Town Clothes as Activity Armor?
Hmm, idk dude. It might be too much fun. I can only handle a certain amount of awesome in one day.
Appearance slots. Like.. um.. GW? or nearly every other major MMO?
Appearance slots. Like.. um.. GW? or nearly every other major MMO?
I think the reason why GW2 doesn’t have appearance slots is because of transmutation crystals.
Also I hate my user ID.
What do you guys think is a good fix for town clothes (aside from “Make them usable in combat” as everyone suggests all the time).
Maybe if you’re dressed like a dapper chapper Npcs react to you differently? =P
You could be all inconspicuous, or get discounts. I know wearing town clothes gives you a speed boost.
Also I hate my user ID.
I spent quite a bit of time thinking about Town Clothes and how to change them to cultivate the social community ArenaNet attempted (and failed miserably) at.
It’s a good idea, though, if they were gonna put any further support whatsoever in supporting the mini games. They’re not though. :/
I like to think its a 2-birds with one stone solution, but it does require activity revamps, queuing with friends and leaderboards are what activities REALLY need right now.