NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


I am sure that Anet has every possible weapon and skill planned for like, ever, its always fun to come up with new ideas when you’re bored.

This is a new weapon idea I though of (also pulling some ideas that already existed in the Forums), and I think that these weapons would work very well for pretty much all Classes. They would work differently for all eight classes as well between actual martial arts and magic, and other awesome stuff.

And when I mean Gauntlets, I actually Mean Gauntlets, Cestus, Brass/Iron/etc. Knuckles, Bagh Nakh, Boxing Gloves, Scissors*, Clawed Weapons, Katar, etc. All these weapons rolled into one Catagory, for graphical variety of course. All of these weapons generally involve grasping whatever weapon you are holding, and punching, choping, and generally beating the heck out of whatever you are attacking.

Graphically, they would replace your currently equipped gloves with the weapon to prevent clipping and such, and also so the weapon would be clearly visible while you are pummeling your foes into submission. They would also stay on your character’s hands out of combat as well. Plus it will make a whole lot of Plain, Dull looking Light and Medium Armor gloves look alot better if they were never there at all.

*These Scissors : , not the kind you cut paper with…

Main Hand and Off Hand (Each has their own post to make it easier to read)
Necromancer – Would use the Gauntlets as a way of channeling their necrotic magics, inflicting conditions and stealing health mainly through touch skills.
Warrior – Would use these in a much more Power/Damage dealing type of way, using alot of techniques found in boxing and wrestling.
Engineer – Would have hidden compartments of course, to use extra attacks all while pummeling the crap out of their foes.
Ranger – They would use them in a savage, almost animalistic way, jumping across the battlefield stacking conditions and dealing damage alike.
Thief – Would be an expert in hand to hand combat, but might have a trick or two hidden up his sleeve (like a hidden blade maybe?)

Main Hand Only
Guardian – They will use their Fist of Justice to pound foes and also have a new symbol and ward spell to go along with it.

Elementalists and Mesmers – Sorry, I don;t play either class very often, so I am unsure of what to give them exactly. Hopefully someone has ideas. Same thing goes for a Guardian Offhand Gauntlet.

Keep Reading because the Necromancer’s is first!

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641



  • Touch Skills and Vampire themed skills, because, why not? Why can’t our Necromancers act like Vampires from time to time?
  • This weapon is heavy on conditons and life stealing.

Skill 1 : Auto Attack : Chain Attack
Touch of Agony
Touch foe, causing your Necrotic energy to surge through them, dealing damage.
(1/2 second activation)
-> Vampiric Touch
Touch Foe Again, Stealing some Health.
(1/2 second activation)
—> Enfeebling Touch
Touch Foe a third time, dealing damage and inflicting Weakness.
(1/2 second activation)(Weakness Duration : 2 Seconds)

Skill 2
Necrotic Strike
Deal Damage to Foe and inflict Bleeding(6 Seconds). Inflict additional Bleeding for each other condition on Foe (Max : 6 Stacks).
(1/2 Second Activation)(6 Second Recharge)

Skill 3
Vile Touch
Deal Damage Apply Poison (6 Seconds). Double the Length of a Condition currently on foe.
(1/2 Second Activation)(20 second Recharge)
(Conditions this affects : Bleeding, Blind, Burning, Chilled, Confusion, Crippled, Poison, Torment, Vulnerability, Weakness)
(For balance it only affects the length of the first stack of Bleeding and Vulnerability.)

Skill 4 (Channel Skill)
Vampiric Gaze
Immobilize Foe (3 Seconds), while Siphoning Health.
(Total Channel time is 4 Seconds)(30 second Recharge)

Skill 5
Order of the Vampire
Surround yourself with Dark Mist, Blinding surrounding foes once(6 Seconds), and continuously dealing damage for its duration.
(6 Second Duration)(30 second Recharge)
(Combo Field : Dark (5 second duration))
(Not a channel skill, meaning you can activate it and keep attacking)

Skill 5(Alternate)(pick one)
Order of the Vampire
Suround Yourself and Allies with a Dark Mist. While under the effects of this Dark mist, your attacks have a chance to inflict Weakness, Blind and Steal some Health.
(10 Second Duration)(40 Second Recharge)
(The Chance is 25% for each effect individually)

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641



  • Based somewhat on Kick-Boxing and Wrestling.
  • Has several skills that inflict confusion.

