This game needs PvP Arena
No, this would just make queuing for the current 5v5 slower.
Anet has themselves in interviews said that they have been looking a e-sport for their PvP, which feels more like it’s geared towards e-sport? sPvP and tournaments or WvW? ^^
WvW feel more complex and require something more than simply an ability to kill enemy. sPvP feels more torunament because did you EVER saw tournament match bigger than 5v5? It’s not because 5v5 is more skillfull. It’s because hosting more people would be problematic. If there would be tournaments that cover 50v50 people then we would watch Red Orchestra matches instead of Counter Strike. Not to meniton it’s way easier to gather 5 people than 50 (and way easier to command, require alot less organization and discipline) – also it’s easier to track spoils of this team-chain.
(edited by Marrond.1385)
I’d like to point out to those who never played GW1, that arena play was a vital part of its PvP world.
All those wondering about “gear grind”: In GW1, you could make a max-level toon with max-level armor and all the bells and whistles (except looks) that any other player had, at the character creation screen, in order to PvP right away.
The RA (Random Arena) was a place you could go if you didn’t have time or desire to form a team, but you wanted to PvP in 4v4 format. The queue was short, the rewards negligible, but the return was great fun.
In addition, it’s a no-pressure way to be introduced to PvP. I know my first foray into PvP ever in my life was at RA. (Do NOT ask me how it went! O god I shudder to think…) It’s where you learn the basics for more competitive play.
One problem, as some have pointed out, was when you would end up with 3 out of 4 team members as heals. In GW2 we don’t have to worry about that.
I would simply LOVE to see RA back again.
Arena was a mistake in WoW (Blizzard admits this), and has no place here. In short, no.
I think it would be fun, and all the people who think arenas would suck, how would they take away from your enjoyment of the spvp? They wouldn’t be a requirement. If you don’t like arenas don’t play them, but don’t say they shouldn’t be in the game just because of some weird selfish desire you have to not play arenas.
Arena was a mistake in WoW (Blizzard admits this), and has no place here. In short, no.
You’re about the 20th person to say this. Unless you’re just the same person saying this in this thread. What has WoW or Blizzard to do with bringing back RA?
Arena was a mistake in WoW (Blizzard admits this), and has no place here. In short, no.
Well WOW is very unbalanced. You have op flavor classes, annoying stunlocking rogues, and healers that heal forever and run around pillars to heal…
Guild Wars 2 is a completely different beast. It would be two dps/ or maybe 1 dps/semi support guy going head to head in a clash of who is stronger. I don’t see why they couldn’t make it work better than WOW. Improve on it instead of just disregarding it.
ye totaly agree for arena i want it
So you basically want to be able to outgear and hardcounter certain classes in order to feel “pro”? Please go away.
Exactly what i was gonna say. If you want WoW, play WoW, but leave that trashy game outta this one!
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support “arena” PvP being the event we balance PvP around at all, but I think throwing two teams into a gladiator style arena like in WoW or other games like Bloodline Champions would be awesome to pass the time and an alternative way to PvP.
absolutely +1!
This game has so much potential in both PvE and PvP that almost every idea would work.
Arenas was something I really enjoyed back in WoW. Only one thingkitten me off: I was always undergeared. In this game gear wouldn’t be a problem and class balance three weeks after launch is better than WoW could ever achieve. They’re just making each class more and more OP after each other.
Another +1, gief arenaz
Also agreeing that arenas could easily be detrimental to the game by creating highly situational balance issues that impact the rest of the game negatively. It’s one thing to nerf something that generally is overpowered and another to nerf something only because it is broken in a very specific environment (arena.)
“Put 4/6/whatever people in a box and watch ’em go at it” should not be a high priority.
Aaaand we have people who have no clue what arena is or how it works voting against it.
First, inform yourself before joining the discussion. Second, if you don’t like it, don’t play it. Third, if there are people who do like it, they should be able to play it.
Live and let live.
So you want a game where , time played> actual skill? Please. The conquest pvp the devs have made so far is good for now and I do hope there will be more modes, just not your stupid WoW arena.
There is no competitiveness unless everyone is on equal playing fields. WoW and many games like WoW are in no way competitive once you put a gear grind in.
Who ever mentioned gear grind and time played??
And the skill you speak of – you mean mesmer clones, thieves guild and rock dogs galore?
I seriously don’t understand people opposing an ADDITION to the game, an idea to implement variety while not taking away the already existing features.
So what has been said over and over – if you don’t like it don’t play it. Stay in WvWvW or tPvP. Why shouldn’t people who enjoy Arena and CTF modes be able to enjoy themselves?
The answer is that there is no real reason. You are just selfish people who want to impose their own personal taste upon others. No, I haven’t played WvWvW and I won’t because I think it’s a terrible form of PvP. Do I come here and bash it? No I don’t, I can simply NOT play it.
But I do want to play Arenas.
Arena was a mistake in WoW (Blizzard admits this), and has no place here. In short, no.
Ehh, you have no idea what you’re talking. WoW’s PvP shouldn’t be compared to GW2…
If anything you should be comparing the PvP to the first GW.
Arena PvP was an important part of GW1, and it should be as well in GW2.
I would like to see 5v5 Random Arena back and 2v2 ranked like in wow. I really feel that ranked is important because it gives hardcore pvpers something to achieve.
