Open Letter. Regarding Guildwars.

Open Letter. Regarding Guildwars.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Verminious.3492



Here’s everything that can be improved on Guildwars and would make it fundamentally more enjoyable for a lot of players.

- A custom channel system, with a password function for cross-guild/cross-party usage.
- A Guild management system which makes managing easier, for an example a “Last time logged in” tab option.
- A dueling option. (Because really, why not?)
- A trading option. (Trusting items and money trough mail with guildmates make a common cause of drama.)
- Being able to wear lower armor types than your class. (Because light armors look kitten good.)
- A Guild Merit system designed for smaller guilds which don’t have the influence.
- A nickname system which does not wipe all nicknames every-time the game is updated.
- More animated emotes, such as sittable chairs, sleepable beds, the halloween event emotes, a drinking and eating (one that doesn’t look like fisting your own mouth) emote and even more and different dance emotes.
- Fixing the long asura ears which are folded to the inside or horribly deformed and/or out of proportion. (Also known as Ear Option #5)
- An unlimited fine transmutation stone for the Black Lion chests.
- Capes. (Seriously, why are there none? Guild capes would be so awesome.)
- More cultural outfits, and hopefully less pricy as the ones currently available. (Also, lowering the prices on those would be appreciated)
- Un-nerfing the currently crappy Ash Legion Spy Kit. (We need it. It’s a huge disappointment for the more committed PvE and Dungeon players. It is also to me personally for it was a good roleplay ability.)
- Removing or softening down the diminishing returns loot system.
- An actual full explanation on the magic find and loot system.
- A first person view for us people who love taking high-quality screenshots without our character on screen and people with extremely spasming camera’s during jump puzzles.
- The promised-but-still-not-provided guildhalls with guesting.
- A transmutable back slot, for the engineers out there who love the Universal Multitool Pack too much.
- A Character name-change function.
- Mini equipment slots. (For the people who love to have their favorite mini with them without the fear of sending them back to the bank when they use the “Deposit all collectables function”. / Not having to buy a Safe/hidden backpack.")
- Your owned dye spectrum on previewing armor option.
- Making the Piken Square and the Tarnished Coast servers “Official” roleplay servers.
- Mounts. (Because like every guildmember agreed to this idea.)
- An item in the Black Lion Chest that grants permanent free waypoint travel on the account.
- Advanced blocking, for emote spamming and/or roleplay trolling.
- Joining a PvP match on the same side with people in your party. (Disregard this matter on free-tournements.)

Feel free to comment if you think I missed anything. Please keep it clean.

P.S. if there is anything unclear on the things above you may contact me either through the game or via mail.

- Verminious, Piken Square.

(edited by Verminious.3492)

Open Letter. Regarding Guildwars.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Yeesh that’s a long list. Mostly agree, some are silly and others need more explaination. But I can’t +1 the whole thing for the ones I don’t agree with.


Here’s everything that can be improved on Guildwars and would make it fundamentally more enjoyable for a lot of players.

- A custom channel system, with a password function for cross-guild/cross-party usage.
- A Guild management system which makes managing easier, for an example a “Last time logged in” tab option.
Last time representing. Being logged in doesn’t mean anything if they’re representing a different guild
- A dueling option. (Because really, why not?)
- A trading option. (Trusting items and money trough mail with guildmates make a common cause of drama.)
Yes, it’s cool that they apparently want all sales through BLTC, but really? Be fair
- Being able to wear lower armor types than your class. (Because light armors look kitten good.)
Can’t support this
- A Guild Merit system designed for smaller guilds which don’t have the influence.
This need more explaination
- A nickname system which does not wipe all nicknames every-time the game is updated.
- More animated emotes, such as sittable chairs, sleepable beds, the halloween event emotes, a drinking and eating (one that doesn’t look like fisting your own mouth) emote and even more and different dance emotes.
- Fixing the long asura ears which are folded to the inside or horribly deformed and/or out of proportion. (Also known as Ear Option #5)
Some people like this, it should be up to individuals to choose
- An unlimited fine transmutation stone for the Black Lion chests.
This will never happen
- Capes. (Seriously, why are there none? Guild capes would be so awesome.)
There are a huge number of clipping issues with capes, which is why they didn’t happen in the first place. They were supposed to
- More cultural outfits, and hopefully less pricy as the ones currently available. (Also, lowering the prices on those would be appreciated)
I would like more outfits in general, not just more outfits restricted to race
- Un-nerfing the currently crappy Ash Legion Spy Kit. (We need it. It’s a huge disappointment for the more committed PvE and Dungeon players. It is also to me personally for it was a good roleplay ability.)
The ability to stealth indefinately was increadibly broken, which is why it was changed in the first place
- Removing or softening down the diminishing returns loot system.
This will probably happen, and go back and forth as they continue to work on things and get them to work they want around those that are trying to exploit the systems
- An actual full explanation on the magic find and loot system.
Yes please
- A first person view for us people who love taking high-quality screenshots without our character on screen and people with extremely spasming camera’s during jump puzzles.
Zoom in and emote sleep, your character will conveniently slip out of the shot, can’t help with the puzzles, but I find looking directly down is more useful than looking forward anyway
- The promised-but-still-not-provided guildhalls with guesting.
- A transmutable back slot, for the engineers out there who love the Universal Multitool Pack too much.
Options for all Engineer Kits so that we can have more than one look
- A Character name-change function.
- Mini equipment slots. (For the people who love to have their favorite mini with them without the fear of sending them back to the bank when they use the “Deposit all collectables function”. / Not having to buy a Safe/hidden backpack.")
Yes yes a million times yes
- Your owned dye spectrum on previewing armor option.
- Making the Piken Square and the Tarnished Coast servers “Official” roleplay servers.
NO NO NO, Never official. Official is the death of RP, because then the jerks know where to go. Only through community decision and Unofficial status do proper RP servers come about. Give it to Piken Square if he insists but leave Tarnished Coast out of it
- Mounts. (Because like every guildmember agreed to this idea.)
Why? Seriously. What can you possibly do with Mounts at all that can’t be accomplished already and more effectively with WPs. Mounts server no purpose in this game
- An item in the Black Lion Chest that grants permanent free waypoint travel on the account.
Never happen
- Advanced blocking, for emote spamming and/or roleplay trolling.
Is /ignore not enough?
- Joining a PvP match on the same side with people in your party. (Disregard this matter on free-tournements.)

