Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdgeorge.6839


First off: How many people actually use server guesting for what it is ‘meant’ for?
Going to another server to play with a friend who is over there/play on that server to see if you want to swap servers over there.

Seriously, the VAST majority of server guesting is people hopping from server to server killing dragons/world events for the chests. I don’t have a problem with that so much but it has gotten to a ridiculous level!

If I’m playing on my server and a guildie tells me “Hey, Jormag is up!” I head straight there… and put in an overflow server because of all the guesting redacted insults who are there.

We all know it happens, we know it’s talked about etc. so either get rid of server guesting, or make it that you can’t get a chest when you are guesting on another server.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: JennHighwind.2597


I’d like to second this suggestion. Take away the loot chest for people not on our server. I play on Tarnished Coast, and thanks to some reddit post people are always constantly coming to our server to do these events. It’s made them extremely un-enjoyable and almost disgusting to do now.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: OvenproofCorgi.8923


Maybe not turning guesting off, but something my boyfriend has suggested is making the timing on events the same for all overflows. That way if you do get stuck in the overflow you don’t have to sit there and wonder when a boss is going to be up.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: JennHighwind.2597


Oven has a good idea.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdgeorge.6839


The problem with that though is while I may get the kill still, the overflow might not have enough people.
Say the map has a cap of 50 people (random number) and 55 people join the map. 30 of them are there for the dragon, 5 of them are thrown to the overflow so there is only 5 people hunting the dragon in the overflow map.

Also there is the issue of not being able to kill the dragon with my fellow guild members who are already there, simply because of all the people guesting and I was forced into overflow when they weren’t/the other way around. (Yes you can get around that by partying up, but organizing that ends up being an extra hassle that just shouldn’t exist)

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dark Jackson.3417

Dark Jackson.3417

World Event guest = no loot = no longer gonna abuse mapping over and over running for event but if they want to help there friend to lvl Fine. This way no more abuse, happier world.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Here’s a thought. If a map gets full…and someone belonging to that server (TC in this case) joins th emap and someone is there that is guesting, the guest gets immediately forcably put back ont heir own server with the messege; “Map population limit has been reached and you have been removed from the guested server to make room for those who made that server their home, to prevent this move to that server perminantly if you enjoyed your time there.”

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: OvenproofCorgi.8923


I might be missing something, but what would be the point of NEEDING to do a boss or an event with your guild or with someone in your guild? Does the guild get points? Then I suppose it makes sense wanting to do the even with them, but if there is no reward for it, then it doesn’t matter. I have found no issue with being in a group with someone and then JOINING them in their map. But setting the timers the same might work. I realize that certain things need to come to fruition before the event can occur, but setting timers up at actual times of day would be great too.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Matroxion.9348


Why change? Guest Wars 2 FTW!!!

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdgeorge.6839


I still can’t figure out why this can’t be fixed.

The real benefit of being able to guest is only two small areas:
People who want to test out another server before transferring there (not that many fall under that category)
People who have friends on other servers and want to play with them.

Most other games don’t cater for either of them and it doesn’t really add much to be able to do that. If you have friends who are on other servers, either join them on that server/they join you… or just simply accept the fact you can’t play together.

I know that sounds harsh, but for every 1 person who is in that catagory, there is over 50 who are using guesting simply to get more loot from dragons.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Why prevent the feature from being used the way it was intended to be used for when the issue could be resolved in other ways? Surely, when things such as achievements are account based, it would be possible the change the event chests to only spawn once per account, instead of once per account in that specific instance. I for one use the guesting as a way of playing with friends on different servers, and would hate to see it gone because of something as silly as this.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


Why prevent the feature from being used the way it was intended to be used for when the issue could be resolved in other ways? Surely, when things such as achievements are account based, it would be possible the change the event chests to only spawn once per account, instead of once per account in that specific instance. I for one use the guesting as a way of playing with friends on different servers, and would hate to see it gone because of something as silly as this.

Agreed. Also, some people like me have odd playing schedules, where no 1 server is the best for all playing times So learning what servers are the best for what ever time I am playing has been a major help in being able to complete things in this game.

