Race Change option please

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apochalypse.1627


OK A-Net, I give up. I chose Charr in the beginning because I loved the thought of being bestial, but when your design bias towards the more humanoid looking characters is so obvious, I have no resort but to beg for some sort of paid race change option.

My Armor is amazing, but it comes at a price. My tail mysteriously goes through the trench coat my hat is ruined thanks to my horns. It’s obvious that tailors don’t cater to Charr standards. With gear being such an important aspect in any MMORPG, it’s become a breaking point where I’m just not interested in obtaining any more armor in fear of it just looking weird.

So I arrive here, on bended knee and beg, yes BEG, for a 1 time race change to one of the other races. I love being a Charr, but not at the price of my dignity.

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: fellyn.5083


They’ve said in the past it’s extremely unlikely that there will be a race change option.

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrTopping.7950


I agree they NEED to add a race change. Its easy to do… Code to re-roll your toon as any race, reset personal story to the start and have no rewards. Done many people have been asking for it recently and ANet just seem to be brushing this off as a bad idea. If they added it to the gem store they’d make more cash than releasing cosmetic armor and golem banks.

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


They don’t NEED to add a race change option at all. Roll a new character and stop spamming this annoying topic day in, day out.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apochalypse.1627


I feel they do, They misrepresented themselves in character creation. It’s obvious that the Charr are the kitten stepchildren who will never be on equal terms to the other races in regards to design and QA. Rerolling isn’t going to change the fact that my main character which I have played for 525 hours with, is no longer appealing to me for no other reason than developer neglect. This problem was created by A-Net and so I ask A-Net to solve it amicably.

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


They don’t NEED to add a race change option at all. Roll a new character and stop spamming this annoying topic day in, day out.

Quoted for Truth

Apo, what you write is pure nonsense.
You decided to play Charr when you created the Character. You played with it whopping 525 Hours. Thats nearly 22 DAYS.
You can’t really say to us, that you needed kittening 22 Days to realize that you don’t like to play this race.

If you really wouldn’t like to play a Character with race X, I wouldn’t need to have to play with it first 22 days to realize that!!
This is some kind of decision, someone should be able to make just after the first like 1 to 2 days, when you play the personal story, when you see while playing, that you don’t like the story, don’t like how your character looks or moves in regard of its animations, if you don’t like its racial skills and on.

All this aren#t thing,s that need like 3 weeks to be realized, if you like or not like those gameplay mechanics around a playable race and its absolutely not Anets fault that you don’t like your result of what YOU have created !!! NOT ANET!!

Its also not their fault that you are too lazy to reroll your character with that race, that you want to play so diehard much, but that would naturally mean, that you would have to admit, that you have wasted alot of time and effort with that crap, what you don’t like to play anymore.

If you would have used all that time that you waste here about complaining about Anet thakittens their for therefore that you don’t like, what you have created and if you rather would have spend all that wasted time by deleting your self created BS and rerolling it with that race that you like more, then its very sure, that you wold have by now a new character, that could be very near to that point of your old character, if not at all max level already, because if you concentrate your time onto only 1 character by making personal story, lots of event,s usign buff items and explorign the maps, makign skill points ect. you level up very quick.

Getting equipment is also no problem for a rerolled chara just by buying exotics via karma in regard of armor or buying from TP.

Seriously, people complain now since like half a year+ about this. in all of this kitten time they could have rerolled their stupid characters countless of times …

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


I feel they do, They misrepresented themselves in character creation. It’s obvious that the Charr are the kitten stepchildren who will never be on equal terms to the other races in regards to design and QA. Rerolling isn’t going to change the fact that my main character which I have played for 525 hours with, is no longer appealing to me for no other reason than developer neglect. This problem was created by A-Net and so I ask A-Net to solve it amicably.

It took you 525 hours to realize that you don’t like Charr?


Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Apochalypse.1627


It took you 525 hours to realize that you don’t like Charr?


No, it took me 525 hours to realise that A-Net aren’t interested in fixing the textures on armor and other items to be more Charr friendly. It’s not an unfair request given the time investment and sentimentality of the character.

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: EnemyCrusher.7324



15 characters

Light of Honor [Lite] – Founder / Warmaster
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sedoks.3576


Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revlack.9780


please, we need race chance

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The only thing that you need is to finally lose your lazyness and delete your unliked chara and restart it…

You could already have countless of restarted maxed charas by now, if you wouldn’t have been lazy only

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


True, they would make more money from the gem store by having this, but they would prefer people buy a character expansion slot and level another toon instead.

Almost everything you do in GW2 is account bound. And in a few days all major currencies (including gold) will be account bound, and achievements are already account bound, so there isn’t really so much bound to your individual character which you won’t get from making another toon, if you really want to change your character.

Or perhaps a 20,000 achievement points reward in a new “super massive awesome chest”
(you already get a free level 20 character boost from 5000 points chest, so why not I guess..)

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Race Change option please

in Suggestions

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


I’d buy it in a heartbeat because I didn’t know that the cultral elites for humans suck so bad when I made it. I would have much rather made a Sylvari as much ranger.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.