Let's talk weakness

Let's talk weakness

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

Dear ArenaNet,

I know you guys love keeping a good balance in PvP, and I can totally understand why you would want weakness to render full on berserker crit warriors nearly useless with weakness. Let’s face it, eating a 15k eviscerate is a bit harsh, but it’s the way of the game sometimes.

HOWEVER! In PvE, this weakness/50% of everything is glancing is no fun at all. When ALL TEN of my strikes with Hundred Blades is a glancing blow, thus rendering my berserker warrior build completely null and void even though I have over 80% crit chance with one measly condition… that’s just broken.

I hereby request that you make it so that weakness is only a 50% glancing blows on ALL attacks in PvP, but back to how it was previously for PvE… or at the very least, make it so that critical hits have a reduced chance to be glancing. When one simple condition drops a character’s damage by over 50%, and that same condition has a very long duration and is easily stacked because most creatures in the game can apply it… you have a big problem.

Again, I can totally understand it’s effectiveness and reasoning in PvP: people don’t like eating my 15k Eviscerates, but give us some slack in PvE. I want to go back to being pure destruction in PvE. I bravely charge into combat to wreck destruction on my PvE foes because it’s fun to see big numbers pop up, but when most of the creatures in that gaggle apply lengthy weakness… it completely takes all the fun away. Every time my Hundred Blades crits for less than 15k, I want to cry. When all of my attacks with Hundred Blades are glancing, giving me a heart-attack inducing 5k Hundred Blades when I have a full on berserker build in PvE makes me want to punt all of the kittens for a 1000 yard field goal.

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF MELANDRU, REDUCE THE CHANCE THAT CRITICAL HITS ARE GLANCING WHILE UNDER THE EFFECTS OF WEAKNESS. It says 50%, but it’s actually more than that. There’s this thing called luck and RNG, and both hate me, because way too often do all of my attacks end up as glancing blows when even 3 seconds of weakness is applied.

I hope you take this into consideration for your next balance update.


PS: Give us more GW1 weapon and armor skins.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

Let's talk weakness

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saulius.8430


  1. reason to have cleanses in pve
kill all ze thingz

Let's talk weakness

in Suggestions

Posted by: kyubi.3620


lol look at the zerker rage against weakness in pve XD go condi build badling if your so creeped about 1 single condition. Weakness always has been the bane of melee character who spammed physical damage… it should stay that way. Actualy if i was them id make it so that blindness makes ALL your hit miss for the debuff duration rather then the next hit i remember blinding surge in GW 1 so well it was hilarous to watch a warrior in pvp QQ about behing constantly blinded

Crystal Desert, The Darknest Community P.E.T.A.
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If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3

Let's talk weakness

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

That’s the thing, I do run around with cleanses, they’re not very useful when the conditions are constantly being reapplied. I remember blinding surge, too. It was definitely effective against anyone that wasn’t a spell caster.

But think about what you’re saying with blindness making all things miss for the duration. Blindness affects ALL attacks, including spells. What you’re proposing would affect everything’s ability to do damage. At that point it would be a race to see who applies blind to who first, then everyone would just spam blind. Next you’ll be wanting them to add a dedicated healing class and a monthly subscription fee for good measure.

If you were to suggest that they make blind work like it did in GW1, then they would have to make daze work like it did in GW1, where EVERY attack would interrupt a spell while also doubling it’s cast time and lasting a lot longer than 1 or 2 seconds.

But anyway, the whole point of the zerker builds is to kill your targets fast, because doing so not only gets the job done, it also rallies downed allies. Killing the target is much faster than stopping to revive. The trade off, of course, is less defense and being ‘squishy’. When one condition nearly shuts down a build, that’s not good. I mean not only is the damage output greatly reduced, you’re still ‘squishy’. That’s why a crit build’s damage is important.

I just don’t see why critical hits themselves have to be subject to weakness like normal attacks in PvE. I’d be more in favor of weakness working inversely like fury, where it cuts a player’s crit chance by 20% or something like that, as opposed to make all attacks have a 50% chance to be glancing. It reduces a crit build’s damage output by well over 50%. And it’s not like warriors are the only ones that run crit focused builds. Crits also don’t occur 100% of the time, even with high crit chance and fury. Even with fury and a high crit chance, sometimes skills like Hundred Blades will go without a single critical hit. That’s RNG for you. The RNG for crit, like all attacks, is rolled for each individual hit: sometimes it will not work, and if you’re as unlucky as I, it most often wont work. RNG already screws me over with magic find, I don’t need it messing up my ability to kill a creature and mitigate my ability help my fellow players out.

