Making the most of your home instance
Everything up to Bank in your post: yes, absolutely.
Also, I think it would be interesting to give players a free waypoint to their home instance. This would make them mildly useful for traveling around as well as giving everybody an easily-accessed base of operations, and might even help to populate the other cities.
The only problem is it might drag too many players out of LA, but there are still enough important things there that I doubt this would occur.
The Fifth Column [FCol]
Henge of Denravi
I pretty much love all of these ideas. I would also love the ability to invite more than 1 party’s worth of people to my personal home instance. What if I wanted to have a party there? Could only bring 4 people max with me currently…..not cool. Oh and why would it be a bad thing to get the overpopulated masses out of LA? It’s laggy as heck as it is, removing people could only help. It’s not like the home instance would have a TP, mystic toilet, guild trader, laurel vendor, ect.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Good point on the various vendors, Nay. But Lion’s Arch is supposed to be the hub of the world, and it should be packed. It’s just something to consider, but like you said the various vendors would likely keep the city full anyway.
The Fifth Column [FCol]
Henge of Denravi
I would definitely like more things in my home. A weapons or armor rack would be cool to display some things.
But more than that, I would like to see some things added that aren’t tied to LS. Maybe trophies or statues or something that you can get that is related to things you’ve done in the game. Like have something for each dungeon that takes X amount of dungeon tokens to buy.
Or maybe some sort of Asuran vending machine golem thing that you can craft that sells the same things as a basic vendor.
I feel like all of the things should be hard to get, and take a decent amount of recourses to construct, but be fun or slightly convenient.
If they were to make the home instance with nodes u can get and other things i think they should make a button along the top like ur inven wvw pvp and all that to click to take you to it
Instead of rabbits what if you had the animal of your PvP rank wondering around :O people would definitely want dragon & pheonix rank. (flying sharks for shark rank!?!?)
Instead of rabbits what if you had the animal of your PvP rank wondering around :O people would definitely want dragon & pheonix rank. (flying sharks for shark rank!?!?)
When they create the shark rank I want a shark tank in my home instance! PLEASE DO THIS! This would be epic.
I remember Anet mentioning a home for players.. i was like.. how cool would it be to actually own/buy a house in “major cities”
But ofcourse was left with a blank uninteresting non – house instance that serves no purpose at all.. kinda like how Hom was remodelled into nothing.. (you could at least have Gwen’s garden break trough the left walls behind the npc’s or something..^^)
Now its just a depressing place to be where npc’s wait for eternity without any purpose. heck even the Xunai chest doesn’t do anything..
It all just sits there, withering away.. like peoples expectations.
The more i play this game looking for old refferences to guildwars the less this game deserves that name.
Atleast in my first HoM i could display achievements, gear and mini’s (not much) but more then in this game.
Would be cool if pets a ranger collected would walk around your home instance.
I remember Anet mentioning a home for players.. i was like.. how cool would it be to actually own/buy a house in “major cities”
But ofcourse was left with a blank uninteresting non – house instance that serves no purpose at all.. kinda like how Hom was remodelled into nothing.. (you could at least have Gwen’s garden break trough the left walls behind the npc’s or something..^^)
Now its just a depressing place to be where npc’s wait for eternity without any purpose. heck even the Xunai chest doesn’t do anything..It all just sits there, withering away.. like peoples expectations.
The more i play this game looking for old refferences to guildwars the less this game deserves that name.
Atleast in my first HoM i could display achievements, gear and mini’s (not much) but more then in this game.
i know right, it’s like they shot the original GW trough the head and went their own way.
it would’ve bin better if we had more things to see, references that makes us think of the good old times and makes us talk about where it was and how the area looked.
now it’s like they shot a nuke trough it and build it from scratch, no reference to be found and the only things that are there are even incorrect. (like old lions arch, some things don’t belong there while others are on the wrong position.)
anyway, what i would like is the ability to change the style of our own home town, add more stuff and even change it so that you can build it up.
see it like the GH’s of GW1 but more advanced, you buy a vendor and it’s permanently added to your home town.
they could even give you the choice on buying it trough gold or karma, just to give everyone the ability to buy with the currency they have the most of.