Reduce Cost of Repair for Dungeon & WvW

Reduce Cost of Repair for Dungeon & WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: MadCow.3502


2G Repair cost after breaking all equipment trying to kill a boss in the level 80 dungeon. (It is no escuse as to why those bosses are so buggy, but thats a discussion for another time).

The cost to repair in these areas are very bad and takes away from the actual play time. I started a dungeon with a few friends and half way in I simply told them I have to drop, I cant afford to keep going. (Especially when at the end of the dungeon there really wasnt even a good loot)

Same for WvW, I get queued up hoping to have some fun (of course im a new player, I’m expecting to die…a lot… but can’t afford to play for very long.
At level 80 waypoints cost like 2-3silver thats where most of the money I make goes… but the repair bill is the real killer. Its just not worth the hassle of going through a dungeon or doing WvW, it is too expensive to keep up. I spend a whole day farming and I can get rid of whatever I make in 3 deaths…

Reduce Cost of Repair for Dungeon & WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


WvWvW should have near free repair costs. Your bound to die alot in it unless your server is just that good. But it discourages other servers from entering wvwvw when they are getting dominated and tossing silver away for repairs because they cant collect anything.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Reduce Cost of Repair for Dungeon & WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carighan.6758


WvWvW should have near free repair costs. Your bound to die alot in it unless your server is just that good. But it discourages other servers from entering wvwvw when they are getting dominated and tossing silver away for repairs because they cant collect anything.

But this also means all money-drops get removed from WvW, and items dropped in WvW can no longer be vendored or salvaged, right?

No expenses => no incomes. Or the economy inflates.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Reduce Cost of Repair for Dungeon & WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: wakko.5248


WvWvW should have near free repair costs. Your bound to die alot in it unless your server is just that good. But it discourages other servers from entering wvwvw when they are getting dominated and tossing silver away for repairs because they cant collect anything.

But this also means all money-drops get removed from WvW, and items dropped in WvW can no longer be vendored or salvaged, right?

No expenses => no incomes. Or the economy inflates.

I dont see the problem with this, Warhammer Online had no repair cost in RvR afaik, and we had loot drops there too and nothing bad happened with the economy

There shouldnt be any reapir cost in pvp, ever.

Reduce Cost of Repair for Dungeon & WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: MadCow.3502


That point about dominating a server is very true, what happens to those players? They give up and leave, goto another server and try again.

Reduce Cost of Repair for Dungeon & WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dorpen.4653


My server is often last in WvW groupings, so when I discovered that your gear is damaged from WvW I pretty much stopped right there until either I can get more gold or my server is matched against a more equal opponent.

Reduce Cost of Repair for Dungeon & WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: paultimate.8790


WvWvW should have near free repair costs. Your bound to die alot in it unless your server is just that good. But it discourages other servers from entering wvwvw when they are getting dominated and tossing silver away for repairs because they cant collect anything.

But this also means all money-drops get removed from WvW, and items dropped in WvW can no longer be vendored or salvaged, right?

No expenses => no incomes. Or the economy inflates.

That is extremely ridiculous. It is surprising how many halfkitten not really thought out responses there are to many suggestions on this board. Hey, genius, no repair bill from dieing in PvP/WvW and getting $ is no different from being out in the world doing PvE events and getting $ there. Except in PvP you will die a great deal more. Your economy BS is just that. BS.

Repair costs on PvP deaths has been a rookie mistake in all new MMOs and was always fixed. GW2 wont be any different if they want to promote WvW as much as possible in this game.