And why should I be forced to run a condition build? While condition builds are definitely useful, no one should be forced to play a certain way. Again, I completely understand the rework to weakness from a PvP standpoint, I’m crazy powerful. But in PvE we’re fighting creatures, monsters, and NPCs, not other players. Unless the AI decided to cry to ArenaNet for me hitting too hard… then that means the age of humanity is over and technology has become self aware. IF that’s the case then ArenaNet needs to give me back my crits so that I can stop the onslaught, because condition damage only goes so far.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

Let's talk weakness

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

Oh and yeah, give us more GW1 weapon and armor skins.

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

Let's talk weakness

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tman.6349


Dear Anet,

I chose to run a maximum damage build with none of the utilities many others use to balance out their builds in order to be more viable. I did this with the sole purpose of being able to roll over every bit of content in your game with little to no challange. My world has been recently torn apart when I came across a counter to my build and this has really upset me. Usually, i just like to run wrecklessly head first into any battle
and to decimate anything in my path b/c i like to see big white numbers and dead bodies. After running into this counter to my build, it turns out that steamrolling every mob i come across isn’t always possible. This is just unacceptable as i refuse to change any of my tactics nor do i appreciate a challenge. You have made a completely broken mechanic that is now forcing me to use evades, condition cleanses and situational awareness in order to be effective. This has got to come to an end as i can’t fathom changing my ways in order to play through the content that you have provided me for free for well over a year. I’m positive that every other player in the game feels the same way as I do as I have confirmed with the community that my build should have no weaknesses ( ) and while there are plenty of skills at everyone’s disposal to counter this broken mechanic, all have agreed that I should not be subject to it as the rest of the community is. So right now i’m at a crossroads of whether i should just quit the game altogether. I truly hope you will take time out of running your massive company to adress this issue I consider very unfair, so that i might be able to dominate every aspect of your lovely game with little challenge or effort. Thank you for your consideration and I diligently await your reply to adress this issue.
Yours Truly,
Brutus the Self Absorbed

P.S. I would also very much appreciate it if in the next patch you could buff the base damage of all warrior skills by 50%. Thanx in advance!

(edited by Tman.6349)

Let's talk weakness

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541

Zera Allimatti.2541

Dear Anet,

I chose to run a maximum damage build with none of the utilities many others use to balance out their builds in order to be more viable. I did this with the sole purpose of being able to roll over every bit of content in your game with little to no challange. My world has been recently torn apart when I came across a counter to my build and this has really upset me. Usually, i just like to run wrecklessly head first into any battle
and to decimate anything in my path b/c i like to see big white numbers and dead bodies. After running into this counter to my build, it turns out that steamrolling every mob i come across isn’t always possible. This is just unacceptable as i refuse to change any of my tactics nor do i appreciate a challenge. You have made a completely broken mechanic that is now forcing me to use evades, condition cleanses and situational awareness in order to be effective. This has got to come to an end as i can’t fathom changing my ways in order to play through the content that you have provided me for free for well over a year. I’m positive that every other player in the game feels the same way as I do as I have confirmed with the community that my build should have no weaknesses ( ) and while there are plenty of skills at everyone’s disposal to counter this broken mechanic, all have agreed that I should not be subject to it as the rest of the community is. So right now i’m at a crossroads of whether i should just quit the game altogether. I truly hope you will take time out of running your massive company to adress this issue I consider very unfair, so that i might be able to dominate every aspect of your lovely game with little challenge or effort. Thank you for your consideration and I diligently await your reply to adress this issue.
Yours Truly,
Brutus the Self Absorbed

P.S. I would also very much appreciate it if in the next patch you could buff the base damage of all warrior skills by 50%. Thanx in advance!

Lol, that Brutus guy sure needs to learn about dodging and utility skills. If he does quit the game then hey, to each his own. If he thinks warriors need a base damage increase of 50% then he’s not doing it right. Warriors do well enough damage as they are, but that weakness sure is brutal. He must have worse luck with weakness RNG than I. Don’t worry Tman, I feel your pain!

Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins, please. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!

Let's talk weakness

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


If you run with one of the many classes that has support cleanse abilities this is not an issue. Also anybody that plays cleric has it just as bad when it comes to poisons…..