(edited by Daecollo.9578)
50% of Non Critical hits are glancing blows (50% damage); Lowers the targets Critical Chance by 20%. stacks duration.
Why? It should be a direct opponent of fury, in PvP if classes have high critical chance, it completely negates weakness.
Increases damage the target takes by 2% for each stack. Vulnerabilty stacks up to 25 times. Characters suffering from vulnerability have a shattering shield appear on themselves when the condition is applied.
Why? Protection grants 33% Damage Reduction, and its not something that stacks, its immeditate, Vulnerability should be a direct counter to protection, and not many classes have access to High Vulnerability.
Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%; Movement speed decreased by 50%; stacks duration.
Why? Crippled should decrease endurance and not weakness, if your crippled your not going to be dodging all over the place.
Involuntary retreat; unable to act; Deals damage every second; stacks duration.
Why? Not many people fear or can fear for very long, it should have something else added to it, however nothing else really fits it besides damage, I mean, being afraid can cause damage to yourself, especially when your trying to get away, just not much.
Movement is backwards; Next outgoing attack misses; stacks duration.
Why? If your blind, how can you see where your going? The condition needs to apply a lot more melee pressure, and since it goes away immediately after you hit your target its fine.
Can stack in intensity up to 25 times and each stack does one pulse of damage per second. If you get 25 stacks of bleeding, all bleeding is removed and replaced with a new uncurable condition called “Open Wound.” which stacks up to 25 times, this lasts as long as the 25 stacks of bleeding was applied for, and does the same amount of damage as 25 stacks of bleeding.
Why? Because Open Wounds hurt.
I’m done for now!
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
In some cases your assertion is that all conditions should exist in a way that they counter whatever their correlating boon is, which is silly because that’s what enchantment removal is for.
In other cases your logic makes no sense:
Blind being random dodges: are you telling me that a blind person can’t tell the difference between rolling backwards, forwards, or sideways? That’s….wrong.
Your open wound condition is grossly overpowered. Once you get to maximum damage on bleeds your damage magically doubles? I think that 25 ticks per second is quite enough.
Your suggestions to fear already exist, I think.
Cripple: being crippled doesn’t make you tired. Dodges consume energy. Energy is lacking when you are weak. Semantically, this adjustment is unnecessary.
Many conditions suffer from redundancy which is something I find more annoying than their perceived strength. Fears, knockdowns, blowouts, and dazes (unless i’m forgetting one) all do the same thing.
fear doing damage is also a necromancer trait.
In general the only condition I personally think is a bit weak is poison, in pve its almost useless (though understandably the heal reduction is much better in pvp)
the only condition I personally think is a bit weak is poison, in pve its almost useless (though understandably the heal reduction is much better in pvp)
Things you hear in pvp:
“this guy is screwed, he has poison”
This condition is probably about as good as immobilize.
To be honest though, most conditions are bad in pve. Dungeon bosses have .002% condition duration, and you want to defeat other enemies as fast as possible. Of course, this really only applies to conditions whose express purpose is damage since spamming weakness and blind is still good in the short term.
the only condition I personally think is a bit weak is poison, in pve its almost useless (though understandably the heal reduction is much better in pvp)
Things you hear in pvp:
“this guy is screwed, he has poison”
This condition is probably about as good as immobilize.To be honest though, most conditions are bad in pve. Dungeon bosses have .002% condition duration, and you want to defeat other enemies as fast as possible. Of course, this really only applies to conditions whose express purpose is damage since spamming weakness and blind is still good in the short term.
Bosses have never shortened my conditions and I’ve never heard anything stating that they shorten conditions.
I think Fears are so short, that doing dot damage and with the trait that makes it do more damage, it would still be balanced, just not so… temporary.
Taking your suggestions point by point:
50% of Non Critical hits are glancing blows (50% damage); Lowers the targets Critical Chance by 20%. stacks duration.
Response I’ve always thought weakness should lower criticals that one can deliver. Weakness is almost laughable in PvP as almost everyone builds for crit chance since so much of the game is triggered on crit. Plus it makes sense. Though I think it should be changed to “50% of Critical hits are normal hits”.
Problem of a flat 20% chance subtraction is max crit builds could care less and mid crit builds would have it shut down. In addition those normal shots would be further reduced into glancing blows… so too powerful on the mid to low end, too weak still on the high end.
Increases damage the target takes by 2% for each stack. Vulnerabilty stacks up to 25 times. Characters suffering from vulnerability have a shattering shield appear on themselves when the condition is applied.
Response Taking debuffs as a view of a counter to buffs is not necessarily the right way. What is the buff to counter poison’s lowered healing? I do think it should be boosted, but I also think that serious testing to see balance in PvE, WvW and PvP should be investigated before considering.
Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%; Movement speed decreased by 50%; stacks duration.
Response Completely agree that this makes sense. However this is most of the power of Weakness – knocking dodge regen down is strong. Cripple is a common and often spammed debuff while weakness is not. Are you sure you want to be unable to dodge in PvE? Think about the implications of the fact that many classes can keep you perma-crippled… this would change the PvP field greatly. Just think this would make Crippled too powerful.
Involuntary retreat; unable to act; Deals damage every second; stacks duration.
Response No. This is already a trait of Necromancers, and it’s pretty powerful to boot. Also if fear is unremovable, you suddenly create a broken control move – it already stops your weapon/heal skills. Add in the power it has in mass when used with the environment, and this move is fine.
Involuntary Dodging; Movement is backwards; Next outgoing attack misses; stacks duration.
Response No. Makes no sense and would make the move OP. Seriously, if you closed your eyes and you tried to walk forward, you would walk backwards instead? Being blind would make you miss, not lose control of your body.
Can stack in intensity up to 25 times and each stack does one pulse of damage per second. If you get 25 stacks of bleeding, all bleeding is removed and replaced with a new uncurable condition called “Open Wound.” which stacks up to 25 times, this lasts as long as the 25 stacks of bleeding was applied for, and does the same amount of damage as 25 stacks of bleeding.
Response The only “concern” with bleed is that it is too common. Every class has massive access to bleed, so the second it’s a party, there is always wasted bleed. The fact that it is unclear how conditions are ‘knocked off’ makes it a bigger pain. Is it first come first out, so new conditions knock off the oldest? Are conditions just not applied? Is there some kind of prioritization (which is possible considering how condition duration stacks trigger)? The solution isn’t odd converting debuffs, but a look at the stacking limits.
Yeah, but the reason they don’t raise the 25 cap is because of lag, honestly in big events bleed is useless because its constantly capped, this would make it cap at 625 bleeds instead of 25, but with so much less lag, Open Wounds is basicly just 25 bleed stacks, this way bleeders arn’t losing so much DPS.
Open Wounds =
62 + (12.5 * Level) + (1.25 * Condition Damage) per stack per second
Its equal to roughly 25 Bleeds.
For balance reasons, Open Wounds only affects PvE mobs and not players.
In big events, bleed condition damage is mostly useless, this would make it “not so.” useless.
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
I think your Open Wounds idea is interesting, sensible, and would reduce the tediousness of big boss fights. I also agree with the change to weakness, since as it stands I find it to be kind of a weak condition.
I disagree with your suggestion for Fear. I dealt with that kind of “unbeatable” fear with the Spiritmasters in Aion, who would turn you into a spirit and send you running in the opposite directions, during which you could do nothing to save yourself. It was incredibly overpowered as PvP cc, especially partnered with allies that could take the opportunity to knock the victim’s brains in. A lot of people also used it for pure trolling purposes, which was as aggravating as it was amusing. I have no desire to see that kind of fear again.
Nostalgic QQ aside, I also disagree with you ideas for Cripple and Blind—although I do think they’re interesting—and my reasons are the same as Drawing Guy’s: there is too much access to cripple, and blind wouldn’t necessarily turn you into a Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Man.
50% of Non Critical hits are glancing blows (50% damage); Lowers the targets Critical Chance by 20%. stacks duration.
What happens to opponents that have less than 20% critical chance before Weakness?
Also, the flat reduction isn’t balanced as some classes have permanent access to Fury, while others don’t.
Movement is backwards; Next outgoing attack misses; stacks duration.
Way too imbalanced. Any class that has easy access to blind would be ridiculously powerful.
And how would this condition cope with skills that have a leap or a teleport? Would they teleport to the opposite direction? Would a Leap turn into an evade?
Can stack in intensity up to 25 times and each stack does one pulse of damage per second. If you get 25 stacks of bleeding, all bleeding is removed and replaced with a new uncurable condition called “Open Wound.” which stacks up to 25 times, this lasts as long as the 25 stacks of bleeding was applied for, and does the same amount of damage as 25 stacks of bleeding.
Rather problematic, because of how bleeds work.
Right now, when you see 25 stacks on a boss, what is actually going on is tons and tons of smaller amounts of bleeds, each with their own duration.
If Bleeds don’t apply while Open Wounds is up, then Open Wounds is obviously hardcapped at 1 stack and cannot increase in duration either. And what would happen is that the boss would get Open Wounds for a few moments, during which bleeds would do zero damage, after which it would go away and the bleed stacks would start over from 0. So the end result would actually be reducing the damage of bleed builds, because they constantly have to reapply from 0 stacks.
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