As far as I can tell home server is nothing more for then WvWvW stuff, for PvE stuff homeworld doesn’t matter at all, and everyone has the right to be on what ever server they are playing on irregardless of WvWvW home server.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: StoneAngel.7648


Second the idea to allow people to guest until population fills and someone on that server comes in, then remove guesters. There isn’t a good reason someone can’t do an event on their own server.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paradox.5498


I yet gotta see proof that the overflow at large events are caused by ppl guesting. If a couple of hundreds of ppl from our own server all come to the same zone to do an event, you get an overflow, simple as that. And hey, that’s exactly what’s happening (thanks to the predictable timers on bosses). I never guest and I don’t intend to do so, so I couldn’t care less if the whole feature is removed from the game. But I highly doubt it’d solve the overflow problem.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


nope -1
There is no proof whatsoever that your overflow servers at events are due to guesting any moreso than they are due to high home server population.

Guests or not, if you get enough people in one place, an overflow is created.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizalee.4593


I think they should make guesting work as it did at the start. You invited your friends into a group, then chose a location, Say Queensdale, you all go to the same location, but on different servers, and then hit “Join in Map” (or what ever it said)

You can play with your friends, but only with your friends, you can’t exploit World event chests as easily..

~ Rizalee – Human Mesmer ~
~ Rizzae – Asura Guardian ~
Tarnished Coast Server

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: georgessj.4198


how come this post isnt deleted like all the other about guesting

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


nope -1
There is no proof whatsoever that your overflow servers at events are due to guesting any moreso than they are due to high home server population.

Guests or not, if you get enough people in one place, an overflow is created.

Your kidding right, ok look Guesting is not the 100% problem here but it does lend a huge % to the overwhelming problem in due part to people exploiting the One chest a day. If players that were guesting could not loot a dragon chest on a server that was not their home server than I promise you a majority of the lag issue would decrease, not saying it would go away but it would decrease. To sit there and say that Guest have no impact on Overflow or lag for the events makes me believe two things..

  • Your a person that guest to exploit the one chest a day rule
  • Not really thinking about things logically

Yes there has been a larger influx of players to dragon events from the Home server it self, but when I do Sunless and someone ask who here is a guest and my screen spams something of the nature of, " ME I am a guest" leads me to believe that at least 40% of people at dragon events are there abusing the One Dragon chest rule. Now my numbers may not be accurate, which in fact it is probably more than 40% as there is a Youtube video of a guild that takes 47 people and guest on X server and runs the dragon events. Just saying you remove that ability at the least your remove 40% of the lag that is a huge step in helping correct the problem with Over flow and Lag issues

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I think they should make guesting work as it did at the start. You invited your friends into a group, then chose a location, Say Queensdale, you all go to the same location, but on different servers, and then hit “Join in Map” (or what ever it said)

You can play with your friends, but only with your friends, you can’t exploit World event chests as easily..

Not everyone has friends on other servers, in fact all my friends are on the same server. But I play at different times of the day, and there are servers that are better suited for a particular play time then others.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


nope -1
There is no proof whatsoever that your overflow servers at events are due to guesting any moreso than they are due to high home server population.

Guests or not, if you get enough people in one place, an overflow is created.

Your kidding right, ok look Guesting is not the 100% problem here but it does lend a huge % to the overwhelming problem in due part to people exploiting the One chest a day. If players that were guesting could not loot a dragon chest on a server that was not their home server than I promise you a majority of the lag issue would decrease, not saying it would go away but it would decrease. To sit there and say that Guest have no impact on Overflow or lag for the events makes me believe two things..

  • Your a person that guest to exploit the one chest a day rule
  • Not really thinking about things logically

Yes there has been a larger influx of players to dragon events from the Home server it self, but when I do Sunless and someone ask who here is a guest and my screen spams something of the nature of, " ME I am a guest" leads me to believe that at least 40% of people at dragon events are there abusing the One Dragon chest rule. Now my numbers may not be accurate, which in fact it is probably more than 40% as there is a Youtube video of a guild that takes 47 people and guest on X server and runs the dragon events. Just saying you remove that ability at the least your remove 40% of the lag that is a huge step in helping correct the problem with Over flow and Lag issues

So what about the people who need to guest in order to be able to actually participate and be rewarded for those events? Perhaps on their homeworld server there isn’t enough people, or happens at times they are not playing. Guesting helps these people out.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Imperatora.7654


nope -1
There is no proof whatsoever that your overflow servers at events are due to guesting any moreso than they are due to high home server population.

Guests or not, if you get enough people in one place, an overflow is created.

I realize the plural of anecdote is not “data”, but before guesting I might have seen a dragon overflow once or twice a week, and ONLY on peak hours. After guesting I’m only able to get into the main playfield once or twice a week, if I show up 30-45 min before the spawn window, and it’s 4:00am (seriously, last night I was up at 3:30 and got overflowed showing up before the spawn window on The Shatterer).