Burst Skill
Grab onto your Foe, dealing Damage and Immobilizing them. length of time you can grab onto them increases with adrenaline level.
(Level 1 : 2 Seconds)
(Level 2 : 3 Seconds)
(Level 3 : 4 Seconds)
(Since immobilize prevents turning, grabbing a foe from behind will prevent it from attack you)
-> Throw
Launch Your foe behind you. Distance launched increases with adrenaline level.
(Level 1 : 600 launch)
(Level 2 : 900 launch)
(Level 3 : 1200 launch)

Skill 1 : Autto Attack : Chain Attack
Strike your foe quickly
(1/2 Second Activation)
-> Cross
Follow up your Jab and Strike your foe with a powerful punch. Inflicting Confusion.
(1/2 Second Activation)(Confusion Duration : 2 Seconds)
->-> Low Kick
Strike your Foe a third time, inflicting Cripple.
(1/4 Second Activation)(1 Second Cripple Duration)

Skill 2
Cobra Punch (also known as the Superman punch!)
Launch yourself at your Foe, Punching them with great force
(600 distance)(1 Second Activation)(10 Second Recharge)
( Combo : Leap)

Skill 3
Roundhouse Kick
Daze surrounding foes with a powerful spinning kick.
(Daze Duration : 1 Second)
(1 Second Activation)(18 Second Recharge)
(A real roundhouse kick isn’t that powerful, but, hey, its a fantasy game!)

Skill 4
Block Attacks for a time.
(3 Second Duration)(30 Second Recharge)
Cancel the Block early to deliver a powerful attack, Inflicting Confusion.
(1/2 Second Activation)(Confusion Duration : 8 seconds)

Skill 5
Launch your foe into the air with a powerful punch.
(Launch Distance : 600 Vertical)(Launch Distance : 300 Horizontal)
(1 Second Activation)(35 Second Recharge)
(Combo : Blast)

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641



  • The Engineer Attacks slower than other classes, but his other Skills are Instant Cast and can be used while he is using his Auto Attack Skill.
  • Skill 5 isn’t instant cast, but it instantly recharges your other skills, but has a long recharge time.

Skill 1: Auto Attack: Chain Attack
Punch your Foe.
(1 Second Activation)
Double Punch
Punch your Foe two more times.
(1 Second Activation)
→→Triple Punch
Punch your Foe three more times.
(1 Second Activation)

Skill 2
Activate a Hidden Pistol that deal extra damage and bleeds.
(No Activation)(Bleed Duration : 6 Seconds)(6 Second Recharge)

Skill 3
Steam Blast
Activate a Hidden Compartment that deals extra damage and Burns all surrounding foes.
(No Activation)(Burn Duration : 4 seconds)(12 Second Recharge)

Skill 4
Shocker Fist
Activate a Hidden Battery that deals extra damage and Stuns the next foe you hit.
(No Activation)(Stun Duration : 1 Second)(25 Second Recharge)
(Does its effects on the next foe you hit instead of instant because this is an offhand skill, and you may have a ranged pistol equipped)

Skill 5
Distract your foe with a Punch. Use Your Other Gauntlet when Activating Hidden Weapons, Instantly recharging Deringer, Steam Blast, and Shocker Fist.
(1/2 Second Activation)(50 Second Recharge)(Interrupts foe’s current action)

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641



  • Pretty much a Wild Style.

Skill 1 : Autoattack : Chain Attack
Savage Strike
Strike out at your foe
(1/2 second Activation)
-> Twin Strikes
Strike your foe two more times.
(1/2 Second Activation)
->->Brutal Strike
Strike at your foe again, Inflicting Vulnerability.
(1/2 Second Activation)

Skill 2
Throw Dirt
Damage Target Foe and Inflict Blindness to that Foe and all surrounding Foes.
(Blindness Duration is 3 seconds)
(1/2 Second Activation)(8 Second Recharge)
(Needs a name change since there is already a skill called Throw dirt. Suggestions?)

