If I could make it so

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zenith.6403


I would make the following changes to the game:

  • Bank is part of the hero (H) panel
  • Crafting resources in bank would stack up to 999
  • Dungeon tokens have their own slots in crafting resources and would stack up to 999
  • PvP armor is unlockable rather than one physical piece you put to PvP locker
  • Other actions have priority over triggering NPC “greetings”, like taking supplies from supply depot
  • WvW repair progress bar would be solid in width and measure progress from current amount of resources to the point where resources can no longer be used
  • 1 supply can be used to repair so that if you spent 20 WvW points to increase your supply count to 11 you won’t be left with 1 supply
  • I would realize that players play this game for different reasons and question the policy of telling living stories by having every mob in the game drop loot related to that current event

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


Bank in the hero panel, how?

If you mean viewing stuff, then I could see that happening. If you mean being able to withdraw stuff from your bank from the Hero Panel, that will never happen as we have consumables for that.

I doubt that it would be an easy thing to deal with the WvW progress bars. Simply because you can repair at 2/4/6/8/10 supplies at a time. Same for building. And the thin part at the start is something that appears in the game in other situations where you have a channel before an action.

As for the crafting and token thing, I personally find that doubtful. It is a major reason for people to buy bank expansions. By increasing the stacks on things (and making dungeon tokens Collectible), you would end up with tons of people who specifically bought more bank space due to the tokens. And trust me, those people would be wanting refunds for the now-useless bank space.

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zenith.6403


Some companies have adopted this immoral idea that by making the game deliberately inconvenient you can later sell convenience to the player for profit. Short on storage space? Buy a bank tab (600 gems). Not yet short on storage space? Here, have these small stacks of loot you should collect 5… nah 10 stacks to get the thing you want. This is certainly what happened with Fractal Relics. Running out of harvesting tools? Get infinite gathering tool (800 gems) for limited time, character bound.

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


Some companies have adopted this immoral idea that by making the game deliberately inconvenient you can later sell convenience to the player for profit. Short on storage space? Buy a bank tab (600 gems). Not yet short on storage space? Here, have these small stacks of loot you should collect 5… nah 10 stacks to get the thing you want. This is certainly what happened with Fractal Relics. Running out of harvesting tools? Get infinite gathering tool (800 gems) for limited time, character bound.

… theres nothing wrong with trying to make money off of what youve spent hundreds of employees and tens of thousands of working hours not to mention the money it takes to build this game over a period of 6 years without them making a single dime from cash shop purchases.

“immoral idea” you done durped.


If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zenith.6403


… theres nothing wrong with trying to make money off of what youve spent hundreds of employees and tens of thousands of working hours not to mention the money it takes to build this game over a period of 6 years without them making a single dime from cash shop purchases.

- Monetizing out of inconvenience you caused is immoral, not the want to pay your employees.

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


… theres nothing wrong with trying to make money off of what youve spent hundreds of employees and tens of thousands of working hours not to mention the money it takes to build this game over a period of 6 years without them making a single dime from cash shop purchases.

- Monetizing out of inconvenience you caused is immoral, not the want to pay your employees.

theres nothing immoral about it. theyre not forcing you to play their game. very much less so are you being forced to pay for small conveniences.

its not like theyre making you pay to finish the game or to experience whole content or anything.

stop crying about very unintrusive methods of the games way of making money.


(edited by Envy.1679)

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zenith.6403


theres nothing immoral about it.

- About what?

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


theres nothing immoral about it.

- About what?

do please try to follow the conversation.

im not here to argue, if you think its “bad” to make money of a game by selling your players conveniences then all i can tell you is that you are naive as to how free to play mmos work.

sure if the game had a subscription, i might consider your argument a bit more seriously.

but seeing how this game is just buy to play, it’d be my opinion that your opinion is wrong. which is all it really comes down too.

try not to take this thread off topic as im agreeing to disagree with you.


If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zenith.6403


What are you here for exactly? Did you just come here to insult me?

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Envy.1679


What are you here for exactly? Did you just come here to insult me?

all i did was tell you that theres no reason to cry about FREE TO PLAY mmos selling small conveniences to make money.

if you take that as an insult, that isnt my fault.


If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Korsbaek.9803


there is nothing wrong with the bank slots you start with and your not forced to get more but if you want then you can buy some but it is diffently not a must same with the ingame farming tools that dont break given that you can buy farming tools of top quality with karma so what your paying for is the convinice of not haveing to bay new once and the cosmetics,
in my oppinion there is nothing thats not inconvinent standing alone tho it is if you compare it to what you can buy with gems yes.
and the bank in hero pannel would be good as long as you cant take stuff out of it unless you use the accese point or thing you buy with gems for it.
stacking to 999 would be nice tho

Commander Korsbaek lvl 80 Guardian
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zenith.6403


the bank in hero pannel would be good as long as you cant take stuff out of it

- What? Why? Do you people actually enjoy these loading screens and map travels just to get your inventory sorted? If you could have anything you wanted, you would want to have the current system just the way it is?

Paying to get rid of articifial limitation. The way I view the use of money is that I buy services that benefit my well-being. I go to grocery store to buy some food. I go to barber to get a haircut. I pay my electricity bill to have electricity in the house. I bought this game to have entertaining pastime. Frankly I don’t care how Anet handles their finances, but I notice bad quality when I see it.

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: Duke Darkwood.4237

Duke Darkwood.4237

The thing is, it’s not like there aren’t bank access points all over the place. Anywhere there is a Bank NPC or Crafting Station, you can access your bank.

Further, it would just be…. it would completely change the game dynamic. “Hi, I’m at the bottom of a dungeon and having trouble. Fortunately, I can pull all my best food items out of the ether itself, not to mention my spare armor set with stats more appropriate to this fight.” (Yes, people with bank consumables can do this already. No, I don’t agree with it there, either – at least in dungeons.)

Problem 2: “OK, now that I’ve gotten all my cool and useful stuff out of the bank, I see that we got attacked, I’m now a corpse, and my team is yelling at me for standing around like a putz when the fight was going on.”

AS IT STANDS, we already have the ability to remotely deposit materials straight to the bank from anywhere, allowing us to keep looting longer. And the only thing we’d need materials for anyway is crafting – where you have bank access right there.

Further, the gem store consumables are not the ONLY way to get remote access to the bank or to crafting stations – guild services of this nature were added a while back.

As for the complaints you leveled at the Gem Store and Arenanet…

NOTHING the Gem Store sells is necessary. In fact, I oppose the Boosters on principle (I will only ever use the freebies the game threw at me, and I hardly ever even do THAT), and have never personally used any of the remote-access items. And everything else in the store is pure fluff. So, no – you are NOT forced to buy these things.

As for Arenanet and the debate on them needing any money: This game was made by hundreds of people. Seriously, ever seen the credits list? It was also made by using lots of computers over five years. The building they worked in also had expenses. Perhaps the revenues from the game sales will cover all the money they sunk into making the game…. but they need to be able to keep paying their workers and maintaining their building and equipment, if they want to expand upon the base game.

This game DOES NOT make you pay $15 every month just to keep playing. You buy it, and you can play, forever, without spending another penny. Indeed, you can even use in-game gold to get Gems for use at the Gem Store; it’s not like you have to use real money even then.

So you have to walk to the nearest bank or crafting access point. Big deal. What, do you want us to put all the dungeon entrances in Lion’s Arch, so you don’t have to walk across Dredgehaunt Cliffs, or Frostgorge Sound, or ALL OF ORR?

…. oh. I DO agree with your comment on PvP armor/the PvP locker. At least, either do that, or let us store multiples. (Minis can stack in the Collectibles bank, even though they can’t outside of it; can’t the PvP locker do the same?)

The rest of your points I don’t really have any opinion one way or the other, except the last – it takes no real effort to just destroy the items as they come.

If I could make it so

in Suggestions

Posted by: tovadaun.6304


the bank in hero pannel would be good as long as you cant take stuff out of it

Total Agreement Here^
There exist Permanent Bank, TP and Merchant Contracts. You can receive them from hot drops from BLChests, or there are always a few to purchase off the BLTP.
If you wish free-standing access, get one of these.
ANet makes money off MicroTransactions that Players make each day. That’s why it’s there. This game is Play to Buy. There is no sub, so this is ANet’s sustaining income beyond license sales.
What Zenith is stating, about not being able to remove items from the Hero tab, if implemented, is because a few of these MicroTransaction Services are designed to do Exactly This!
If you wish these things the answer is simple: Buy Them!
As far as items stacking to 999? Why? What benefit would that provide us? I’d guess that due to the fact that the largest stack of required mats any recipe in the game requires is 250, that would be the largest stack of items we need. If you need more, then by all means, Put The Extra Stack In Your Bank Tab – Like I do.

- What? Why? Do you people actually enjoy these loading screens and map travels just to get your inventory sorted? If you could have anything you wanted, you would want to have the current system just the way it is?

Almost Every Other Game (worth noting) has a Bank (and most of those have the separate Guild Bank as well) for Storage. It’s a carryover from the Real World. You cannot just open your pocket and poof there’s everything you’ve ever owned in your life in your pocket. It’s a touchstone. It’s to make playing in a Fantasy World easier to process by our minds by not being so completely unbelievable as to be beyond acceptance. (Example: Looney Toons- Wiley Coyote and his ACME Rockets ring a bell?) In the real world, you go to a Safety Deposit Box and store your items. Or your refrigerator to store your food. Or the cellar for your firewood…. It’s not simply …where…? Under your hat? Please, tell me, in all honesty- logicaly and within even a Magical Using and still maintaining basis in Physics World… WHERE would you put 250 (or if what you’re suggesting 999?) items of EVERYTHING!?!!??

Paying to get rid of articifial limitation. The way I view the use of money is that I buy services that benefit my well-being. I go to grocery store to buy some food. and you do NOT keep it under your hat when you go out to adventure, do you? ALL of it??I go to barber to get a haircut. and do you keep the legal binding contract you’ve made with the Barber under your hat when you go to the Volcano to do the Diving Achievement???? I pay my electricity bill to have electricity in the house. the same electricity runs to the Bank that stores your Money and Valuables I bought this game to have entertaining pastime. Frankly I don’t care how Anet handles their finances, but I notice bad quality when I see it. If ANet did not have MicroTransactions, they would not have electricity, and therefore no servers and YOU would not have a game to play

By no means is it ‘bad quality’. The generation of ‘I want it all and I want it now and I want it without having to anything at all’ is truly wearing on me.

And to be completely honest No, the only thing I’d like to see changed in the current inventory system is this:
While on my Guardian, I’d like to know if my Elementalist has more ‘x’ in her bags.
That’s it. That’s all I’d like as an addition to the inventory system. And I’m going to post that. Right now.

Kitta the Conjurer, Guardian- At Your Service- Yak’s Bend
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!