Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Maybe its just me but Legendaries are too easy to obtain. Whoever can grind longer or has a larger credit card has a legendary. Maybe you are like me…you are walking around Lion’s Arch or you are in WvW and you see someone with a Legendary. In my mind I say “oh look….another Legendary”. It’s like having a corvette and everyone has one thakitten loses it’s value. When I first heard they were making Legendary Weapons and they were going to make them “difficult” to obtain I had no idea they were making it a grind. If you make it a grinding game to get a Legendary…well guess what….a lot of people have a lot of time to play. Everquest had Epic weapons but implemented them correctly in my opinion. Not only did they make it a grind, but there were controlled elements that made it impossible for people to obtain an Epic over and over gain. This is what needs to be done….

1) Make Legendary Weapons Account Bound on acquire.
2) Make every component to make a Legendary Account Bound on acquire.
3) Story quests to accompany the road to getting a Legendary….give these weapons a history, a purpose. Not just “Grab all these items and put them into the Mystic Forge”.
3) Get rid of items you need to “farm” and start adding in unique ways to obtain items such as:
– Group event that can only be done once a week or once a month (server wide)
– Having these group events in locations such as; at the end of a Jumping Puzzle
– Having group events in a location where a key is required to enter.
– Having these special keys be a long chain of quest in themselves.
– Set challenges such as: defeating a dungeon in a certain time will have a special
named boss that isn’t normally there.
– Or challenges such as: defeating a dungeon in a certain time will trigger a
special door that requires a special key. The door will disappear after a certain
– Utilize guild challenges to obtain certain items like Guild Bounties.

Now, some of these can’t be done anymore since the game has already been “corrupted” by the current system. So the only thing that could be done is to add new Legendary weapons and start implementing a “better” and more “controlled” system of obtaining them. You can even make these previous Legendary Weapons a “precursor” for future Legendary Weapons that actually take skill and time. By adding in “controlled” events that drop an ingredient only once a week or once a month you can actively limit how many Legendary Weapons are acquired. If you do once a month…then if 3 months have passed then there shouldn’t be more then 3 people with that legendary per server.

Let me know your feedback, but I think this really does need to be done. Most people have no desire to obtain these skins anymore as all it has become is a grinding game to get something that too many people already have.

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Omg A Hotpocket.7683

Omg A Hotpocket.7683

I’m all for making things harder usually, but the legendaries are fine just as they are. Less than 5%(probably even lower than that) have a legendary weapon. To me, that’s pretty kitten ed rare still. All your suggestions that require people to play during a specific time of the month/day is just unfair to people who have no access to the game during that time. Just like with the first Lost Shores event, I missed out on the Ancient Karka because I had a work shift that night. Many others missed out and felt cheated too. Now, even though I don’t think any of your ideas need to be added since the system is fine just as it is, let me post some feedback since it deserves as much.

Having a group event in a location that requires a key(possibly one-time use and only obtainable once per character?) which you can only get at the end of a long quest line is a good idea, except for the fact that GW2 doesn’t have traditional quests in it. Instead, a scavenger hunt which leads you to the locations of other pieces of the key could work.

Clearing a dungeon in a certain amount of time and then that spawning a special boss/event would also be pretty nice, but it’d also promote players to all just run glass cannon speedrun builds in a game where you’re supposed to be able to play however you want.

Guild challenges/bounties which offer components to a legendary would also be a good idea, but lots of people are anti-social and would probably complain about having to join a guild they don’t even want to be in or something.

Right now legendary weapons are one of the very few things in this game which you can actually grind for, and lots of people want something that they can grind for. This game tries to discourage grinding so much, but that’s just a bad move imo. Just because they don’t want it to be filled to the brim with grinds like every other MMO doesn’t mean it can’t have ANY grind.

As for your comment about people with bigger amounts of money being able to just buy gems, convert to gold, then buy the legendaries… well, if they’re going to give that much money to Anet then they deserve a legendary. Hell, they deserve more than a legendary for that imo.