Something needs to be done. It’s to the point where I can’t even do events on my own server anymore.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Irsei.6802


nope -1
There is no proof whatsoever that your overflow servers at events are due to guesting any moreso than they are due to high home server population.

Guests or not, if you get enough people in one place, an overflow is created.

Your kidding right, ok look Guesting is not the 100% problem here but it does lend a huge % to the overwhelming problem in due part to people exploiting the One chest a day. If players that were guesting could not loot a dragon chest on a server that was not their home server than I promise you a majority of the lag issue would decrease, not saying it would go away but it would decrease. To sit there and say that Guest have no impact on Overflow or lag for the events makes me believe two things..

  • Your a person that guest to exploit the one chest a day rule
  • Not really thinking about things logically

Yes there has been a larger influx of players to dragon events from the Home server it self, but when I do Sunless and someone ask who here is a guest and my screen spams something of the nature of, " ME I am a guest" leads me to believe that at least 40% of people at dragon events are there abusing the One Dragon chest rule. Now my numbers may not be accurate, which in fact it is probably more than 40% as there is a Youtube video of a guild that takes 47 people and guest on X server and runs the dragon events. Just saying you remove that ability at the least your remove 40% of the lag that is a huge step in helping correct the problem with Over flow and Lag issues

So what about the people who need to guest in order to be able to actually participate and be rewarded for those events? Perhaps on their homeworld server there isn’t enough people, or happens at times they are not playing. Guesting helps these people out.

If there are servers like this… transfer to a higher pop server.. stop screwing us who are on a higher pop server by guesting our events.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


nope -1
There is no proof whatsoever that your overflow servers at events are due to guesting any moreso than they are due to high home server population.

Guests or not, if you get enough people in one place, an overflow is created.

Your kidding right, ok look Guesting is not the 100% problem here but it does lend a huge % to the overwhelming problem in due part to people exploiting the One chest a day. If players that were guesting could not loot a dragon chest on a server that was not their home server than I promise you a majority of the lag issue would decrease, not saying it would go away but it would decrease. To sit there and say that Guest have no impact on Overflow or lag for the events makes me believe two things..

  • Your a person that guest to exploit the one chest a day rule
  • Not really thinking about things logically

Yes there has been a larger influx of players to dragon events from the Home server it self, but when I do Sunless and someone ask who here is a guest and my screen spams something of the nature of, " ME I am a guest" leads me to believe that at least 40% of people at dragon events are there abusing the One Dragon chest rule. Now my numbers may not be accurate, which in fact it is probably more than 40% as there is a Youtube video of a guild that takes 47 people and guest on X server and runs the dragon events. Just saying you remove that ability at the least your remove 40% of the lag that is a huge step in helping correct the problem with Over flow and Lag issues

So what about the people who need to guest in order to be able to actually participate and be rewarded for those events? Perhaps on their homeworld server there isn’t enough people, or happens at times they are not playing. Guesting helps these people out.

This is not true, I already tried this out and went to a low pop server for one day I played there and even though I regrettably did as I am complaining about I did it to see if low population servers had people. The low population servers have enough people to do dragon events I visited the events as many times as I could in that time, around 4 of each of them, and 8 of the minor events. There were always plenty of players. So if your server is so bad farm up 30 gold and transfer to a medium or high pop server problem solved. But using the excuse " my server doesn’t have the pop to do events " is an excuse to exploit, as I did Jormag one night before the upgrade to the chest’s with 8 people took us a long time and we barely did it but it is possible. Great thing about Arena Net the made it so the Dynamic Events ( such as dragons ) adjust in difficulty to the amount of people there.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizalee.4593


I think they should make guesting work as it did at the start. You invited your friends into a group, then chose a location, Say Queensdale, you all go to the same location, but on different servers, and then hit “Join in Map” (or what ever it said)

You can play with your friends, but only with your friends, you can’t exploit World event chests as easily..

Not everyone has friends on other servers, in fact all my friends are on the same server. But I play at different times of the day, and there are servers that are better suited for a particular play time then others.

I’ m sorry to hear that.. But that is not the point of guesting to start with… Search the Wiki for Guesting and the very first line of the Wiki article says

“Guesting allows you to play with friends on other worlds in the same region without paying a fee.”

