New character class suggestion

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: DagonMadness.4205


I suggest a new character class complete with its own story. This story should be available for all races but not linked to the story the races already have.

The class i am suggesting is Pirate

an perhaps it would be fun to be a quaggan

Death never comes easy !

Character: Red Eye Spook-Charr-Warrior

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uorya.6593


i’d like to see a system like on gw1, where you can mix classes

Anyway i’d like to see the “assassin” class, thief is not an assassin it’s just a thief

Or maybe some shape shifting class, but really i don’t see the necessity for this last one

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Anyway i’d like to see the “assassin” class, thief is not an assassin it’s just a thief


“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uorya.6593


Anyway i’d like to see the “assassin” class, thief is not an assassin it’s just a thief


i need a thief that can use sword on dual wield lol

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: tenryuta.2014


Anyway i’d like to see the “assassin” class, thief is not an assassin it’s just a thief


“thieves” have pretty ugly animations for alot of attacks, i.e. pistol whip looks like crap for the so called assassin class of the game, even mesmer uses animations better

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I’m just confused on how stealthing, backstabbing, and slipping away into shadows isn’t “Assassin” worthy… And rapid firing pirate pistols is already a stretch, be glad you don’t have to shoot, pull out the round, load it in, add the powder w/e… Plus if you want an assassin to dual weild swords, then make Thief dual weild swords. I for one would love a off-hand sword, daggers don’t got enough room to show off any skins really.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uorya.6593


I’m just confused on how stealthing, backstabbing, and slipping away into shadows isn’t “Assassin” worthy… And rapid firing pirate pistols is already a stretch, be glad you don’t have to shoot, pull out the round, load it in, add the powder w/e… Plus if you want an assassin to dual weild swords, then make Thief dual weild swords. I for one would love a off-hand sword, daggers don’t got enough room to show off any skins really.

you are right, thief uses some assassin’s move like backstab, but i think it would be great if they make a class that uses more deception skills

it’s no sense that thief can’t use sword in offhand imho.

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Culwenimos.1594


Hmm Pirates…

Weapons: cutlasses and pistols, any combination.
Skills: summon cannon and summon parrot.
Traits: Treasure hunting, Firearms, Swordsmanship

Also Quaggan’s would be a race.

It’d be interesting to have your character’s discipline affect some of the skills. Such as being a cook, you use a frying pan or create a cauldron that allies can eat for buffs etc.

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jezath.7395


Ships doctor/ Pirate voodoo master


I dont mean bring holy trinity but a mixture of heals and boons style class with little damage maybe... no wait thats part of trinity isent it.. dam lol

Pirate sounds like it would be fun with a quaggan pirate army it sounds even funnier

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: drifter.8453


Anyway i’d like to see the “assassin” class, thief is not an assassin it’s just a thief


i need a thief that can use sword on dual wield lol

no that is giving to the mesmer already. LMAO these squishy characters should not have any reason whatsoever to go into melee range at all. This should had been a thief build instead.

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: DagonMadness.4205


Hmm Pirates…

Weapons: cutlasses and pistols, any combination.
Skills: summon cannon and summon parrot.
Traits: Treasure hunting, Firearms, Swordsmanship

Also Quaggan’s would be a race.

It’d be interesting to have your character’s discipline affect some of the skills. Such as being a cook, you use a frying pan or create a cauldron that allies can eat for buffs etc.

Nice. see you gave it some thought. What do you think of it as a class ?

Death never comes easy !

Character: Red Eye Spook-Charr-Warrior

New character class suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


I’d suggest either another soldier profession, but I can’t think of any apart from the
cliché death-knight, the anti-guardian, where warrior is neutral.. or a druid profession
with F1-4 granting shapeshifting abilities. F1 would be human form, F2 one animal,
F3 another animal and F4 the final animal shapeshift.

Human form would be a 1200 range caster, while the shapeshifts would have one mid
range animal at 600 range with control abilities, one melee animal for offense dps and
one melee animal for defense and support.

Each animal shapeshift would be powerful enough to stand on its own, without having
to switch all the time like the elementalist is forced to, each animal shift would just get
a totally different role. So in a duel you would stay in dps melee permanently, and if at
all necessary, switch to mid range control to prevent being kited. In events or dungeons
you would stay in melee support permanently, or in human form permanently, based
on your build (tanky dps support or tanky healing support example).

There should definitely not be a system where shapeshifting is needed to be successful,
depending on the role you need for the situation, staying in one form the whole time is
not only feasible, but necessary, since the other shifts wouldn’t be suited for what you
are doing at that time.

Imo it’s how elementalist attunements should have been from the start, to give each
attunement a role that stands on its own, without the necessity to keep switching like
mad just to be almost as viable as a weak player of another profession. Then the trait
lines would make sense, too. Right now all these traits that only work for one attune-
ment, in a system where you’re forced to switch attunements like mad, doesn’t work.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)