Remove randomness from legendaries

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


It would be preferable to have to run each dungeon 100 times compared to having to gamble for the legendary precursor in the Mystic Forge.

The same goes for the Temple of Balthazar event…on some servers, you just gotta be lucky you get a large group AND not have the event chain bug up.

Also, the clovers…just make them 3 times as expensive. It’ll have the same effect, but it won’t be as frustrating to the player who just saw a part of his wealth go up in smoke.

The current methods can stay in the game, but it would be very nice to also have a ‘surefire backup’. You know, just to keep a light at the end of the tunnel.

EDIT: Even a 20 Euro gemstore buyable precursor would be better than what we have now.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


I have to agree here strongly. Having any kind of randomness in crafting always turns out badly. The mystic forge either has to be 100% surefire every single time, or blatently make it random to where even 4 white items has a chance of precursor and put in a proper surefire way to get it that is just as time/money consuming.

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


EDIT: Even a 20 Euro gemstore buyable precursor would be better than what we have now.

Pretty sure 20 euros wouldn’t get you close to the current gold cost of a precursor.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lend.7250


The more painfull to get the legendary weapon, the better it will taste when u finnaly nag it!

Really hope we never get to see any kind of easy modes. Would rather never get to have a legendary weapon, then having one simply handed over.

Just my 5 Cents anyways…

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jericho.5940


I’m guess what would happen if ANet putting a 500$ legendary precursor purchasable in gem store. All those “P2W blah blah blah” or “Anet being evil” would come.
The point is, there GOT to be something that is extremely HARD to get in this game. It’s already easy enough to get to the top stats what else does people expect? Pay nothing gain everything?

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud.7613


I’m guess what would happen if ANet putting a 500$ legendary precursor purchasable in gem store. All those “P2W blah blah blah” or “Anet being evil” would come.
The point is, there GOT to be something that is extremely HARD to get in this game. It’s already easy enough to get to the top stats what else does people expect? Pay nothing gain everything?

This. I have my legendary and I’m sick and tired of people wanting welfare precursors. After getting your ‘free’ precursor. “What?! 1 million karma plus? we need more karma jugs or I quit!”

Games need challenges, else they’ll get old sooner then later.

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Games need challenges, else they’ll get old sooner then later.

Except the only challenge for the per-cursors is the challenge to get gold.

Give me an epic quest where I got to craft my own pre-cursor by gathering rare materials from Champion mobs / Meta Events and then take them materials into the volcano at Mount Maelstrom to forge it, then quench it in the mystical iceberg at Frostgorge Sound.

Much more of a challenge that trying to gather gold, IMHO.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


Give me an epic quest where I got to craft my own pre-cursor by gathering rare materials from Champion mobs / Meta Events and then take them materials into the volcano at Mount Maelstrom to forge it, then quench it in the mystical iceberg at Frostgorge Sound.

Much more of a challenge that trying to gather gold, IMHO.

But its really not. I guarantee, no matter how great a challenge is, someone will have done it within a week. Then the guides start coming out and suddenly, everyone has a precursor and is on their way to making a legendary. Bam, suddenly, Legendarys are old news because everyone has them and now people are whining even more that there is nothing to work towards. RNG eliminates players who dont want to go above and beyond to get their legendary. In fact, the only problem I see is that the precursors arent soulbound, allowing people to buy them with daddys credit card.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Make more Legendaries? There is a title track for having more than one Legendary, you know.

Personally, I’m still disappointed that the Pact weapons aren’t Legendaries (or at least Exotics). You just killed a freakin’ Elder Dragon, after all; you’d think that’d be worth getting a top-tier piece of equipment at least. If the Pact weapons were Legendaries, everybody would get to have that Legendary medal on their character selection screen to show that they’ve beaten the game, and people who really want to show off their wealth/dedication can work for multiple Legendaries (changing the title so that Pact weapons only count towards the title once, just like how you needed different kinds of weapons for the Weapon monument in HoM.)

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Games need challenges, else they’ll get old sooner then later.

Except the only challenge for the per-cursors is the challenge to get gold.

Give me an epic quest where I got to craft my own pre-cursor by gathering rare materials from Champion mobs / Meta Events and then take them materials into the volcano at Mount Maelstrom to forge it, then quench it in the mystical iceberg at Frostgorge Sound.

Much more of a challenge that trying to gather gold, IMHO.

If so, you should have no problem getting the gold right? … yeah no, that’s not exactly right. But even then, it wouldn’t take gold to do any of that, it’d take effort. May as well refund everyone who has ever bought a legendary, no?

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


But its really not. I guarantee, no matter how great a challenge is, someone will have done it within a week. Then the guides start coming out and suddenly, everyone has a precursor and 1) is on their way to making a legendary. Bam, suddenly, Legendarys are old news because everyone has them and now people are whining even more that there is nothing to work towards. 2) RNG eliminates players who dont want to go above and beyond to get their legendary. 3) In fact, the only problem I see is that the precursors arent soulbound, allowing people to buy them with daddys credit card.

1) Exactly. On their way. They wouldn’t have actually gotten the Legendary. They still have to get all of the other stuff as well.

2) What? ‘Above and beyond’ is repeatedly doing events / selling loot / buying gems and converting to get your pre-cursor?

As opposed to having to max the weapon master achievement for that particular weapon first? I have to collect 12 of a unique item exclusive to Monthly Achievements? Maybe 365 of a unique item exclusive to Daily Achievements? I have to complete all of the boss achievements first? Do all story mode dungeons? Jumping Puzzles? Unlock all skills? Lifetime Survivor Achievement?

