Trading Post filters

Trading Post filters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Is it possible to add filters for Light/Medium/Heavy armor? It’s a serious pain when you are looking for a slotpiece of gear and it comes up with 900 results. By making it possible to filter out the other 2 types of armor, you’d get 1/3 results and spend 1/3 of the time in searching, making it less of a pain and easier to skim through skins.

Also, would it be possible to add filters for:
1) Dyes: unless you have looked up the color you want with the correct name, you can’t sort dyes depending on their tint. It would be cool if you could filter out dyes, like, only blue dyes or only red dyes etc.
2) Back pieces: you can currently look them up only using some particular keywords

Thanks for your attention

Trading Post filters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509

Vitus Dance.4509

Is it possible to add filters for Light/Medium/Heavy armor?

+1 just for this alone

Trading Post filters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ophin.8205


Is it possible to add filters for Light/Medium/Heavy armor? It’s a serious pain when you are looking for a slotpiece of gear and it comes up with 900 results. By making it possible to filter out the other 2 types of armor, you’d get 1/3 results and spend 1/3 of the time in searching, making it less of a pain and easier to skim through skins.

I agree with this. It is a real pain to browse among all types of armour.