Why I can't talk with invaders?
Right click → report → get account name → message
because in real warfare you do not speak to the enemy you hunt him down and kill him. if you were in WW2 would you stop to ask: hi there, what’s your name ? nice weather we having today huh ? NO you would get shot or stabbed before you even finished saying HI !
because in real warfare you do not know who you’re fighting his name or rank and no soldier cares to know these things about the enemy, only thing a soldier needs to know is: there is the enemy go destroy him and claim victory for your homeland.
Just imagine this, we all have friends on different servers so you go to WvW and you see him and instead of killing him you cooperate with him. That right there is just wrong for WvW, and creates a lot of traitors !
So, no, we do not need to speak to the enemy or know his name or rank, only thing that matters is, he’s your enemy destroy him !
Right click -> report -> get account name -> message
if this is true it should be disabled….!!!
You can’t talk to invaders because that would encourage betrayal in war – People telling the server’s tactics
They made WvW feel too much like PvE imo. They all even have generic armor skins. Would be nice to at least see their names to know who you’re up against.
because in real warfare you do not speak to the enemy you hunt him down and kill him. if you were in WW2 would you stop to ask: hi there, what’s your name ? nice weather we having today huh ? NO you would get shot or stabbed before you even finished saying HI !
because in real warfare you do not know who you’re fighting his name or rank and no soldier cares to know these things about the enemy, only thing a soldier needs to know is: there is the enemy go destroy him and claim victory for your homeland.
Just imagine this, we all have friends on different servers so you go to WvW and you see him and instead of killing him you cooperate with him. That right there is just wrong for WvW, and creates a lot of traitors !
So, no, we do not need to speak to the enemy or know his name or rank, only thing that matters is, he’s your enemy destroy him !
Uhhh I would think in medieval days if two melee fighters came up to each other in 1v1 combat on a side road words would be exchanged. Why would you compare this game to WW2 when people were firing rifles @ +100 meters and wouldn’t be able to talk to their enemy. lol
And since you want to compare this to real war. You think US soldiers and Iraqi soliders don’t yell at each other in a CQB situation? Of course they do. Do they understand each other? Probably not.
Hate it or not World of Warcraft had an awesome solution to talking in combat that is actually more realistic. Having opposing sides speak different languages.
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”
because in real warfare you do not speak to the enemy you hunt him down and kill him. if you were in WW2 would you stop to ask: hi there, what’s your name ? nice weather we having today huh ? NO you would get shot or stabbed before you even finished saying HI !
because in real warfare you do not know who you’re fighting his name or rank and no soldier cares to know these things about the enemy, only thing a soldier needs to know is: there is the enemy go destroy him and claim victory for your homeland.
Just imagine this, we all have friends on different servers so you go to WvW and you see him and instead of killing him you cooperate with him. That right there is just wrong for WvW, and creates a lot of traitors !
Everything you mentioned actually happened – and I guess it sometimes still happens – in “real warfare”. No matter how much they want us to believe otherwise.
(While admittedly, it is hard to see your enemy’s name on a drone remote control display. It’s hard to tell a wedding from a military convoy on that thing, let alone to read someone’s name tag.)
And honestly, if someone has a problem to fight a friend in a computer-generated environment, they might be doing something wrong.
All I’m saying is, anonymity is a very important very exciting part of WvW Why for the love of G would you want to ruin it. It’s not just the traitor mentally I’m concerned about. Like you said enemies irl abuse each other verbally, that right there is one of the things I do not miss at all, the verbal abuse is already out of hand on your own side if all of a sudden you could speak to the enemy it’d turn into a flame swearing war every time someone loses a duel or is ambushed by a thief the swearing starts. And loads of people will get banned because of it.
So in summary NO we do not need to speak or know who the enemy is.
if all of a sudden you could speak to the enemy it’d turn into a flame swearing war every time someone loses a duel or is ambushed by a thief the swearing starts. And loads of people will get banned because of it.
But you already can speak to the enemy….
You obviously haven’t read A-Net blog articles about WvWvW. They said that you would be able to ally with other server in orer to defeat the 3rd one. Seems like they either forgot or resigned from it. It’s a shame as it would add interesting twists to WvWvW matches (arent u tired with fighting servers that always win?).
I think some form of communication should be implemented.
You obviously haven’t read A-Net blog articles about WvWvW. They said that you would be able to ally with other server in orer to defeat the 3rd one.
Why do you need to communicate with them for that? Just don’t attack the other ‘losing faction’.
And to the OP, there’s emotes.
You can’t talk to invaders because that would encourage betrayal in war
– People telling the server’s tactics
for that u need only guild chat or TeamSpeak and 1 man on enemy server
Just imagine this, we all have friends on different servers so you go to WvW and you see him and instead of killing him you cooperate with him. That right there is just wrong for WvW, and creates a lot of traitors !
How do you play soccer,basketball with your friends ?
Like you said enemies irl abuse each other verbally, that right there is one of the things I do not miss at all, the verbal abuse is already out of hand on your own side if all of a sudden you could speak to the enemy it’d turn into a flame swearing war every time someone loses a duel or is ambushed by a thief the swearing starts. And loads of people will get banned because of it.
this is only the one side of the coin, what about the good side ?
(edited by pierwola.9602)
ya cant so it stops scumbag cheats. /thread
To the OP… think for 1 second of all the kitten talk that would go around if you could talk to the enemy… Its already horrible for fps (Thats why I don’t play em much anymore). This isn’t realwarfare, but it does have real players so more than likely there will be kitten talk as always and the potential for traitors would also pose an issue.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Having fought a number of PvP battles in City of Heroes/Villains where you can choose to turn off opposite faction chat, it is fun. For every jerk who started in with the “kitten you kittening kitters!” talk, you had 20 people with “Well fought!”, “We’ll get you next time!”, “Hey so and so, let’s dual, who wants to be our seconds and keep people from interfering?”
I miss that sort of shared camaraderie, even if it was with my enemy. This seems to be yet another case of “there might be a jerk, so we better not include it”.
I miss that sort of shared camaraderie, even if it was with my enemy. This seems to be yet another case of “there might be a jerk, so we better not include it”.
There will be a jerk, so its better not included. And its not just about jerks its about traitors giving away positions to the enemy. Its not like you can pk traitors… O.o
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
There will be a jerk, so its better not included. And its not just about jerks its about traitors giving away positions to the enemy. Its not like you can pk traitors… O.o
you say this as if either of these things are currently being prevented by the system.
There will be a jerk, so its better not included. And its not just about jerks its about traitors giving away positions to the enemy. Its not like you can pk traitors… O.o
you say this as if either of these things are currently being prevented by the system.
i know one thing
this “noname system” decrease my potential friend list by 2/3 and i I don’t understand why
The World is Not Black and White
(edited by pierwola.9602)