Miniature Rytlock is no more..

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dresdoe.7503


You need to implement a way for people with the deluxe edition to recover their Miniature Rytlock. It seems as if this should be a no brainer, bunches of us paid extra for it why no way to retrieve it if it has been deleted?

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


More than likely just have to rebuy deluxe :/ I still have mine luckily

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


yea you should be able to /bonus to get it back if you lose it some how .

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


Email support, they gave me my backup rytlock in a matter of days, but they’ll only do it once.

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

y u even delete it in the first place?

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


you sure you didn’t just “deposit” it? so it lies at the button of the tab in the bank where all your crafting mats is too?

Be sure to put your mini’s in an invisible bag in your inventory so it wont happen accidentally, when you do a “deposit all collectibles”

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phalanix.7542


you sure you didn’t just “deposit” it? so it lies at the button of the tab in the bank where all your crafting mats is too?

Be sure to put your mini’s in an invisible bag in your inventory so it wont happen accidentally, when you do a “deposit all collectibles”

This. I had thought I lost my Rytlock too when I was still in the head start, only to realise later that he got deposited into my bank when I clicked on Deposit All Collectibles.

Maybe Anet should separate the mini pets from collectible materials?

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


Maybe Anet should separate the mini pets from collectible materials?

So they would take real bank space? No thanks.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phalanix.7542


Maybe Anet should separate the mini pets from collectible materials?

So they would take real bank space? No thanks.

No, I meant when you click on the Deposit All Collectibles function when in your Inventory window.

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Get an invisible bag and put Rytlock in there. He won’t be deposited if he’s invisible

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
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Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

Something like this shouldn’t even have the option to be destroyed or ability to be destroyed if it can’t be recovered using a slash command like /bonus or other method like an npc. I for one would be extremely upset to loose something I paid extra for. There will always be people who make mistakes like this. And since it has it’s own space in the mini pets section there is no reason anyone would want to destroy it or any other minipet except for those that can be recovered like the HoM minipets you get by visiting it and talking to the npc to generate it for you.

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: JXKyrian.5190


No point in buying digital deluxe again guys. I figured buying it again would solve the problem.

Nope. No email from BLTC. 2,000 gems (like $20) down the drain and Rytlock still gone. They’ve no idea how upsetting it is to lose something that you’ve been looking forward to for years just because of a misspelled name.

I agree with Jia Shen a warning notification of deletion of items should come with the notification of deletion of character. We know that we lose the trash items but I would have thought twice about my rename if I knew I would lose the whole reason I bought the deluxe!

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: JXKyrian.5190


Email support, they gave me my backup rytlock in a matter of days, but they’ll only do it once.

For real? That would be nice. I could totally use my gems back while they’re at it. Though I guess that would be a price I’d be willing to pay to get my bonuses and rytlock back.

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I made this suggestion to fix this:

It would not only allow taking back the Miniature Rytlock, but also your town clothes, the initial piece of gear you chose (like the backpack) and other deluxe and special edition stuff.

I don’t like the feeling of being able to lose something you paid for, so I won’t take my special miniatures out of their collection slots.

Things like accidental deletion of items or your 7-year old niece messing with your stuff while you are in dealing with a bathroom emergency, so I won’t take them out unless I can re-create indefinitely the things I paid for.

And people should not have to contact support so they manually send him you the stuff. You should be able to get it again on your own, like with the Hall of Monuments.

This should also be applied to things like costumes and festival hats.

No exceptions!

Miniature Rytlock is no more..

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dart Shrine.8492

Dart Shrine.8492

I deleted Rytlock on the first day of release: I deleted the character I created because I didn’t like it. After that, I emailed ANet and the supporter asked me to “stay tuned” on the forum -_- I’ll try again with a new mail, but the real solution is what MithranArkanere asked for.