Skill 3
Maiming Strike
Strike out at foes, Crippling each foe you hit.
(1/2 Second activation)(12 second Recharge)

Skill 4
Feral Lunge
Leap Towards Target Foe, Inflicting Bleeding and Weakness. Your Pet’s next attack also inflicts Bleeding and Weakness.
(Bleeding Duration : 15 Seconds)(Weakness Duration : 6 Seconds)
(1 Second Activation)(900 Range)(15 second Recharge)
(Combo : Leap)

Skill 5 (Channel Skill)
Bestial Fury
Gain Stability (3 seconds), and Strike at your Foe multiple times, striking 10% faster each time you hit.
(6 second activation/channel)(35 second Recharge)
(6 Second Channel – 6 Attacks Total – 1 Attack each second)
(Note : If all attacks hit, your 1st attack will take 1 second, 2nd attack will take 0.9 seconds, 3rd attack will take 0.8 seconds, 4th attack will take 0.7 seconds, 5th attack will take 0.6 seconds, 6th attack will take 0.5 seconds, making the total channel time actually 4.5 seconds)
-> Bestial Pounce
End Bestial Fury early and Leap at foe, Knocking them down.
(900 Range)(Combo : Leap)

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641



  • The Thief uses a variety of Techniques. His First two skills are Chain Skills instead of one like every other weapon in the game, letting you inflict a number of conditions as you go through the chains.
  • Using either skill 1 or skill 2 advances both chains.
  • Skill 2 Chain still costs Initiative to use however.
  • There is no Dualwield skill because I am not yet sure of what to put there for the Pistol and Dagger, of if I should create a new set of off Dualwield skills for the Gauntlet. Anyone who plays the thief alot wants to help me, it would be greatly appreciated!

Skill 1 : Auto Attack : Chain Attack
Knife Hand
Strike at your Foe with the bottom of your hand and Wrist.
(no activation)
->Ridge Hand
Strike at your Foe again using the top of your hand and wrist, Inflicting Confusion.
(no activation)(Confusion Duration : 2 seconds)
->->Spear Hand
Strike at your Foe’s throat, Inflicting Weakness.
(1/2 second Activation)(Weakness Duration : 2 seconds)
Extended Knuckle (Stealth Attack)
Strike at your Foe while in Stealth, Inflicting Confusion, Bleeding, and Weakness.
(No Activation)(Confusion/Bleeding Duration : 5 seconds)(Weakness Duration : 3 seconds)

Skill 2 : Chain Attack
Shadow Kick
Shadowstep to your foe and Strike with your Feet.
(1/2 second activation)(Range : 600)(Costs 2 Initiative)
->Butterfly Kick
Strike your foe Twice, Inflicting Bleeding each time.
(1/2 second Activation)(Bleeding Duration : 5 Seconds)(Costs 3 Initiative)
->->Axe Kick
Strike your Foe again, Inflicting Cripple.
(1/2 second Activation)(Cripple Duration : 5 Seconds)(Costs 3 Initiative)

Skill 3
Hidden Blade
Palm Strike your Foe, then strike them again with a hidden blade loaded with poison.
(1/2 Second Activation)(Poison Duration : 10 Seconds)(Costs 4 Initiative)

Skill 4
Flying Kick
Leap Towards target foe with a kick, Dazing them if this attack hits.
(Daze Duration : 1/2 Second)(Costs 5 Initiative)

Skill 5
Butterfly Stance
Prepare to strike while evading all attacks. Every time you evade an attack you may use the Bee Sting until Butterfly Stance ends.
(No activation)(6 Second Duration)(Costs 6 Initiative)
-> Bee Sting
Strike your target, Inflicting Poison, Bleeding, and Weakness.
(No Activation)(Poison/Bleed Duration : 5 Seconds)(Weakness Duration : 3 Seconds)

