Remove the majority of waypoints
It’s exciting adventure to travel the1st time, the 2nd time, and so on. It’s a reason to quit the game entirely by the 30th time, 31st time, and so on. Seriously!
God, shut up about mounts already. They’re not going to do it. There’s no “Mystery and danger of exploration” if I run between two places as opposed to waypointing. If I have a waypoint, I’ve already explored the area. It’s not exploration anymore, it’s tedium.
This isn’t WoW. Stop trying to make it like WoW. If you want to play WoW, then go play WoW.
If you don’t want to use waypoints, then don’t. Just use the ones that are in a settlement if you feel like being adventurous.
yea you dont have to use way the waypoints, you can walk wherever you want to go. And stack speed increase stuff to go faster while you run instead of a mount.
Ha nice one….
Oh sorry you were not joking?
There’s really no need for the hostile responses guys. This is the suggestions forum, and people should feel free to make suggestions without being attacked, however I do understand people shouldn’t make multiple threads for mounts, as there already are alot.
Also I hate my user ID.
Enough with the mounts threads.
There’s really no need for the hostile responses guys. This is the suggestions forum, and people should feel free to make suggestions without being attacked, however I do understand people shouldn’t make multiple threads for mounts, as there already are alot.
Your last point is the exact reason people are hostile. If it was the first time a mount thread had come up, sure, it’d be more reasonable, but “mount thread density” is my typical metric for this forum
Please never listen to the OP on this subject.
Case and Point: If you explored the waypoint, walking there again is no longer exploration.