage like it does now. In order to kill it, it has to be weakened by something.
There could be an event point where you have to go to a nearby area and kill X of something (don’t tell me this is too cliche, GW2 has many collection hearts/events) and bring back their essence to be combined into something. Then, a PLAYER (as opposed to an NPC) needs to be escorted to the dragon to throw it on him. If the player is downed in the meantime, he drops the item. The item can only be dropped X number of times before having to be recreated.
There could be several of these items that need to be gathered and several events that need to be completed before the dragon is actually damageable. While players are off doing these events, an event could be active while players and NPC’s try to immobilize the dragon and keep him contained to a smaller area. If the dragon were mobile, it could go and destroy village upon village in the zone, and future events would require cleanup of his destruction.
Once the necessary weakening materials are assembled and applied, players can damage him. Players could run to nearby villages to enlist the help of NPC’s in charge of siege equipment that could speed up the process. Siege equipment can be destroyed by the dragon, and when it’s gone, it’s gone.
The dragon dies, and you’re a hero, and you all go and work toward cleaning up the villages. This way, there is enough going on to divert the player density to make it feel less like a mindless zerg, and more like there is some strategy to it. I like the WvW dynamic, and feel like it could change the PvE aspect of things drastically (but only in certain areas of course – we wouldn’t want to make it the only way to play).
My two cents.
Great idea. It reminds me of a game of D&D I once ran. The players had to collect and assemble a magic scepter that they had to throw into the giant creature’s mouth to weaken it before they could kill it. They seemed to have fun with it
Also, the top players ( a mix of healing/DPS/protection.. ) could be displayed. .
I could not care less about things like this. There’s a reason it hasn’t been implemented into the game.
Remove the ability to whack a dragons toe to kill it and rely on siege weaponry to make it vulnerable. Or rather make siege weapons have the dragon fall to the ground so that whacking it’s face becomes possible. It looks stupid that a lot of tiny midgets just swarm the darn things feet and smack it several times. One dragon where you have the option to use some kind of floating lazer cannon, the cannon is NEVER used. People just charge head-on and smack the darn things toes… Yeah that’s fun. I’m having more fun at regular events and other kind of boss events than dragons simply because dragons are big piles of SUCK.
it would be just fine not to be accused of being a mean cruel dragon killer when other people just go there to farm his minions…
that should be fixed according to me…
edit: i mean i’m fine with a better reward for a good participation in the event, so at least people who just grind lodestones in claw of jormag event know that they will have a worse chest reward
Join the Rainbow Pride
How hard would it be to make the dragon climbable?
Run up the tail and onto the back and hack away until it shakes us off.
But then what if the person that is holding a siege weapon goes AFK or is messing up and delaying the event for everyone else?
This is the kind of issue you get with a public event. You can’t rely on people doing their job right. It is fine for an instance type of challenge because you can control who enters the instance.
Having useful siege weapons to speed up the process is great but shouldn’t be about them, unfortunately.
Finding more interesting ways for the community to play together and bond together on dragon events would be good though.
Right now we zerg, we get loot, we get out. The only MMO aspect of this is the map chat. Other than that we are almost playing with NPCs around us. And you always win on a dragon public event. So the only thing to do, is to let players win better and broadcast that somehow