As for gear grind keep it yet make it different imo. Instead of grinding rating for gear with better stats make it new skins for armor and weps. That way you get a high rating..people see your fancy skins from it and know your a good pvper and in the end I think thats what every pvper wants is to stand out and try to be the best.
Thanks for posting and supporting the topic.
I would love to see a deathmatch syle arena like in WoW.
Like someone said, its the only thing i miss.
To all of you saying no. grow up and just don’t play it. But a majority are wanting this. I would also like a system of arena pvp or deathmatch or w/e ARENAnet wants to call it for that matter. But seriously we need dueling in the game as well as deathmatch/arena 3v3 4v4 and maybe 2v2 and 5v5.
I would also like to see some innovative styles of PvP excluding capture the flag and all the known style of battleground style PvP. something that can make gw2 unique as well
No, this would just make queuing for the current 5v5 slower.
Umm not if it actually atracts the bored WoW players after one month into MoP that they realize it is S-H-I-T
There is absolutely nothing from WoW pvp that GW2 needs
There is absolutely nothing from WoW pvp that GW2 needs
I admire your in depth knowledge and understanding of what GW2 needs. I personally vote that ANet enlist you on their payroll.
There is absolutely nothing from WoW pvp that GW2 needs
This would not actually be an idea from WoW… it would be an idea from GW1.
Signed. I’d love to see it aswell. The zergy nature of the current pvp modes get somewhat tiresome.
There is absolutely nothing from WoW pvp that GW2 needs
I admire your in depth knowledge and understanding of what GW2 needs. I personally vote that ANet enlist you on their payroll.
How is him saying it differ from everyone else? The fact it isn’t the same opinion as yours?
These kind of arenas, similarly were in gw1, and in wow they were awesome (except the gear part that people are ferociously whining, which is simply fixed by like in BGs, everybody having equal gear available) ..and then again who has a problem with it doesn’t need to play it.
Stop mad rage and think bout what generally people want, not only selfishly cause arena wasn’t balanced in wow.. ;/
Yeah, I totally agree. I Love the arena fighting and that style in GW2 would be awesome.
ps: I vote for duels too ^^
I dont see the problem , as long as Arena gets NOTHING plus the present SPvP gives.
If the rewards are EXACTLY the same , then it is fine , pick the one you like the most and go for it.
What i hated about WoW was how the arena players felt especial and gear other PvP stuff came from it.
YES, but no gear grind, wtf why would you want that lol, everyone ends up even anyway.
so you want to play arena on 2v2 with 2 guardians? and in 3v3 with 3 guardians? and on 4v4 with 4 guardians? and 5v5 with 5 guardians?
get a life sir, or l2p
Deathmatches were the staple PvP of GW1. It’s really strange that they left it out of GW2.
agree add arena
You mean more SPvP game types like WoW’s arena battlegrounds.
2v2, 5v5, arena fight with ladders and rewards. game needs bad. current pvp is a joke
I think everyone who has done a fair ammount of pvp in this game can tell you that there are some big balance issues. I’m pretty sure if they introduced arenas tomorrow, in a week you would see all the top teams full of maybe 3-4 of the best pvp classes.
??? – probably anything that can throw alot of CC to set up for theif/mesmer burst
Without conquest game mode, we would see less necros (aoe not needed as much), probably no eng or ranger (yes they are capable of spike almost compareable to theif but lack survivability in glass builds) and probably no Guardian. ALthough they do still have strong CC ability and survivivablilty.
In short, I would hate for them to release arena before addressing balance issues. a 3 theif vs 3 theif arena sounds like a horrible thing to watch.
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry
Game is a broken mess then. Back to WOW all.
Game is a broken mess then. Back to WOW all.
I actually play wow and gw2. Let me tell you that the only thing wow has going for it over gw2 is loads of extra content and features, which GW2 will get with time. Also better class balance (although you wouldn’t think so if you read THEIR fourms) which again, GW2 will get better with time.
Playing other games while I wait for GW2 to become the amazing game it has the potential to be.
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry
Just as long as you don’t need special gear for it.
Arena with armor/weapon skins rewards, the best compromise!
Arena with armor/weapon skins rewards, the best compromise!
Add some unique titles or mini pets…and im in. sounds great.
I think everyone who has done a fair ammount of pvp in this game can tell you that there are some big balance issues. I’m pretty sure if they introduced arenas tomorrow, in a week you would see all the top teams full of maybe 3-4 of the best pvp classes.
??? – probably anything that can throw alot of CC to set up for theif/mesmer burstWithout conquest game mode, we would see less necros (aoe not needed as much), probably no eng or ranger (yes they are capable of spike almost compareable to theif but lack survivability in glass builds) and probably no Guardian. ALthough they do still have strong CC ability and survivivablilty.
In short, I would hate for them to release arena before addressing balance issues. a 3 theif vs 3 theif arena sounds like a horrible thing to watch.
It would almost never be 3 thieves dominating in arena. Just because you think thief is good, 3 thief would dominate in 3v3’s? That’s a simple minded and a short sighted way of looking at it. Guardians would definitely have a place thanks to the great buffs and survivability (last time I checked, survivability helps you get people back up) and necros would also do fine thanks to their great survivability and corrupt boons for those darned stability.
c9 style arena ty
Arena play is always partial to what classes synergize well, so no thanks.