Feel free to comment if you think I missed anything. Please keep it clean.

P.S. if there is anything unclear on the things above you may contact me either through the game or via mail.

- Verminious, Piken Square.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

(edited by Kal Spiro.9745)

Open Letter. Regarding Guildwars.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Mostly good suggestions, I’ll just share some criticism on the ones I don’t like. (So sorry for sounding negative, no point writing “Yes, yes, yes” on each I agree on)

- A Guild management system which makes managing easier, for an example a “Last time logged in” tab option.

Depending on how it is done, I support this, or am against this. Only leader needs this, only leader should see this.

- A trading option. (Trusting items and money trough mail with guildmates make a common cause of drama.)

Would mess things up. The idea with BLTC is to remove the need for players to stand around in LA, crowding the place, being AFK, spamming “selling X” or “WTB”.
As a trader, I find this a horrible idea. I do not want to be forced to do the aforementioned things just to be able to compete with the other traders, I want to be able to play the game.

- Un-nerfing the currently crappy Ash Legion Spy Kit. (We need it. It’s a huge disappointment for the more committed PvE and Dungeon players. It is also to me personally for it was a good roleplay ability.)
- Removing or softening down the diminishing returns loot system.
- An actual full explanation on the magic find and loot system.
- The promised-but-still-not-provided guildhalls with guesting.
- A transmutable back slot, for the engineers out there who love the Universal Multitool Pack too much.
- A Character name-change function.
- Mini equipment slots. (For the people who love to have their favorite mini with them without the fear of sending them back to the bank when they use the “Deposit all collectables function”. / Not having to buy a Safe/hidden backpack.")
- Your owned dye spectrum on previewing armor option.
- Making the Piken Square and the Tarnished Coast servers “Official” roleplay servers.
- Advanced blocking, for emote spamming and/or roleplay trolling.
- Joining a PvP match on the same side with people in your party. (Disregard this matter on free-tournements.)

These are kinda “meh”. I don’t really see any point in any of these, though I am not really against it.

- Mounts. (Because like every guildmember agreed to this idea.)
- An item in the Black Lion Chest that grants permanent free waypoint travel on the account.

No mounts, it has been suggested for umpteen times, and I think people are mostly against this. At least there aren’t too many people with good “For” arguments.
And anything permanent needs a fairly low chance. And it should be “On character” and not “On Account”.

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

Open Letter. Regarding Guildwars.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Hang on, why was the OP infracted? He’s just stating his long list of Suggestions for GW2, and dozens of people have done the EXACT same thing for no penalty. Can we get an official response on this? Because if we can’t make suggestions in the suggestion forum, might as well close the entire section.

What exactly are we talking about?

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Open Letter. Regarding Guildwars.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

Off topic, that is what.

Anyways, back to the topic.

- An actual full explanation on the magic find and loot system.
Yes please

Actually, I’d love to see your current MF in the stats list. Just about everything else is already listed.

And as for the explanation, I think it works like this:
You have a chance of 0.1% for finding exotic gear after RNG decided you get loot.
If you had 100% MF, you’d have 0.2% chance of finding exotic gear.

- Making the Piken Square and the Tarnished Coast servers “Official” roleplay servers.
NO NO NO, Never official. Official is the death of RP, because then the jerks know where to go. Only through community decision and Unofficial status do proper RP servers come about. Give it to Piken Square if he insists but leave Tarnished Coast out of it

Oh yeah, I agree with Kal on this one.

People who can argue often offer a good and meaningful conversation about the subject.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.

Open Letter. Regarding Guildwars.

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


- Advanced blocking, for emote spamming and/or roleplay trolling.
Is /ignore not enough?

As most RPers do their roleplaying through emotes and the /ignore function doesn’t actually block emotes from blocked users at all, then no.

As it stands, if I was to block someone, they could still harass me using emotes and I would still see a load of emote spam in my chat window.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Open Letter. Regarding Guildwars.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

- Advanced blocking, for emote spamming and/or roleplay trolling.
Is /ignore not enough?

As most RPers do their roleplaying through emotes and the /ignore function doesn’t actually block emotes from blocked users at all, then no.

As it stands, if I was to block someone, they could still harass me using emotes and I would still see a load of emote spam in my chat window.

Having not actually ignored anyone who wasn’t talking through main, and one guy who told me to stop disagreeing with his suggestion here through a tell, I didn’t realize that. That is extremely stupid. /ignore should block all communication of any kind from that person. So yes, fix that.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot