Marjory's Journal additional Features
1. I agree though it’s not called dungeon
2. This would be neat too. Though I see no reason to skip
3. Immediately. I see a bank/bag spam right there.
4. It’s called instance not dungeon and it is single player as Anet is testing single player instances as few people said on the forum that they hate searching for people.
I agree with the rest except about SAB. I agree with SAB being permanent but I find it okay to be temporal as long it’s not finished. This is probably the reason SAB can’t be accessed. Anet is working on it whenever they find the time. We don’t wanna join an alpha SAB world 2 where you can fall off the world into the infinite nothing having to delete and recreate a new character :P
First I would like to say, that I LOVE THE IDEA!
I watched it few times and still love the cut scene.
After few hours I asked myself “why only cut scene?”
Same here!
- Add dialog with 4 options:
Basically, a table of content – it could also be styled “diary-style” to make it more fun.
Dear Diary,
- Today Logan Thackeray entered my bar… (click here to view the cutscene again)
- Later I met with <character> at the scene of the crime… (click here to re-visit story instance)
- etc.
- Add option to skip cut scene (if you clicked it by mistake you have to watch it)
Yes, please.
- Add journal’s collectable tab
- Allow dungeons to be done with at least 2 people (like story mode)
- Let’s say that in few months some friends of your start of come back to the game. You can then invite them to party and say – there was this event and it was awesome, you want to see it? I can invite you to party and you will be able to see it again. (no rewards of course)
Originally I was going to suggest to make the journal(s) tradeable so new players could easily “catch up”, but your solution is even better.
A) I want the story instances to support 1-5 players (like personal story instances) anyway but also
B) this would strengthen the social aspect of the game – if you missed an event, find somebody who witnessed it and let them tell you a tale…
I would also want to see similar journals with options just as I marked them for: Flame and Frost Journal (Rox mission, Brahm mission and Molten Factory) and Southsun Cove Journal (Canach fight, Null Fight, Escort mission).
That would make me so happy, but I think the chances of these getting retro-fit into the game are even slimmer.
Please show some support for the idea
I would +10 your post if I could.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
My only regret is that I have but one +1 to give for your suggestion.
Definitely need a way to cancel out of it.
Please give us a keyring…
I would +10 your post if I could.
Wow. Thanks.
Those are merely wishes but I think there are ppl who would love it also that dont bother with forums, like some guildies who liked this idea also.
My only regret is that I have but one +1 to give for your suggestion.
I think this would also be a consolation to people who missed parts of earlier instances due to bugs (sound not playing, etc.) and crashes.
It’s not fun that you can’t replay the instances in this living story chapter for these reasons ^ but if you could at least have a look at them (without any rewards attached to them) after finishing the chapter and receiving the journal, then at least that would be something.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~