Like I said, I am sorry you have weird play time.. I often have odd play times too, and in fact just pulled an all nighter.. Didn’t stop me from completing any events I set out to do, the only thing it did stop me from doing was Fractals or Dungeons, but I use GW2LFG for that, and that is Region wide.

~ Rizalee – Human Mesmer ~
~ Rizzae – Asura Guardian ~
Tarnished Coast Server

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ash Flamerazor.8243

Ash Flamerazor.8243

How about always putting everybody that guests onto an overflow or even an instance instead of the ‘real map’ then making sure their friends can go join them in same overflow ? fixing cross server chest exploits might be useful too.

Or they can go back in time and design GW2 servers like GW1 was so we don’t end up in these weird overflow maps without knowing , thinking arah is closed when your just in an overflow because you were in LA overflow which nearly always happens because the limit on people is too small for a city, then having to pay a tonne of gold to transfer servers just because they aren’t integrated.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paradox.5498


nope -1
There is no proof whatsoever that your overflow servers at events are due to guesting any moreso than they are due to high home server population.

Guests or not, if you get enough people in one place, an overflow is created.

I realize the plural of anecdote is not “data”, but before guesting I might have seen a dragon overflow once or twice a week, and ONLY on peak hours. After guesting I’m only able to get into the main playfield once or twice a week, if I show up 30-45 min before the spawn window, and it’s 4:00am (seriously, last night I was up at 3:30 and got overflowed showing up before the spawn window on The Shatterer).

Something needs to be done. It’s to the point where I can’t even do events on my own server anymore.

The overflow problems did not occur at the same time guesting was introduced but coincided with the loot upgrade (dragons and other big world bosses almost guarantee rares now).

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


nope -1
There is no proof whatsoever that your overflow servers at events are due to guesting any moreso than they are due to high home server population.

Guests or not, if you get enough people in one place, an overflow is created.

I realize the plural of anecdote is not “data”, but before guesting I might have seen a dragon overflow once or twice a week, and ONLY on peak hours. After guesting I’m only able to get into the main playfield once or twice a week, if I show up 30-45 min before the spawn window, and it’s 4:00am (seriously, last night I was up at 3:30 and got overflowed showing up before the spawn window on The Shatterer).

Something needs to be done. It’s to the point where I can’t even do events on my own server anymore.

The overflow problems did not occur at the same time guesting was introduced but coincided with the loot upgrade (dragons and other big world bosses almost guarantee rares now).


Guests or not, when you have enough people in one place at the same time you will get an overflow.

The new loot from the world event chests is the culprit… not guesting.

I am in a guild with almost 400 active members… many of which are constantly doing world events.

I asked in guild chat out of curiosity how many people guest to another server to do world events.

You may be shocked, or in disbelief when I tell you that there was only one person (out of the 75 ppl online and representing at the time) that said they guested once to do shadow behemoth. Everyone else said they were doing all the events on our home server.

A lot of people did not see the point in guesting to another server for an event, simply because there are enough world events happening all over our home server at different times, that you rarely have enough time to finish one before you need to move to another.

In addition…

I present to you a scenario.

Red marbles = home world players
Green marbles = guests
bucket = server

You have a bucket that can hold 100 marbles.

the marbles can be any color.

Most of the time the bucket is close to empty…
but at a certain time of day, this bucket get filled with marbles

Once there are 100 marbles in the bucket, you can not put any more in and must put them into a different bucket.

This bucket will not fit any more than 100 marbles.

Even if you say “No more green marbles in this bucket”
You are still going to fill the bucket with red marbles when the time comes.

I would also like to add that I don’t even do the world events and definitely have never looked at a dragon timer… and if I do happen to be in the same zone as an event, its home world only.

(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katz.5143


From January 28 Update Notes:


Players may now log in to a world other than their home world as a guest.
On the character select screen, click the “World Selection” button.
Choose a world you would like to guest on and click the “Guest” button.
Select any of your characters and select “Play” to log in to the world you chose as a guest.

From February 26 Update Notes:

Reward Updates

-Credit for killing creatures is now easier to receive in situations when many players are attacking a single target.

-Increased the loot rewards on many world boss chests, including the chests in Orr temples and the dragon chests.

-Fixed a bug on certain world boss chests that was causing them to drop fewer rewards than intended. These chests can now only be looted once per day, to encourage players to fight multiple bosses and spread out across the world.

I’m not sure I located the first complaining threads about guesting. The oldest I was able to find was the merged thread and it said “7 days ago” for first post there.

