Solution for the Tequatl overflow issues
I would be behind this. Simple and effective.
In fact, even simply numbering overflows would solve some organization issues
I would be behind this. Simple and effective.
In fact, even simply numbering overflows would solve some organization issues
I agree completely. Their idea is incredibly simple, but it would solve so many issues…
I would be behind this. Simple and effective.
In fact, even simply numbering overflows would solve some organization issues
So true. I had forgotten about how easy it was to get a full party of 12 into the same channel in GW1 to do one of the harder missions or dungeons as a unit. That channel system was fantastic!
GW2 now stands for Guest Wars 2.
This is by far the Best idea I’ve seen so far +1 here.
While your solution sounds good on the surface, there’s a bigger problem with Teq. The difficulty is so bad that people are having to guest to have a shot at beating him. If you aren’t on a very populated server your chances are basically nill.
Everyone is guesting at Blackgate. so they are overloaded. Every other server doesn’t have enough people. The guesting is just a symptom, the difficulty is the problem. Only having a shot when the server is full to overflow is not practical.
I would like to know what overflow I am in, so I like your idea anway. The AFk is a problem too. (like you said.)