Visible Drop
You need to go to your options and hit auto pickup. Then you don’t have to always hit the pickup button.
The icon for the item you pick up appears on the left of the screen, above the mini map, and remains there for a few seconds. One can easily look to see what has been picked up there.
Eh I think what he meant by Visible Drop was that…after you kill an enemy the items drop around his corpse, i.e. you can visually SEE them.
He sounds like a Runescape player to me lol. Tbh this idea is not needed and would only create a lot of work for Anet. They would have to create every single item pics sitting on the ground……and every time they add new items they would have to update those too and add to that drop list. That or they would lower the variety of dropped items from creatures which would then make combat/rewards even more boring….
Again I say not needed. Like someone else said, you SEE what you get as an icon on the side of the screen when you pick them up.
The problem I think you are having when you say “you hardly pay attention to what you get, until your inventory is full and you need to merch stuff” is because even when you get the best drops (gold/oranges) they are not so great because they are not worth “millions” or so much like they can be in other games.
Eh I think what he meant by Visible Drop was that…after you kill an enemy the items drop around his corpse, i.e. you can visually SEE them.
From the OP:
“I would like to instantly after I killed something/someone see what I just got. Lying on the ground. Next to the corpse. Not even the item itself, just the title of the items.”
Since this is what I read, this is what I reacted to.
I don’t understand why you need the name of said item next to the corpse. Just open your bag and see what you have if you missed it above your mini map.
Okay, some clarifications:
The item on the ground is not what I wanted, no work there, just the title next to the glowing corpse. I know, I can see the items on the right sight with auto pickup enabled (don’t know why you shouldn’t have it enabled) . And of course I can see what I have in the bag. That’s not the point. It was more due to the fact that you’re batteling let’s say several enemies, the first one is dead, the second one, and you then already see “Yay, rare item” or “Nice, 50copper”.
Right now it’s only “glowing corpse, glowing corpse, glowing corpse, glowing corpse, F, F, F, F …. ahaa… hmmm…. ok…unspecified amount of copper… aha”
Especially after events the corpses are literally everywhere and there is just a certain number of items that will be displayed at the same time.
In fact nothing would change for the game mechanics, it just adds a slight tension and thrill whenever something nice drops. But seems like I’m the only one missing this.
Hmmm you know what? At times it can even be difficult seeing all the piles of glowing loot laying around, especially after large battles and theres still bodies all over the place. Add to this the glowing colour also sometimes sems to blend into the ground colour it seems or maybe again it’s the dead bodies. So the other day I was thinking of this and thought back to GW1. There if I remember right the glow was more white and if you hovered your mouse over the pile it would display the name of the item.
Perhaps an idea similar to this would be close to what you want. After all if you are in a large battle and focused on the killing you may miss all the named items pop up even if it was in the middle of the screen.
Let me add to this old thread, volkuul seems to mean the written title of what dropped in its specific colour displayed on the floor. Compare it with the ancient diablo2 loot feeling… He seems to be conservative, but I admit that I Iike the written amount of gold on the floor
ANet, please ignore this thread. In GWs we could see the drop and it was announced in the chat bar. It got to the point that most people simply did not bother to pick up thier drops. I like this method better in that respect. I do wish it was easer to see a drop from underwater foes.