I was thinking of how thief with rifle might work and here’s what I came up with. Tell me how it sounds ’mmkay?
1. 1200 range basic attack
-Cripples from behind, slow fire rate but relatively high damage
-Maybe up to 50% projectile finisher chance
2. AoE blast finisher
-Scatters caltrops in the affected area
3. Cheap 3 shot burst
-Less damage per shot than basic attack but overall more DPS
-20% projectile finisher chance
4. Evade backwards and shoot
-Stealth if the shot connects, 600 range tops
-Negligible damage
-100% projectile finisher chance
5. 1500 range execution shot
-More damage to low hp enemies, you can’t move when channeling
-100% projectile finisher chance
-Maybe even make the skill so that it gets interrupted if you get hit during the channel but is also unblockable?
From stealth:
Fire two regular bullets at the same time
-Gain quickness for a few seconds if you hit enemy in the back
-100% projectile finisher chance
Hard to say without seeing the new thief how much exactly would the skills cost but idea being that 2 and 3 skills would be quite cheap, 4 and 5 would be expensive.
Idea behind this kit is to try and keep enemy away with the caltrops, try to dish out as much pain as possible with 3 while still managing your initiative and kite around with the 4 skill, then finish enemy off with quickness + execution shot from stealth. You’d be somewhat weak against other enemies at range if they can have any deflections or just higher damage at 900+ range. It would be hard to finish off enemies that are in melee and not fleeing away as you can’t safely execute them. You might think that the evade + stealth is a bit OP but do note that the stealth won’t activate if your shot misses, gets blocked, gets evaded, is out of range or whatever, leaving you with a big initiative deficit and open for punishment.
Traits could let you upgrade the rifle shots to penetrate target, say master tier in critical strikes