My idea to fix bleed cap

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Borex.6403


My idea to fix bleed cap
Hello ,
recenty i have startet to play a necros alt i was attracted by the condition damage build.My main is a warrior.
The only real problem i have found is the bleed cap that as have been stated and written a lot of times is a big issue for anyone that want to go to condition build for PVE.
I was thinking to a fix that could be easy to implement and easy to manage.
Since all stack of condition ,stacking in intensity, that are applied are tracked individually raising the cap is not a solution because that could have a major impact on server performance that is something i can understand.

So my fix is this :

1) create a new condition that is avaiable ONLY TO PVE CONTENT and WvWvW NPC and name it as you like i would use Deep Wound (reminds me of GW1)
2) this condition is not applyed by players
3) this condition is automatically created when a mob reach 10,15 or 25 bleed stack (up to the devs)
4) the creation of this condition resets the bleed stack to 0
5) this condition can not be trasfered or manipulated (example: Epidemic will not work on it)
6) this condition can stack somewhere from 1 to 5 times (up to the devs)
7) the effect of this condition is quite simple it will do a snapshoot of the bleed total damage remaing and redistribute it over a period of time that could be 5,10 or 15 seconds (up to devs)

Dooing this Devs will still have controll over how much total damage bleed will do and in how much time , but will give players the possibility to play as condition damage and don’t feel killed by the cap. I would like to see more warriors with 1h sword and more necros with condi build.
I still think that this problem is from the fact that too much classes can apply bleed so it’s too easy to reach the cap,something that don’t happend with confusion for example since there are alot less sources for it, but i think this can be a solution.
Please keep this tread constructive.
Kind regards
a player
P.S.:I’m sorry for any grammatical error in this post i’m not nativelly english

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


Sounds reasonably acceptable.

Other PVE solution would be to reduce condition durations by 66% and increase condition damage by 300%. Same amount of calculations, just bigger numbers.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nretep.2564


it’d suck for those with condition durations < 3s. Like Staff mesmer

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Borex.6403


Sounds reasonably acceptable.

Other PVE solution would be to reduce condition durations by 66% and increase condition damage by 300%. Same amount of calculations, just bigger numbers.

I have thinked about this solution but the problem is that condition damage is something that deal damage over time reducing the time and incresing the damage makes conditions muck more like spike damage this is something i wouldn’t like to change

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goorman.7916


Sounds reasonably acceptable.

Other PVE solution would be to reduce condition durations by 66% and increase condition damage by 300%. Same amount of calculations, just bigger numbers.

Isn’t it obvious that this is a direct buff to conditions?
P.S. increase condition damage TO 300%

Ash Goorman, 80 level ranger
Lavern Goorman, 80 level thief
Spvp rank 41

(edited by Goorman.7916)

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goorman.7916


And author’s suggestion does not solve current problem.
The problem is that EVERY stack of bleeding has its owner – the person, that applied this exact stack.And bandwidth limitation exists because client has to receive information about every single stack and its owner so that everybody can understand, how much damage they have dealt respectively.
Creating LARGE stack of bleeding is not the solution, it is just “removal” of this problem, and developers are sure to know how to remove it, they just dont want to.

Ash Goorman, 80 level ranger
Lavern Goorman, 80 level thief
Spvp rank 41

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


Sounds reasonably acceptable.

Other PVE solution would be to reduce condition durations by 66% and increase condition damage by 300%. Same amount of calculations, just bigger numbers.

I have thinked about this solution but the problem is that condition damage is something that deal damage over time reducing the time and incresing the damage makes conditions muck more like spike damage this is something i wouldn’t like to change

Zero times three is still zero. Currently in PVE conditions are barely noticeable, I don’t think tripling their numbers while not actually increasing actual damage is going to do much.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


Sounds reasonably acceptable.

Other PVE solution would be to reduce condition durations by 66% and increase condition damage by 300%. Same amount of calculations, just bigger numbers.

Isn’t it obvious that this is a direct buff to conditions?

It’s a null operation. No increased damage will be done, but it will be condensed to allow for more condition stacks eventually.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goorman.7916


Well, you are WRONG.
It is a direct buff to conditions.
While 20 sec condition dealing 1k damage per second is tolerable, 6 sec condition dealing 3k damage is not. It is not tolerable just as 1 sec condition dealing 20k dps.
Get your mind together.

Ash Goorman, 80 level ranger
Lavern Goorman, 80 level thief
Spvp rank 41

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Well, you are WRONG.
It is a direct buff to conditions.
While 20 sec condition dealing 1k damage per second is tolerable, 6 sec condition dealing 3k damage is not. It is not tolerable just as 1 sec condition dealing 20k dps.
Get your mind together.

And that would be a problem how in PVE? it’s PVE no one is going to get hurt, and certain classes have 0 burst options so this would solve alot of problems. Marnick’s idea would because it was stealth nerfed way back before they started putting up patch notes and long before they started separating the PVE PVP WVW patches.

