Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neutro.3079


Hey guys,

There is something strange in the game: all the siege weapons blueprints, as well as the siege master guide book that is needed to make superior siege weapons are soulbound. This means that these items cannot be sent through mail or put in a guild bank.

But it is also possible to give a siege weapon blueprint, even a superior one, to another player, just by dropping it on the floor in a WvW area, as I’m showing with a friend in this video:

Because of that system, if your guild / server gives money to a commander to buy siege weapons, and then this commander has to leave and another one comes, the next commander cannot use any of the siege weapons that everyone donated for.

This could easily be solved just by removing the “soulboud” status of siege weapons blueprints and siege master guide book.

Do you guys feels the same about this? Share your thoughts

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: cilo.2789


I’d like it to be account bound at the very least so i dont have blueprints from 4 different characters cluttering up my bank

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


I’d like it to be account bound at the very least so i dont have blueprints from 4 different characters cluttering up my bank

That is how I feel too.

Actually, I feel they should be account bound and you should not be able to transfer them between players by dropping/picking up.

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neutro.3079


I’d like it to be account bound at the very least so i dont have blueprints from 4 different characters cluttering up my bank

That is how I feel too.

Actually, I feel they should be account bound and you should not be able to transfer them between players by dropping/picking up.

Why do you think they shouldn’t be tradeable between players? You can trade money between players, regular siege weapons only cost money, so forbidding siege weapons trade is like forbidding gold trade imo.

It’s more complicated regarding superior siege weapons because they costs skill points as well, but you can see a lot of items on the trade posts that can be sold at a high price because you need a lot of skill point to forge them, it is allowed and no one seems to have a problem with it, so why not siege weapons as well?

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amaethon.8710


I would also like to see blueprints become Account Bound. It seems silly to have something like that clutter up your bank when it can only be used by one of your characters. I suppose you could just keep them all in your characters’ inventories, but that just seems like a waste of space. Anyway, I’m sure they won’t get around to this for a long while because it isn’t game-breaking, and they have a million other things they’d probably rather get to first. Still, it’s something I would like to see… eventually.

Çyhyraeth – Sylvari Elementalist – Order Of The Fallen Watch [EXEO] | Darkhaven

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarvok.4206


I think it’s about not being able to insta-mail blueprints to the front lines; if you didn’t bring enough, someone has to actually traverse the distance, which takes time, and they can even be delayed if the enemy posts people in the middle of the path to cut their supply lines. Making them mailable would undermine strategy, which is the entire point of WvWvW.

Drop and pick up isn’t bad, because, #1, it doesn’t invalidate the physical space between the point of acquisition and the point of use, and #2, the enemy can come in and grab it if it’s done in the wrong place and the enemy is quick enough.

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neutro.3079


I think it’s about not being able to insta-mail blueprints to the front lines; if you didn’t bring enough, someone has to actually traverse the distance, which takes time, and they can even be delayed if the enemy posts people in the middle of the path to cut their supply lines. Making them mailable would undermine strategy, which is the entire point of WvWvW.

Drop and pick up isn’t bad, because, #1, it doesn’t invalidate the physical space between the point of acquisition and the point of use, and #2, the enemy can come in and grab it if it’s done in the wrong place and the enemy is quick enough.

That’s true!

What about making the blueprints with a special status “non sendable by mail” then?

Beeing able to share them in a guild bank still seems important to me.

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdfrod.1948


I think it’s about not being able to insta-mail blueprints to the front lines; if you didn’t bring enough, someone has to actually traverse the distance, which takes time, and they can even be delayed if the enemy posts people in the middle of the path to cut their supply lines. Making them mailable would undermine strategy, which is the entire point of WvWvW.

Drop and pick up isn’t bad, because, #1, it doesn’t invalidate the physical space between the point of acquisition and the point of use, and #2, the enemy can come in and grab it if it’s done in the wrong place and the enemy is quick enough.

That makes sense. But they could make them account bound at least.

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

I’d like it to be account bound at the very least so i dont have blueprints from 4 different characters cluttering up my bank

That is how I feel too.

Actually, I feel they should be account bound and you should not be able to transfer them between players by dropping/picking up.


- alhtough i would like some ability to transfer them to a commander

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: SSalp.6423


I’d like it to be account bound at the very least so i dont have blueprints from 4 different characters cluttering up my bank

That is how I feel too.

Actually, I feel they should be account bound and you should not be able to transfer them between players by dropping/picking up.

Exactly this should happen. I really don’t get why they are soulbound.

Immotal Kingdom[KING] – Desolation

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


I think it’s ANet’s way of saying:

Hey… You completed the story line. Why don’t you try helping your server in WvW now?

WvW is definitely one of their alternatives to the standard “end-game”.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Havana.8625


I have 8 toons each with 6 types of blueprints. Please, they need to make this at least account bound soon! I got no inventory space.

“We don’t need to make gear treadmills”
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success.
(Please no gear treadmills, Colin!)

Please remove soulbound status on blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dayra.7405


I remember that somewhere in
Mike Ferguson said that ANet wanted to make blueprints account bound but did not managed to control the resulting bugs

Found it.
So sometimes …

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!