There are ways of lengthening the process that allow players to make a steady progress without resorting to RNG.

3) Exactly. At the moment, there are only a small number of things that require you to actually play the game to get the Legendary:

  • Bloodstone Shard
  • Gift of Exploration
  • Obsidian Shards
  • Dungeon Gift

Everything else can be made easier by just converting gems to gold. And considering that this isn’t going to change, you need to make the majority of the process require you to play the game, not the minority.

If so, you should have no problem getting the gold right? … yeah no, that’s not exactly right. But even then, it wouldn’t take gold to do any of that, it’d take effort. May as well refund everyone who has ever bought a legendary, no?

Challenge =/= spending lots of time doing something.

As it is, I have no problem making gold, but I’m not buying the anything yet, simply because I don’t want to get everything and then the only thing I’d be missing is the pre-cursor.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


Games need challenges, else they’ll get old sooner then later.

A system that relies solely on a RNG is anything but a challenge.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

But its really not. I guarantee, no matter how great a challenge is, someone will have done it within a week. Then the guides start coming out and suddenly, everyone has a precursor and 1) is on their way to making a legendary. Bam, suddenly, Legendarys are old news because everyone has them and now people are whining even more that there is nothing to work towards. 2) RNG eliminates players who dont want to go above and beyond to get their legendary. 3) In fact, the only problem I see is that the precursors arent soulbound, allowing people to buy them with daddys credit card.

1) Exactly. On their way. They wouldn’t have actually gotten the Legendary. They still have to get all of the other stuff as well.

2) What? ‘Above and beyond’ is repeatedly doing events / selling loot / buying gems and converting to get your pre-cursor?

As opposed to having to max the weapon master achievement for that particular weapon first? I have to collect 12 of a unique item exclusive to Monthly Achievements? Maybe 365 of a unique item exclusive to Daily Achievements? I have to complete all of the boss achievements first? Do all story mode dungeons? Jumping Puzzles? Unlock all skills? Lifetime Survivor Achievement?

There are ways of lengthening the process that allow players to make a steady progress without resorting to RNG.

3) Exactly. At the moment, there are only a small number of things that require you to actually play the game to get the Legendary:

  • Bloodstone Shard
  • Gift of Exploration
  • Obsidian Shards
  • Dungeon Gift

Everything else can be made easier by just converting gems to gold. And considering that this isn’t going to change, you need to make the majority of the process require you to play the game, not the minority.

If so, you should have no problem getting the gold right? … yeah no, that’s not exactly right. But even then, it wouldn’t take gold to do any of that, it’d take effort. May as well refund everyone who has ever bought a legendary, no?

Challenge =/= spending lots of time doing something.

As it is, I have no problem making gold, but I’m not buying the anything yet, simply because I don’t want to get everything and then the only thing I’d be missing is the pre-cursor.

The problem is that even if it takes forever after maybe a year or so you will see hundreds of legendarys.

RNG prevents that to some extend.

Not saying that i think the system is good or bad just pointing that out.

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


The problem is that even if it takes forever after maybe a year or so you will see hundreds of legendarys.

RNG prevents that to some extend.

Not saying that i think the system is good or bad just pointing that out.

We’ve already got quite a few Legendaries crafted 3 months into the game.

Rather than relying on pot-luck for drops, why couldn’t there a more creative way?

Why not that have spirits of craftsman / trader that you NEED to make the Gift / has a component you need is in a random place everyday / every 6 hours (and I’m talking well off of the beaten track)? Maybe there’s a certain time of the day he comes out (changing of course everyday so everyone has a chance to get to him)?

This way, as opposed to just crossing your fingers / grinding gold, you actually have to go on a hunt for the things you need.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


My main issue isn’t the length or the prices, but rather the fact that so much of the process is out of my control.

Pretty sure 20 euros wouldn’t get you close to the current gold cost of a precursor.

That’s what I would be willing to pay for it at most anyway. I’d say that, compared to costumes and all, it’s a fair number.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


My main issue isn’t the length or the prices, but rather the fact that so much of the process is out of my control.

Pretty sure 20 euros wouldn’t get you close to the current gold cost of a precursor.

That’s what I would be willing to pay for it at most anyway. I’d say that, compared to costumes and all, it’s a fair number.

Then obviously acquiring a legendary is not for you.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


Also have a look at this topic:

There I suggest not to remove the current system but to add an additional system where you give ‘new’ Legendary weapons more based on skills. It should of course be very hard to get them but just making it random seems like the easy (and boring) way out.

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Then obviously acquiring a legendary is not for you.

So basically you’re saying that you deserve it more because you got lucky when you got it?

Personally, I don’t see what’s wrong with asking for a more stable way of getting the legendaries. I’m not asking for handouts at all. In fact, I’d prefer prices that are higher than the average cost with randoms over lower costs with randoms.

And it would REALLY help if the Temple event chain was fixed so it wouldn’t bug out all the time.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Remove randomness from legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Precursor should be in chests of certain (hardest) dungeons. Remember Crystalline sword from gs1? THAT WAS A RARE drop that could take you over 200 UWsc runs and u still wouldn’t get it from end chest. That sword stayed high as **** priced for 8 YEARS! If precursors drop rare is extremely low, the only thing it’ll do to the game is people actually doing the freaking dungeons and not being abandoned like they’re right now.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.