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Legendaries are a dime a dozen, I know so peeps that have several already and the fact that you can just purchase it from the TP makes it meh, anyone can get 1.

They would have to create new legendary weapons with new precursors while keeping mostly the same recipe.

They should not include the new precursors in the loot table but create a series of tasks you have to complete to get 1.

A dungeon scavenger hunt instance where mobs have a limited respawn and you have to clear every mob from the dungeon. Once you clear every dungeon you get a chest with some nice goodies and a piece (1/100) of a key. After you collect all 100 pieces you need to collect 250 of certain rare ingredients (account bound) from all over Tyria which drop from any of the events anywhere but only1 type of ingredient per zone. A new gift of requiring 2500 BoH and another requiring 250 pristine relics from fractals.

Then you create a series of mystic forge recipes which will ultimately give you a Mystic Key from the 100 pieces you collected. That key will open up a Giant chest in LA from which you can pick your precursor. Then just follow your standard legendary recipe for an extremely rare account bound legendary.

That’s how you make a legendary hard to get.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


They should make Legendaries feel legendary. As they stand, you get a skin (hooray) after months of grinding. Not everyone can nolife like some people. Not everyone has the money like some people. Not everyone likes skins.

Striving for a legendary is a waste of my time imo.

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

1) Make Legendary Weapons Account Bound on acquire.
2) Make every component to make a Legendary Account Bound on acquire.
3) Story quests to accompany the road to getting a Legendary….give these weapons a history, a purpose. Not just “Grab all these items and put them into the Mystic Forge”.
3) Get rid of items you need to “farm” and start adding in unique ways to obtain items such as:
– Group event that can only be done once a week or once a month (server wide)
– Having these group events in locations such as; at the end of a Jumping Puzzle
– Having group events in a location where a key is required to enter.
– Having these special keys be a long chain of quest in themselves.
– Set challenges such as: defeating a dungeon in a certain time will have a special
named boss that isn’t normally there.
– Or challenges such as: defeating a dungeon in a certain time will trigger a
special door that requires a special key. The door will disappear after a certain
– Utilize guild challenges to obtain certain items like Guild Bounties.

Meh, all that actually sounds easier than crafting it now.

You’re either linking the results to content (story) or you’re transitioning the grind to other things. Making doors and chests open in dungeons if you go fast enough feels like it destroys the purpose of dungeons and reduces them to speed runs.

The way they are now, yeah Legendaries aren’t awe inspiring but I doubt they ever were meant to be…they’re just shinies you can spend your time nabbing. If they were linked to long story-line content, guess what happens? People grind that. They feel forced they are doing something they don’t care about and feel they are being held back because the game is limiting how often they get a shot at their shiny by a weekly/monthly limit.

…but then this is coming from someone who it has never crossed his mind to attempt getting a Legendary. I play to sparatically to care…one week I’m playing my mesmer, two weeks later I’m rehashing my gear for my ranger to try a different set-up, so on and so forth. If a deep story were made for all the Legendaries, I’d have to start complaining that they should be using that content for the dragons and other races, exploring the world and what not, not hyping up a weapon skin.

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


My main point is that Legendaries are too easy. My suggestions were “in addition to”. Not just making it a grind, but so much more

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In other words, those with a legendary probably have multiple. It probably varies from server to server but I rarely come across a fotm group or a wvw zerg that doesn’t have atleast 1 person with a legendary (usually gs).

Legendaries arn’t unique, because the process is dull and the looks arn’t new. Need more legendary skins but first a more inventive way to obtain them. Once a month event sounds much more fair than grinding for days for money to essentially buy the “coolest” skins in the game. Atleast people can plan to attend the event, grinding is just a hassell some people can’t put up with. Me included.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Should Just:
1) Remove Legendaries from the market, the ones that are currently on the market can be sold but no new ones can be added to the market.

2) Same with the Precursors

Now that those two are done, you have just drastically increased the rarity of them.
1) Can’t buy it right out
2) Can’t flip precursors for materials, Can’t right out buy the precursor.

