Pants aren’t exactly heavy armor. If you want pants, go look under “town clothes”
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
There are a few heavy armors without manskirts. I used something like 10 Transmutes on mine keeping the same model for 20 or 30 levels.
But I agree, there need to be more pants for all armor classes.
more tops that arent dresses/trenchcoats for medium also.
more tops that arent dresses/trenchcoats for medium also.
This one for me. I’d like to actually see my pants in medium.
+1 I really want pants for my thief. I don’t want different styles of madresses, I want pants!
There ARE pants for light and heavy armor.
They are under those skirts and coat tails.
The problem is that you can’t hide nor choose the skirts and coat tails. You are always limited to the skirt or coat tail that comes with the legs, even when hiding it or using the one that matches the torso would be way better.
You should be able to choose if you want the skirt of the torso or the legs, or none.
I have to agree, it’s rather annoying with all the skirts. My Asuras look like they are wearing literal dresses that nearly pass their ankles. Probably not a race specific issue, but I don’t care to have to look at my Charr’s panties when he swims. So I use some of the few non-skirt options on them but it’d be nice to have more options to balance with the skirts.
Glad I’m not the only person who hates the skirt tents! God awful to me…. And, I do agree that armor piece should be broken into visibility zones. A big one for me would be the sleeves and collars of chest armor. Especially the odd mesh ones, ick.
I remember wearing actual pants on my female human ele. Some of the light dungeon armor pants are actually pants.
I’ve seen enough butt-capes and hoop skirts.
Adding armor variety cannot be bad.
And please don’t drag out the argument that ‘more form fitting armor would not be effective armor in real life’. My Necro’s current armor looks like a Mardi Gras costume (with a hoop skirt) which would not qualify as armor in real life. This is a fantasy game and if you like your magic armor to look like a prom dress that’s fine… I don’t want my magic armor to have a butt-cape.
I would like more skirts that don’t come with pants!
I would love more trousers for light armour female sets, and yes, trousers without that skirt flap for heavy armour.
But a greater variety of true skirts would be nice too. If I can’t have trousers can I at least have more proper skirts that don’t have an enormous bustle at the back? So many seem to, or are open at the front, and it really seems to pin you into one of only a few types of style. The details on all the armour sets are different, but from only a little way off there are about four or five skirts that blend into one. It seems that the only distinctive light armour designs are the really skimpy/“sexy” ones, and that’s a real shame.
on my charr necro, I used carrion masquerade rares until I could get the karma for exotic grenth gear.
it was one heck of a motivator, since everytime I walked I was treated to a delightful shot of my char wearing a thong >_<