Invulnerable Mobs Suck

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silvermane.1328


So I’m swimming along trying to find a vista when a Krait attacks me, and stops me with a bolo. I stop to fight him and he suddenly turns invulnerable and starts swimming away. This is usually accompanied by insta-heal. These clumsy, heavy-handed mechanics spoil the game because they break the suspension of disbelief. It happens way too often.

The mob is allowed to run away, but it should not become invulnerable or insta-heal. It takes me up to 30 seconds to leave combat and heal quickly. They shouldn’t be able to do it instantly.

The best thing about Asheron’s Call for me was being a crossbow man who stood on the wall of the Mosswort Fort shooting all the enemies below. That game had ambush positions built into the level design. I think the mechanic that makes mobs invulnerable if they can’t attack you cheapens the tactical variety and fun. There has to be a more subtle and clever way to prevent exploits than that.

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: vjek.4270


… There has to be a more subtle and clever way to prevent exploits than that.

Sure, they can summon you on top of them, or teleport to you. Which would you prefer?

I don’t disagree there are far too many common situations where mobs turn invulnerable (or you get obstructed when there is no obstruction) but the nature of the landscape (the actual world landscape) in GW2 is such that ArenaNet cannot permit players to damage mobs without the reverse being true.
As such, the situation you describe is here to stay until an equally immersion-breaking technique is put in place.

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silvermane.1328


I’d prefer to let the player ambush a mob once per day. The invulnerable mechanism could kick in for respawns.

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdg.8462


I think the mechanic that makes mobs invulnerable if they can’t attack you cheapens the tactical variety and fun. There has to be a more subtle and clever way to prevent exploits than that.

I totally agree with this point.

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hydrophidian.4319


There has to be a more subtle and clever way to prevent exploits than that.

Giving everything some form of range attack, so that the player is not always ‘unreachable’ would go a long way towards mitigating this issue. So would more robust spawning mechanics, and a cleverer AI (if you can’t attack, move away).

And I agree, the insta-heal (and the short leashes) is kinda cheap, and really damages the tactical aspect of gameplay and toys with immersion…

“Ho, adventurer, you are outdone! The gods have deemed that running over there and climbing up that ledge is just too much work for me! Therefore, they have granted me INVULNERABILITY from your sneakily positioned assault! Ah-HA! I will now sit here in my smugness and not move at all!”

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

This needs to go, it’s completely ridiculous. Especially bad when you have multiple mobs on you and don’t realize your targeting is stuck on the invulnerable one.

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daenji.5280


Tactical positioning is a realistic tendency. Players will tend to engage in it. Many abilities in the game literally require it. Examples: Ranger’s +damage with longbow at greater range, Elementalist’s/Guardian’s/Etc. ground targeting abilities, multi-player combos that require you to be aware exactly where another player placed a combo field. This is not only a completely reasonable request it is actually built into the overall game design now and having this anti-exploit feature work this way defies that. This is a cheap way to solve the problem. The mob should move. If the mob cannot move then it should be considered at the same disadvantage as if a player, or multiple players successively, strategically used immobilized commands on it to pin it in a certain area. Including crowd control abilities in a game in which crowd control tactics are discouraged – you can immobilize but you can’t ambush – is a severe logic break.

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: Icecat.4528


agree – if I can get into a position where I can see and hit you – its just too bloody bad if you can’t respond. Do away with all the invulmerability stuff. Many a time I may be on a cliff face at range and ought to be allowed to smash the target.

GW2 mods can fuck it up their cock sucking asses – Sieg heil you nazi fuckers

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


I think the mechanic that makes mobs invulnerable if they can’t attack you cheapens the tactical variety and fun. There has to be a more subtle and clever way to prevent exploits than that.

Personally, I think this isn’t even an exploit. It’s just a tactical angle that’s been removed from the game.

Players should be allowed to take higher ground to snipe/ambush mobs. It’s PvE for crying out loud – It’s suppose to be our enjoyment that’s given priority.

Here’s my suggestion:

Give all mobs a “Run and Hide” AI pattern that makes them look for a way to break line of sight and move 1500 distance away from the target.

This would trigger whenever a mob detects it can’t reach the attacker(s).

Mobs get a fair reaction to the assault, players get their sneaky snipe-y gameplay.

Mobs shouldn’t become immortal because they’ve been put in an unfair position.
If fairness were a principle to designing PvE, they would also have a way to turn off our monitors because they’re less intelligent and inevitably lose more.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: Conncept.7638


You CAN use elevation as a tactic, a mob receives invulnerability when there is no pathing available for the mob to get within attacking range, or in other words when you are in a spot that makes you invulnerable to the mobs attacks it will become invulnerable to yours.

However, invulnerability is also given when you kite a mob too far away from it’s spawn point, this I think should be removed, if you’re actively targeting and attacking the mob, it shouldn’t reset, movement is just too important for that. However abusing pathing is an exploit and should never be allowed.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


You CAN use elevation as a tactic, a mob receives invulnerability when there is no pathing available for the mob to get within attacking range, or in other words when you are in a spot that makes you invulnerable to the mobs attacks it will become invulnerable to yours.

However, invulnerability is also given when you kite a mob too far away from it’s spawn point, this I think should be removed, if you’re actively targeting and attacking the mob, it shouldn’t reset, movement is just too important for that. However abusing pathing is an exploit and should never be allowed.

I agree with both points here. It’s annoying to kite a mob to death only to have it run back invincible at 5% health. Additionally, no player should be allowed to insta-win based on the fact that they are standing on an isolated rock lobbing arrows and bullets like an entitled jackkitty.

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


I dont like the invulnerability thing either, but I cant say I mind it too much tho

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I’ve suggested this before…

Retaliation instead of invulnerability.

Does the same job, but if it triggers in odd or unintended ways, it’s not as frustrating.

Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

yes remove the invulnerability from those pve monsters please.

and the stupid instant heal too if they wander off too far.


Invulnerable Mobs Suck

in Suggestions

Posted by: poe lyfe.5879

poe lyfe.5879

im bumping this thread because anet obviously isnt listening. who the hell cares if i can attack an npc from where it cant attack back unless its a boss or champion. i just fought a frenzied oger that was regenerating faster than 12 stacks of bleeding. what the kitten a net fix your god kitten game.

Wintersday is for the Charr, also Meatober.