Reallocating Skill Order

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Heres the deal, the number 2 is not exactly in a sweet spot if you use WASD and don’t have a 100 button button mouse.

The one thing I loved about guildwars is being able to arrange the skills in the order youd like it, that being 1 – 5 as in quick access buttons in any order you like(like rupt, power heal, powerful attack) and 6- 8 as utility skills like you can take your sweet time to click on them with the mouse.

I been playing a thief on sPVP and sPVP is unforgiving when you screw up, I hardly ever use leaping death blossom and its on the sweet spot, at number 3.

You can tell me, “kittengo change it in your options” fair enough, but what happens if I get on my ranger, and number 3 is actually my opening attack and number 2 is the skill i need to time to use and their current order as it is is perfect?

Sure I could go ahead and unbind them back into their proper order, but really is this the most efficient way to do this?

Wouldnt being able to reallocate skills and their order on the fly be much better

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bad Element.4613

Bad Element.4613

Please Read This Post ANet

There Are Lots of People Who Agree.

/signed Want to reorder my first 5 skills please!=]

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Please Read This Post ANet

There Are Lots of People Who Agree.

/signed Want to reorder my first 5 skills please!=]

thank you

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


I cant totally understand you…..
You can bind anything to anything.
I personally use eqfc m1 m2 m3 m4 and thats SERIOUSLY not moch .
You want some supermegaskillorder for ONLY 8 skill?

Putting that aside i think the skills are in PERFECT ORDER anyway. They are 100% resonable.
And you have to admit Gw2 is not the game you can play with Clicking skills. You have to learn using wasd and skil buttons and mouse same time. If oyu cant do that…then are like my 6 year old cusin. Who cant press 2 button at the same time….
BY the age of 8 you should be able to use a Ps3 controller and above 10 you are considered akitten if you cant wasd….
Thats my opinion. No offense.

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Btw….solution = make savable or Character bound key costumization….

Trough I actually say a LOT of ppl will getkitten they have to rearange kitten with each character swap….like me….So You get satisfied or the 50% other player?

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


I cant totally understand you…..
You can bind anything to anything.
I personally use eqfc m1 m2 m3 m4 and thats SERIOUSLY not moch .
You want some supermegaskillorder for ONLY 8 skill?

Putting that aside i think the skills are in PERFECT ORDER anyway. They are 100% resonable.
And you have to admit Gw2 is not the game you can play with Clicking skills. You have to learn using wasd and skil buttons and mouse same time. If oyu cant do that…then are like my 6 year old cusin. Who cant press 2 button at the same time….
BY the age of 8 you should be able to use a Ps3 controller and above 10 you are considered akitten if you cant wasd….
Thats my opinion. No offense.

Did you play guildwars or even bother reading the first post? :|

And sorry I’ve always believed the PS3 controller is for people with autism theres no order to Triangle Square Circle and Axe, which is why the Xbox controller is my prefered choice, but hey even if you have autism, the Characters, are colour coded.

But back to the point.

The whole point of this thread was the ability to reassign the weapon skill order you like, much like the way you do for your utility skills so you dont have to bind and unbind the skills each time you log into a new character.

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Btw….solution = make savable or Character bound key costumization….

Trough I actually say a LOT of ppl will getkitten they have to rearange kitten with each character swap….like me….So You get satisfied or the 50% other player?

Or allow to switch around weapon skill order and if you think they’re perfect the way they are, you dont have to.

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: ButlerianHeretic.3251


The default order of the skills makes sense when you learn them, but after that… not so much. Why is my closing technique with a sword #2 not #1? I want to click 1 first when I close. 2 is just confusing to me.

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


I agree with the notion of being able to swap the abilities in the slots.

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


@ButlerianHeretic.3251 exactly the point of the thread

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


I vote no. Just remap the keys.

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


I vote no. Just remap the keys.

And keep doing it for every character everytime you log into a different character


Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mojo.2691


I vote no. Just remap the keys.

I get confused when the abilities on bar isn’t in the same order as my keymaps. I don’t see an issue with an option to switch positions for 1-5 abilities.

Options are a great way to show smaller percents of people that you care. Those who don’t want it, don’t have to use it.

Reallocating Skill Order

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


I vote no. Just remap the keys.

I get confused when the abilities on bar isn’t in the same order as my keymaps. I don’t see an issue with an option to switch positions for 1-5 abilities.

Options are a great way to show smaller percents of people that you care. Those who don’t want it, don’t have to use it.

if only more people understood this concept