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641



Skill 1 : Autoattack : Chain Attack
Swift Strike
Strike your Foe quickly.
(1/4 Second Activation)
Lawful Strike
Strike your Foe again.
(1/2 Second Activation)
→→Avenger Strike
Strike your foe and set them on fire.
(1/2 Second Activation)(Burning Duration : 1 Second)

Skill 2
Symbol of Balance
Draw a Symbol on the Ground that damages Foes. Converts one Boon on all Foes into a Condition, and one condition on all Allies into a Boon (only once)(That enter the Symbol area).
(1/2 Second Activation)(4 Second Duration)(10 Second Recharge)
(Same Condition-Boon conversion as this :::
(For foes, Same Boon-Condition conversion as this :::

Skill 3
Forceful Ward
Strike your Foe hard, sending them flying back a short distance, and creating a small Line of Warding in its place.
(1/2 Second Activation)(300 Knockback)(12 Second Recharge)
(Line of Warding only affects the small area directly infront of you (so, like 50 Radius)(3 Second duration)
(might be overpowered…)

My Elementalists and Mesmer weapons will go here when I think of them, or I’ll link it if someone else thinks of them.

Til then, what do you all think of it right now?

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: JoshandSarah.5402


Necro skills are certainly fitting to the current Meta, as they’re mostly entirely OP.

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Necro skills are certainly fitting to the current Meta, as they’re mostly entirely OP.

How so?

Is it Skill 2 inflicting additional Bleeding overpowered? There are four other conditions that weapon can apply, so assuming you only use the weapon, the Necro can apply 5 stacks of bleeding for 6 seconds every 6 seconds,…after wasting all their other skills.

Yes, you can combine this skill with Signet of Spite very well and have 6 stacks (plus other conditions). And I said ‘Each Other Condition’, so Bleeding is automatically out (so nevermind, only 5). Here is a weapon skill that does exactly the same thing, except that instead of being dependent on conditions already on foe and be at close range, you only have to be at point blank range to apply 5 stacks of bleed:::
(I did edit it to apply a max of 6 stacks as I intended that originally to keep it from being too powerful, but forgot about it earlier, sry if that confused you)

Or is it Skill 3 that doubles the length of a condition (with a 20 second recharge time, and it doesn’t affect the length of Fear or Immobilize, two of the more controlling conditions)?

Or is it Skill 4 that immobilizes and steals health? Most skills with a 3 second immobilize have a 20 second recharge, and most skills that are similar to this (like Life Siphon) have a 12 second recharge, so I think 30 seconds is fair.

Or is it Skill 5? Come on Man, I need you guys to articulate what is wrong or overpowered with the skills. This, like many other threads, is a serious weapon suggestion with serious Skill examples. I want Anet to look at this and go

Anet Employee

….Woah! This…Is…AWESOME! I’m going to tell the people in charge about this!

(note : not an actual quote)

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Big Tower.5423

Big Tower.5423


  • The Thief uses a variety of Techniques. His First two skills are Chain Skills instead of one like every other weapon in the game, letting you inflict a number of conditions as you go through the chains.
  • Using either skill 1 or skill 2 advances both chains.
  • Skill 2 Chain still costs Initiative to use however.
  • There is no Dualwield skill because I am not yet sure of what to put there for the Pistol and Dagger, of if I should create a new set of off Dualwield skills for the Gauntlet. Anyone who plays the thief alot wants to help me, it would be greatly appreciated!

Skill 1 : Auto Attack : Chain Attack
Knife Hand
Strike at your Foe with the bottom of your hand and Wrist.
(no activation)
->Ridge Hand
Strike at your Foe again using the top of your hand and wrist, Inflicting Confusion.
(no activation)(Confusion Duration : 2 seconds)
->->Spear Hand
Strike at your Foe’s throat, Inflicting Weakness.
(1/2 second Activation)(Weakness Duration : 2 seconds)
Extended Knuckle (Stealth Attack)
Strike at your Foe while in Stealth, Inflicting Confusion, Bleeding, and Weakness.
(No Activation)(Confusion/Bleeding Duration : 5 seconds)(Weakness Duration : 3 seconds)