Number 2 relies 100% on the scavenger hunt being added or there will be riots in the street.

Could possibly increase the Dungeon Gifts to 1k tokens, I was able to get Gift of Thorns in One day. All Three paths before reset, all three paths after reset. Running up path 7 times after that.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: GKC.3851


I think I’ve made a similar post before. I agree that if you want to make new a legendary system you can’t mix it with the old ones. Making it so you can’t auction them isn’t the solution because the new prestige would then be mixed with the old opportunity. They’re suppose to be special, and the only thing special about them currently is that they are very, very expensive.

The old Everquest epics had a few nice appeals.

First off, they were a conversation piece. It was a chance to introduce some lore and maybe some cool stories of your own. For example the oldschool paladin epic, soulfire, in a series of events made you kill Lucan, the leader of Freeport. That made you kill-on-sight with most of the guard and anyone who helped you shared the same fate. If you saw a paladin running around with soulfire you know what they did and you could ask them. I never played a paladin but I knew that much. It was a cool story to tell and the item said it all.

To compare, when the legendary items were new I asked a player with Bolt, a sword I wanted for my Mesmer. His story was “I gambled and won. It was about 250 combines in the forge and I got 3 precursors out of it.” What a story… Suddenly I didn’t care if I got the item or not. It was now auction fodder because I don’t care to show off the rich man’s vanity. That’s all it is.

The second thing they did was involve friends. You could not do it alone, it was impossible. The glory of getting the item wasn’t just your own, it was also your friend’s and guild’s. To get the item you would need to participate in group events, guild events and sometimes you would need just 1 other kind soul to help you. This made it a bit elitist, which sometimes I like. GW2 prides itself on always smiling at more help with content. That’s awesome, and they pulled it off nicely. However, right now I feel like it doesn’t matter who shows up. Do you really care who’s in your group to do dungeon runs? No, so long as they can do them. How many names do you remember? 5% at best. Working towards your legendary right now is antisocial.

Now the oldschool EQ stuff they had wasn’t perfect. Some of it was downright stupid. However, the theme was great. I knew a while back they said they were introducing new legendary weapons, however I have yet to hear anything solid. Maybe they know people don’t like their legendary weapon system.

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyl.4689


They should make Legendaries feel legendary. As they stand, you get a skin (hooray) after months of grinding. Not everyone can nolife like some people. Not everyone has the money like some people. Not everyone likes skins.

Striving for a legendary is a waste of my time imo.

A legendary would feel more legendary if it was actually like a legend.
Noone noes how to obtain them, they just know fragments of stories from npc’s rumors with a bit of truth.
So the first player ever to figure out/obtain one legendary would be like 4-5 years after release ~

As it is atm, legendaries are called legendaries, because didn’t have any idead what to call something “better” then exotics/ascendants

So in a way yet, they should be harder to obtain, really hard, but because there are already several and everyone is able to find out how to make them just by going to wiki, it’s to late for a change in my opinion.

Maybe if they would add some “godly weps” (or something like that) it should be like mentioned above

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I think I’ve made a similar post before. I agree that if you want to make new a legendary system you can’t mix it with the old ones. Making it so you can’t auction them isn’t the solution because the new prestige would then be mixed with the old opportunity. They’re suppose to be special, and the only thing special about them currently is that they are very, very expensive.

The old Everquest epics had a few nice appeals.

First off, they were a conversation piece. It was a chance to introduce some lore and maybe some cool stories of your own. For example the oldschool paladin epic, soulfire, in a series of events made you kill Lucan, the leader of Freeport. That made you kill-on-sight with most of the guard and anyone who helped you shared the same fate. If you saw a paladin running around with soulfire you know what they did and you could ask them. I never played a paladin but I knew that much. It was a cool story to tell and the item said it all.

