Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


Well, I believe that with this patch, it became painfully obvious how badly AFKers can harm a group’s chances of besting certain events by just being there.

My solution would be fairly simple. Any player that stays idle for X amount of time gets different penalties based on the how long they stay like that. Before that penalty is applied, the player should issued a warning several times.

The time before a warning/penalty is issued should depend on whether the player is inside the the area of an event or not. Defeated players should be considered as idle, regardless of the situation.

If players incur too often into idleness, instead of being disconnected, they should be sent to Lion’s Arch.


Ouside an event
Chatting counts as being active here.

15 or 30 minutes: A short warning is issued and will resend itself again every two minutes.
10+ minutes (Defeated): Sent to the closest uncontested waypoint, still defeated.
30 or 45 minutes: Disconnected.

Inside an event
Chatting isn’t considered as an activity. Only movement and skills.

01 minute: A warning is issued, repeating itself every 20 seconds, informing the player how long it will be before a penalty is issued.
03 minutes: Sent to a nearby uncontested waypoint (Still dead if defeated).
If the server is full, with a long queue to join
05 minutes (Defeated): Disconnected.

Of course this idea isn’t perfect and while it would dramatically reduce the number of AFK players, it would not stop trolls. However, the latter can be reported.

In my opinion, the best way to determine whether an idea, opinion or evidence is correct or wrong is putting it under heavy critique, so feedback is greatly encouraged.

Make it so that you need to be active for at least 10 seconds before your Idle Timer resets.

(edited by FenrirSlakt.3692)

Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


I think the problem is that people have failed the event so many times they are camping it. There’s nothing to do in the meanwhile, so they AFK. As soon as they do, the event starts.

There’s a problem with this events difficulty. the sever has to be filled with players to max capacity or there’s no chance a success. even with coordination, this can be an easy fail.

You’re trying to fix the sypmtom rather than the disease. if they simply fix the difficulty everything else falls into place.

Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692



I’m talking about a problem that could come to exist with or without Tequatl, so let’s focus on that and not on the event’s difficulty.

Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628



I’m talking about a problem that could come to exist with or without Tequatl, so let’s focus on that and not on the event’s difficulty.

Could come to exist but never has. Or at least it has never been noticable before.

Well, that’s not entirely true. People were trying to AFK leech events early on in the game when it was new. (AFK leeching has been addressed though)

Question. Why would you care if someone else was AFK unless it affected you? You wouldn’t! You are only noticing it/trying to correct it because its causing an event failuer (with TEQ.)

You’ve probably seen people AFK at other events and never noticed. So don’t say it’s not about Teq = that is exactly what it’s about.

Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692



I’m talking about a problem that could come to exist with or without Tequatl, so let’s focus on that and not on the event’s difficulty.


Please stop deviating from the topic.
This is not about Tequatl’s difficulty, this is about inactivity and a possible solution to get rid of it, so I beg you to respect my intentions and stop trying to derail this thread.

Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628



I’m talking about a problem that could come to exist with or without Tequatl, so let’s focus on that and not on the event’s difficulty.


Please stop deviating from the topic.
This is not about Tequatl’s difficulty, this is about inactivity and a possible solution to get rid of it, so I beg you to respect my intentions and stop trying to derail this thread.

Oddly enough, I am not deviating from the topic at all. You are proposing a fix for something that (until they misscaled an events difficulty) was a not broken.

People being AFK is not a problem in an MMO. It happens all the time without consequenses and is perfectly acceptable. People should not be punished for being AFK unless they are exploiting the game.

You’re proposing that the sky is red and needs a fix to make it blue. The problem is the sky isn’t red People being AFK should not hurt an event’s success rate. That is a scaling problem, not an AFK problem.

You understand now?

(edited by SHM.7628)

Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nalora.7964


Ooooo AFK purgatory.

Would be nice for a room with afk elevator music and a maze you must go round and round and round and round to get out of….

Anyone remember the Pit of Despair in Dungeonsiege?

Yea….don’t send them to Lion’s Arch….Send AFKers to a pit of despair.

DEMAND Bunny Slippers and a bathrobe!

Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


More stuff.

I’m ignoring anything related to Tequatl’s difficulty, friend. There are already many threads complaining or praising Tequatl’s encounter, so I don’t see the need to make another one about it.

I, personally like the encounter and do not want its difficulty to be lowered. I completely disagree with your point, but didn’t want to argue about it because it could potentially lead to unnecessary hostility and pointless argument.

Now, having less people going AFK would be beneficial to the servers’ stability.
Also, some people sometimes go AFK unexpectedly, so they sometimes leave their characters in dangerous zones, which ends up in them getting killed, damaging their armour, so it would also benefit many players in the long run.

Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


More stuff.

I’m ignoring anything related to Tequatl’s difficulty, friend. There are already many threads complaining or praising Tequatl’s encounter, so I don’t see the need to make another one about it.

I, personally like the encounter and do not want its difficulty to be lowered. I completely disagree with your point, but didn’t want to argue about it because it could potentially lead to unnecessary hostility and pointless argument.

Now, having less people going AFK would be beneficial to the servers’ stability.
Also, some people sometimes go AFK unexpectedly, so they sometimes leave their characters in dangerous zones, which ends up in them getting killed, damaging their armour, so it would also benefit many players in the long run.

Pure nonsense. AFK doesn’t hurt the server at all. It causes no stability problems. It’s usually unnoticable. (except teq)

As for the case with people’s armor, That’s one of the risks of going AFK, it happens. It’s unavoidable sometimes. It’s hardly a reason to take punitive action. They are effecting no one but themselves.

Give me a good reason to implement punitive action for AFKers, and perhaps I’ll entertain the notion. You won’t admit the real issue because you like the difficulty. So you’’ say whatever to keep it that way, rather than admit the real problem.

In this particular instance people have failed in the double digits of times. so they are camping out the event and Akitteng. Why? Because most people don’t have 20 hours a day to dedicate to teq.

You continually say this isn’t about Tequatl. Fine, there where else have you observed this happening? Where else has it been problematic? There are other difficult events like the temples. You don’t see people camping and AFk there.

Actually the AFK will go away anyway. This is a new event so people are flocking to it. Eventually it will just go undone. Then the AFK problem solve itself. I completed the event. but its sad for others who won’t be able to.

(edited by SHM.7628)

Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


If you care about Tequatl or WWW cannon/treb/cart afkers, just make them auto-disconnect from the used item in a single minute.

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Possible solution/workaround to AFKers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SHM.7628


If you care about Tequatl or WWW cannon/treb/cart afkers, just make them auto-disconnect from the used item in a single minute.

Now you may actually be on to something. A minute of AFk on a cannon/treb/cart may even be too long. A minute in game is an eternity. 15-20 seconds sounds sufficient. Like you said, this is to be kicked off the item only.

I still think that this AFK problem for the most part is entirely due to TEQ being an improperly scaled event. Also when you have an event with such a big window = people AFK.

I succeeded at tequatl 2 days ago with a full server. Yes, it was a good group with good coordination. There were commanders at key locations giving instruction. (I didn’t see any AFK btw) That said, if we had less numbers, we would have failed anyway. The timers would have ran out.

People claim this isn’t an over powered event, but really? How often are those ideal circumstances going to exist to get a win? I’m tried the event 10+ times since and failed every time. 25% -50% less people even on Blackgate.

(edited by SHM.7628)