Skill 2 : Chain Attack
Shadow Kick
Shadowstep to your foe and Strike with your Feet.
(1/2 second activation)(Range : 600)(Costs 2 Initiative)
->Butterfly Kick
Strike your foe Twice, Inflicting Bleeding each time.
(1/2 second Activation)(Bleeding Duration : 5 Seconds)(Costs 3 Initiative)
->->Axe Kick
Strike your Foe again, Inflicting Cripple.
(1/2 second Activation)(Cripple Duration : 5 Seconds)(Costs 3 Initiative)

Skill 3
Hidden Blade
Palm Strike your Foe, then strike them again with a hidden blade loaded with poison.
(1/2 Second Activation)(Poison Duration : 10 Seconds)(Costs 4 Initiative)

Skill 4
Flying Kick
Leap Towards target foe with a kick, Dazing them if this attack hits.
(Daze Duration : 1/2 Second)(Costs 5 Initiative)

Skill 5
Butterfly Stance
Prepare to strike while evading all attacks. Every time you evade an attack you may use the Bee Sting until Butterfly Stance ends.
(No activation)(6 Second Duration)(Costs 6 Initiative)
-> Bee Sting
Strike your target, Inflicting Poison, Bleeding, and Weakness.
(No Activation)(Poison/Bleed Duration : 5 Seconds)(Weakness Duration : 3 Seconds)

Hey, remove the conditions, we only got 3 viable direct damage sets which is unacceptable, thats why we need direct damage not noobish condtions, and that shadowstep thingie can launch a foe a short distance and knock them down for a half second like a trip kick. but aside from that great ideas!

7800 hours ingame, and counting.

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draco.9480


Gauntlets are gloves, maybe did you mean Knuckles just like in Maple Story?
Knuckles doesn’t suit necromancer.
I prefer the necromancer to have dual axe, dual sword and greatsword.

NEW weapon idea. Gauntlets!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Hey, remove the conditions, we only got 3 viable direct damage sets which is unacceptable, thats why we need direct damage not noobish condtions, and that shadowstep thingie can launch a foe a short distance and knock them down for a half second like a trip kick. but aside from that great ideas!

Thanks for the Feedback! I will admit, I am sort of in a Ranger/Necromancer (Conditions! Kitten Yeah!!!!) mentality right now because I haven’t played other classes too much in about four or five months….But yeah, I’ll post an Alternate Thief skill set in that same post Later Tomorrow (kind of late….), and I’ll let you and other Thieves decide which one to keep.

Gauntlets are gloves, maybe did you mean Knuckles just like in Maple Story?
Knuckles doesn’t suit necromancer.
I prefer the necromancer to have dual axe, dual sword and greatsword.

Thanks for the Feedback!

I was kind of trying to be as general as possible, like how the professions are set up (A Ranger is a Hunter, Scout, Beastmaster, and Druid all in one!). Like, for example…, also, just a few links….

Gauntlets – (the kind with a built in Knuckle Duster!)
Brass Knuckles – A ‘Knuckle Duster’ by itself
Bagh Nakh – Tiger Claws and other cool stuff!
Scissors – Gauntlet-like weapon that fits entirely over forearm, has a blade at the end.

I would consider all of these weapons to be the same general weapon type and style of use, just as I would consider Swords, Sabres, and Rapiers to be the same General weapon type and style, even though the actual use of those three swords are as different as the 8 professions in Gw2 are, (and each profession generally uses swords differently).

Also, the Necromancer had 6 or so touch skills in Gw1, that were melee of course. I was thinking that the Necromancer could use the Gauntlets/gloves/whatever, and get into close range, and by touching/punching/whatever the foe, he would be transferring his necrotic power through the enemy to force various effects to happen. The actual act of hitting and dealing damage isn’t where the power of the weapon is comming from, atleast for Necromancers. Its the transfer of the Necromancer’s magical abilities that accomplish that. (Hey, the same principle could work with swords too!)

(edited by Chrispy.5641)