To compare, when the legendary items were new I asked a player with Bolt, a sword I wanted for my Mesmer. His story was “I gambled and won. It was about 250 combines in the forge and I got 3 precursors out of it.” What a story… Suddenly I didn’t care if I got the item or not. It was now auction fodder because I don’t care to show off the rich man’s vanity. That’s all it is.

The second thing they did was involve friends. You could not do it alone, it was impossible. The glory of getting the item wasn’t just your own, it was also your friend’s and guild’s. To get the item you would need to participate in group events, guild events and sometimes you would need just 1 other kind soul to help you. This made it a bit elitist, which sometimes I like. GW2 prides itself on always smiling at more help with content. That’s awesome, and they pulled it off nicely. However, right now I feel like it doesn’t matter who shows up. Do you really care who’s in your group to do dungeon runs? No, so long as they can do them. How many names do you remember? 5% at best. Working towards your legendary right now is antisocial.

Now the oldschool EQ stuff they had wasn’t perfect. Some of it was downright stupid. However, the theme was great. I knew a while back they said they were introducing new legendary weapons, however I have yet to hear anything solid. Maybe they know people don’t like their legendary weapon system.

I couldn’t agree with you more…you explained what I couldn’t….the “Awe” of having an Epic Weapon in Everquest. I did play Everquest and was a paladin….and it took me months to organize a group of people that were…
1) Willing to be Kill-on-sight with one of the biggest cities in the game or..
2) Already Kill-on-sight with on of the biggest cities in the game.

The first time I attempted with not enough people. After about another month of finding and putting people on my friends list I found enough to try it again. This time with success. Having the epic actually meant something to me.

When I get Sunrise in GW2 it will not feel anything like that, not even a fraction of the gratitude I felt. I knew in Everquest that when I had the Fiery Defender it was special….I never did ever finish Nightbane…even after playing for 7 years (and I only ever played a paladin)……that’s how rare it was.

Oh…also, after you did get your epic 1.0, 1.5, then 2.0 you got a title with each one as well. So that made it even more special. You wore the hell out of your title and everyone knew you are one of the few!

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by Lorvul.5482)

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: GKC.3851


When I get Sunrise in GW2 it will not feel anything like that, not even a fraction of the gratitude I felt. I knew in Everquest that when I had the Fiery Defender it was special….I never did ever finish Nightbane…even after playing for 7 years (and I only ever played a paladin)……that’s how rare it was.

Oh…also, after you did get your epic 1.0, 1.5, then 2.0 you got a title with each one as well. So that made it even more special. You wore the hell out of your title and everyone knew you are one of the few!

I’m not familiar with any of the other epics. I left after kunark. There are some things I wish they wouldn’t do that EQ did, like closing off an entire city like what they did with the paladin epic. They also made a lot of the old content die out. They can’t do that in GW2. With that comes the understanding that as the game progresses the less help you will get. As you add content you thin out old content. Therefore, getting 20 people solely for your own benefit is dumb. A full group is as far as I would tolerate. If it requires a guild raid then it needs to be something they would always do anyways.

Individually I don’t mind much of the legendary components. There was the 100 gold item, the map completion, the dungeon tokens, the karma items, the 200 skill point item plus however more for the clovers, and the tokens from doing the WvW jumping puzzles. I also don’t mind the concept of the purchased precursor, although it’s way too rare, or the generic crafting components, like ectoplasm, even though it requires a too much of the stuff.

As a theme for what the player needs to accomplish some of the requirements is redundant. Playing the market for a valuable item is fine, but you aren’t just playing the market for 1 item, you’re playing the market for a huge amount of valuable items. How are the dungeon token requirements different than the lodestones?

I like the idea of thematic quests, secret bosses or special challenges. There is 1 thing EQ liked to do with their epics which I wont stand for and I doubt the gw2 team will either: mob camping. If someone else shows up you’re always happy to see them. That’s their motto and i’d stick to it. If you want to stick the mob at the end of an event chain I’m fine with that, but if its in the open world and its completed then anyone who helps gets the component. You’d need some other way to bottleneck the item. This is not how to do it.