So not only does it need to not have a cap for some classes (well not the cap it has now at least) it needs a serious boost in PVE.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ara.4569


A simpler fix IMHO:

When a bleed is added on top of 25 others, the oldest bleed is removed and deals all the remaining ticks in one hit.

Also, when there’s, say, a 3.35 sec bleed ticking, let it tick 4 times, the 4th tick dealing 35% of a tick in this example.

Balance team is a bunch of clowns, hurting the game to the full extent of their abilities.

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goorman.7916


So instead of fixing ai, game trinity and flawed combat lets just quadriple condition damage.
Well, i disagree.Bet that disagrees too.

Ash Goorman, 80 level ranger
Lavern Goorman, 80 level thief
Spvp rank 41

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Borex.6403


And author’s suggestion does not solve current problem.
The problem is that EVERY stack of bleeding has its owner – the person, that applied this exact stack.And bandwidth limitation exists because client has to receive information about every single stack and its owner so that everybody can understand, how much damage they have dealt respectively.
Creating LARGE stack of bleeding is not the solution, it is just “removal” of this problem, and developers are sure to know how to remove it, they just dont want to.

I’ not sure to understand your point here.
What i do understand is that the limitation is where client have to recive the information about their stack dooing damage. This is the limitation that exist.
But what if we don’t make any client to see the damage of Deep Wound?
I don’t need to see the number of that condition like i don’t need to see the number of condition applied by other players (confusion or burning).
Just leave that condition there remove the information for the client and you have a better situation without bandwith problems.
I prefer to know that i’m dooing damage instead of seeing i’m dooing damage.
Am i right?

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Borex.6403


Please ready my reply i don’t want to change anything about how condition apply their damages.
It has been a soggestion of another person my topic is different.
Shorting duration and increasing damage will make condition the same of direct hit this is something i don’t want.

Sounds reasonably acceptable.

Other PVE solution would be to reduce condition durations by 66% and increase condition damage by 300%. Same amount of calculations, just bigger numbers.

I have thinked about this solution but the problem is that condition damage is something that deal damage over time reducing the time and incresing the damage makes conditions muck more like spike damage this is something i wouldn’t like to change

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


Sounds reasonably acceptable.

Other PVE solution would be to reduce condition durations by 66% and increase condition damage by 300%. Same amount of calculations, just bigger numbers.

this is so ridiculous it is laughable…

sure same damage but 300% more DPS

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animag.7634


I have 2 idea to the bleed fix:

1:The max bleed stack will increase depending on the amount of players fighting that certain monster. Just like a dynamic event’s difficulty that increases when more players participate.
I’m thinking that 3-5 extra stacks per extra player should be enough but this could end up making bleed OP in large events.

2: The max bleed stack is different depending on how strong the monster is.
Basic monsters (no special circle) will still have 25 as max bleed stack
Veterans (bronze circle) could have a max bleed stack of about 30-35.
The elites’ (silver circle) max bleed stack could be 35-40.
The champions’ (gold circle with 2 crossed swords) max bleed stack could be about 40-50.
And the legendaries’ (purple circle with spikes) max bleed stack could be 50-60.
Some of the max stacks could be a bit over the top (or maybe even too low) but it’s just my quick suggestion.

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

Firstly for anyone wondering: the bleed cap doesn’t actually exist as a balance tool.

It is a significant issue for PvE content due to the fact it renders more than 1 condition dealer per encounter totally irrelevant, meaning the second player may as well not exist, as they do no damage.

Fortunately this issue doesn’t really factor into sPvP as it’s really difficult to stack 25 bleeds on a single target here anyway, but it does create problems in WvW, albeit to less of a degree than in PvE.

The reason it exists is apparently related to preserving server performance, so there’s really no need to devise alternatives to bleed, ANet just needs the time to figure out how to handle the calculations, probably a complex task.

It would be nice if conditions over the cap just did some form of balanced direct damage as a temporary fix in the mean time though…

(edited by Brew Pinch.5731)

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Or at least implement something that makes SENSE for which bleeds in the stack to keep. Some1’s 50 dmg/s bleeds shouldn’t wipe out 150 dmg/s bleeds.

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spencer.1386


I would like to direct your attention to this gem of a thread.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
- Mike Obrien

My idea to fix bleed cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: rivurivurivurivu.3041


will be easier to just make all the extra bleeds be colaborations to the stack.
a mob with 25 stacks of bleed, gets more by other player, all the stacks of that player, lets say 8 will count in those 25 ( they wont do damage) but 8 of those 25 stacks will count as his. The damage done by the stacks will choose from the player with more condition damage.
will be like all the bleeds will just increase the stack of the player with highet condition damage. if the mob dont have 25 stacks then your stacks will do damage but the damage that the player with higher conditon damage does.