I found a post about guesting that was 12 days old but it was asking that EU and US servers be allowed to guest with each other.

So if indeed, the complaining started approximately 7 days ago, then it followed shortly after the February loot update. Not shortly after the January guesting update. This indicates to me it is a loot update problem.

It is possible that I missed a post complaining about guesting that occurred before the February update. If so, I’m sure someone will point it out.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


I might be missing something, but what would be the point of NEEDING to do a boss or an event with your guild or with someone in your guild? Does the guild get points? Then I suppose it makes sense wanting to do the even with them, but if there is no reward for it, then it doesn’t matter. I have found no issue with being in a group with someone and then JOINING them in their map. But setting the timers the same might work. I realize that certain things need to come to fruition before the event can occur, but setting timers up at actual times of day would be great too.

Bounties might be a bigger issue than events with the overflow issue .

Lets say my guild pulls the bounties of Tricksy Trekksa,Devious Teesa and Crusader Michiele . This would be terrible luck if any of the dragons were in their window as all 3 of the bounties are in zones with dragon events so even if we had all 3 pinned there would be a high likelihood of missing it because of hitting an overflow.

As for the OPs view on most people only using guesting for the timers vs playing with friends I’d like to see their stats on that .

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I might be missing something, but what would be the point of NEEDING to do a boss or an event with your guild or with someone in your guild? Does the guild get points? Then I suppose it makes sense wanting to do the even with them, but if there is no reward for it, then it doesn’t matter. I have found no issue with being in a group with someone and then JOINING them in their map. But setting the timers the same might work. I realize that certain things need to come to fruition before the event can occur, but setting timers up at actual times of day would be great too.

Bounties might be a bigger issue than events with the overflow issue .

Lets say my guild pulls the bounties of Tricksy Trekksa,Devious Teesa and Crusader Michiele . This would be terrible luck if any of the dragons were in their window as all 3 of the bounties are in zones with dragon events so even if we had all 3 pinned there would be a high likelihood of missing it because of hitting an overflow.

As for the OPs view on most people only using guesting for the timers vs playing with friends I’d like to see their stats on that .

I don’t think anyone has a stat on it, but if you deny that Guesting to other servers to loot a dragon chest more than once a day is not happening, and that because of this it is contributing a good portion to the problem then your not thinking clearly or you do it your self. I would say anywhere form 40% to 60% of the Overflow/ Lag issues are because of guesting and exploiting the one chest a day rule. So if we were to remove the ability to gain Chest from guesting worlds and only make them available to your home world/ server, even you have to admit that a 40% decline in lag would be a nice thing.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: thekap.8645


I say get rid of timers and instance the events. You show up to where the event happens and you enter an instance to do the event. Maybe put a 50 player cap on the instance and treat the instance like an overflow where people from all servers pool into the same instances. So if you have a party of 5 people, all 5 people get thrown into the same instance. As far as pre events go you have 2 choices, either make the instance a large instance and have the pre events as part of the instance or make it so in order to enter the instance you have to have some sort of item obtained from doing an event.

Calidorne – L80 Ranger – Commander

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I say get rid of timers and instance the events. You show up to where the event happens and you enter an instance to do the event. Maybe put a 50 player cap on the instance and treat the instance like an overflow where people from all servers pool into the same instances. So if you have a party of 5 people, all 5 people get thrown into the same instance. As far as pre events go you have 2 choices, either make the instance a large instance and have the pre events as part of the instance or make it so in order to enter the instance you have to have some sort of item obtained from doing an event.

You realize that your idea would effectively stay with the You can only loot one chest per a day and solve the problem, although that is 10 times the amount of work to create and maintain this. Where you suggestion is good, why not just make Dragon and events chest only lootable on your home server, this would present them same solution and be a lot cheaper in the long run.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: mbh.8301


First off: How many people actually use server guesting for what it is ‘meant’ for?

Never, because it took so long to implement that all my friends stopped playing.

The only real solution to this is to have all world events be on a set timer and fill up districts of explorable areas as players get in. In other words: every area should be an outflow server.

Benefits: all servers experience the same level of activity when they go out on adventures AND nobody misses out on their dragon events.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: thekap.8645


The advantage to the instance based system is you lower the number of people doing the fight making it more interesting and challenging and it will also help with the culling issues that become present from so many people completing the event at the same time. I realize it would be more work and probably wouldn’t happen but i think that set up would make the fight more enjoyable as well fix the current problem.

