Rage quit

Rage quit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

I am quite upset with the news about ascended gear.

You know why I bought this game? Because I was Guild Wars 1 player. I loved that game. I was really hoping that Guild Wars 2 will be an improvement to the previous game.

Guild Wars 2 though seems to go far away from its predecessor, and in a very negative way for me. Seriously, adding content that can be beaten only if you have good gear (which u need to grind for) is just pathetic. Look, game lacks skills and I personally think it would be way better to make character customization (in terms of mentioned skills and traits) deeper. Make it so you need skill and not gear to beat content.

As for gear I dont care about stupid legendary weapons. I dont like their skins. Let’s take greatswords for example. For me Dawn isnt even half as cool as Ebonblade. So far I could ignore them, but now I will have to grind for it just to get better stats (and eventually transmute it). It’s a fail for me. I wouldnt mind it if it was some other mmo. But it’s GUILD WARS !!!! Don’t forget about players who bought this game because they played GW1, ok?

Focus on skills instead of new uber-duper pro items. Add more of them, so we can put many different builds together. Don’t make stuff that can only be beaten with high-end gear. If I were Mike O’Brien I’d fire the person who even came up with this ridiculously stupid idea.


Dear mdoerators, don’t you dare to delete this post. There are a few suggestions in it. Read it twice if you can’t find em for the 1st time.

(edited by Smelly Bookah.6957)

Rage quit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tera GX.8149

Tera GX.8149

But what you’re discussing is largely what’s discussed in https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Thoughts-on-Ascended-Gear-Merged-threads
Put your thoughts there as have I, this topic isn’t different enough.

Tera Xenphos of Fort Aspenwood (guildless, deliberately)

Rage quit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Darkever.9732


While the general tone is a bit too angry, I perfectly agree.
Exotic weapons are already a goal not easy to reach, especially if you run more than one character and want something that looks different that standard craftable armor.

Designers and developers, REMEMBER what you PROMISED:
Guild Wars 2 should be a game about SKILL, not gear. Spending a lot of time playing rewards you with awesome looks, not better stats!

There is already WoW for that, and grinders are more than happy to play it instead of GW2.

Rage quit

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Agreed. They had other ways of adding character progression without raising stats:

  • Hunting Skills
  • Upgrading Skills
  • Hunting Traits (which was there initially)
  • Title Tracks

Though you might want to stick your suggestions in a TL;DR. I missed them 6th time reading it >.<

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Rage quit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ojike.3179


But what you’re discussing is largely what’s discussed in https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Thoughts-on-Ascended-Gear-Merged-threads
Put your thoughts there as have I, this topic isn’t different enough.

Well its better that its seen in more thread instead of only 1 100 page thread imo.