Let us change DAILY ACHIEVEMENT reset times

Let us change DAILY ACHIEVEMENT reset times

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


Somehow or other, my Daily Achievements have been set up to reset to zero sometime between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM in my time zone. Different goals reset at different times.

This is a ROTTEN time for me. I would like to be able to get home from work, and start on my Daily Achievements. Then I can have time to play with my friends as they begin to log in later. Right now I have to wait around a few hours until I can begin my Dailies, and then there is not much time left in the day for other activity.

I would love to be able to set my Daily Achievement timer so that it resets to zero sometime in the wee hours of the morning while I am asleep. Other people with other schedules may want to have something different as well.

Some people will probably try to “cheat the system” (moving their times forward to get extra Achievement rewards). So it will need to be set up to make sure nobody gets more than one Daily Achievement reward in a 24 hour period.

I know there is a change coming soon in the Daily Achievements (different tasks required every day). But that would not change my desire to have them reset to zero sometime during my real-life sleep period instead of midway through my normal play period.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

Let us change DAILY ACHIEVEMENT reset times

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


I’m for this. but i don’t think it’s gonna happen, due to programming difficulties. but it would be an awesome feature.

Let us change DAILY ACHIEVEMENT reset times

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


Daily achievements all reset at the same time. From the wiki:

Progress is reset each day at midnight UTC (4:00 PM PST/5:00 PM PDT).

Now there is a glitch/bug/whatever that will still show them as complete after this time if you do not logout, switch chars, or begin making progress again (at least it does for me…). Be assured though, they are all properly reset at that exact time.

If you’re waiting “a few hours” to begin your dailies, just don’t get ahead. Do the ones for that day before the reset, and don’t progress on the next day’s dailies once they’re reset.

Or do the dailies in bursts of two as I sometimes do when I’m limited on time. For example, my dailies reset at 7pm local time (EST). I’ll finish the current daily achievement by around 6:30pm, and then after 7pm, complete it again on the same day. That knocks out two, so I can’t do it the next day before the reset, but I can double up the following day. Rinse and repeat.

To be honest, allowing a personalized achievement reset time would probably be more complicated and time consuming to implement than it’s worth.

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated

Let us change DAILY ACHIEVEMENT reset times

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


They use to reset every 24 hours from completion, but I like the Set time. Also they all reset at 4pm PST no matter what server or region you are on.

I feel your pain OP but here is the jist, change the time to something else and someone else will complain about that time. Just remember Daily’s reset at 4pm PST

Let us change DAILY ACHIEVEMENT reset times

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paradox Xion.1038

Paradox Xion.1038

+1 for changing the time I hate the current time as it is. Id rather see it reset sometime in the middle of the night or early in the day instead of 7-8PM

Let us change DAILY ACHIEVEMENT reset times

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nidome.1365


Resets at midnight for me, one of the benefits of living in GMT+0.
But, this is an international game so unless you had a personalised reset time what is convienient for one won’t be for another.
As they say, You can please some of the people some of the time…..

Let us change DAILY ACHIEVEMENT reset times

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


They use to reset every 24 hours from completion, but I like the Set time. Also they all reset at 4pm PST no matter what server or region you are on.

I feel your pain OP but here is the jist, change the time to something else and someone else will complain about that time. Just remember Daily’s reset at 4pm PST

… Why would someone complain about what time it resets if they got to pick the time it resets?

But, this is an international game so unless you had a personalised reset time what is convienient for one won’t be for another.

That is, in fact, what he is suggesting.