Calidorne – L80 Ranger – Commander

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


Guesting serves a very important role – It equalizes the experience for all players regardless of their home server. I think people forget that the old system had issues as well – the largest and most potentially devastating of which was a lack of people at events on lower pop servers.

If you have to pick which of these two situations is best, the benefits of the current overflow system far outweighs the real past and potential future negatives that come with locking everyone off in disparate population servers.

That isnt saying the current system isnt without its flaws/is perfect – just that the solution isnt to turn the clock back and remove guesting.

I like the idea that someone posted about making the dragon/boss spawn timers universal between regular and overflow servers.

(edited by Blaeys.3102)

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Guesting serves a very important role – It equalizes the experience for all players regardless of their home server. I think people forget that the old system had issues as well – the largest and most potentially devastating of which was a lack of people at events on lower pop servers.

If you have to pick which of these two situations is best, the benefits of the current overflow system far outweighs the real past and potential future negatives that come with locking everyone off in disparate population servers.

That isnt saying the current system isnt without its flaws/is perfect – just that the solution isnt to turn the clock back and remove guesting.

I like the idea that someone posted about making the dragon/boss spawn timers universal between regular and overflow servers.

Look before hand in january the guesting was never an issue, the reason why we have an influx is because of the loot in the chest. So guesting didn’t fix low pop events, changing the loot changed low pop events, and exploit guesters ( people who guest to gain more than one dragon chest ) are the current problem, well part of the current problem.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: RJStrange.5613


I didn’t feel like reading through all the posts, but how about you restrict it guesting to people who are grouped with someone on that specific server? Or at least restrict getting access to the chest for people who are grouped with someone that actually resides on that server. Better yet, make it where people who are guesting, and are not grouped with a person that has that server as their home, they automatically get kicked to overflow when someone who actually lives on the server is about to zone in. Boom, problem solved. People who are guesting for the right reasons (to play with friends on other servers, or just want to check out a server) aren’t penalized.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kruttmusa.8364


The daily chest + guesting issue must be something overlooked by the devs due to the fact that it was partly implemented to encourage exploring other parts of the game.
I hope they realize it is not working as intended.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: jakalofnaar.1702


I fully agree with the OP. I have to say that I find these people highly annoying and am at the point where I feel these kinds of people should be treated along the same lines as bots.

The only solution I really agree with is to downright deny the guesters a chest after finishing an event on a server which is NOT their home server. This means people who actually use guesting for what it’s meant for can still enjoy the system.

Anet – make the fix, you know you should….

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


As long as it cost gems to change server guesting have to stay. And overflow in dragon events its annoying indeed. maybe they could sync the dragon spawn with the server you was in before that or something.

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Katz.5143


The problem is too many people at the events. It doesn’t matter where they came from.

They show up at the events because the loot is good and the time investment is short. So many people show up that if you are 1/10th of a second late you miss the event all together.

Rather than scapegoat guesting, it would be better to fix the underlying problems. Personally, I think more boss events with good loot and unique skins spread around all over the place might help. (why do people always look for a scapegoat to blame their troubles on? always, always they point and say THOSE PEOPLE CAUSED ALL MY PROBLEMS!!!!!! GET THEM!!!! All the old Frankenstein monster movies with the crowd running around with pitchforks and torches comes to mind.)

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: mbh.8301


I feel these kinds of people should be treated along the same lines as bots.

So you’re telling me that my options are pay 30g for a server swap, or be denied access to content because my server is a desolate wasteland?

Who are you? Some self righteous pver?
I can’t believe people are still talking about this.

Bottom line: everyone deserves access to the same content and to experience a populated world – not just for boring lagfest dragons.
Solution: make the world a giant overflow, so that everyone can made friendship bracelets with everyone else. Put dragons on a universal timer. Have pompous pver complain that nobody else should have access to things he does.

This thread needs to stop.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

Server Guesting must go! (Or change)

in Suggestions

Posted by: eisberg.2379


I fully agree with the OP. I have to say that I find these people highly annoying and am at the point where I feel these kinds of people should be treated along the same lines as bots.

The only solution I really agree with is to downright deny the guesters a chest after finishing an event on a server which is NOT their home server. This means people who actually use guesting for what it’s meant for can still enjoy the system.

Anet – make the fix, you know you should….

Considering that Guesting does not rely on having friends on the server you want to join on, like what was talked about before the release the game, tells me that guesting is not meant for “just” to play with friends.

Easier fix to the exploit is to fix the 1 chest per character, instead of 1 chest per server per character.